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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Watty

Watty Çeviri İspanyolca

127 parallel translation
And you just call me Watty.
Llámame Watty.
Watty. How about a drink?
Watty. ¿ Qué tal una copa?
L've heard no woman can resist you, Watty.
He oído que no hay mujer que se te resista, Watty.
Watty, you have lovely hands.
Watty, tienes unas manos preciosas.
- would I, Watty?
-... ¿ verdad, Watty?
- Be firm, Watty.
- Firmeza, Watty.
Thank you, Watty, I didn't even think of that.
Gracias, Watty, no había pensado en eso.
You know, Watty, I sometimes think you're only marrying me for my money.
¿ Sabes, Watty? A veces creo que solo vas a casarte conmigo por el dinero.
- Come, Watty.
- Vamos, Watty.
Bessie Watty is the name.
- Bessie Watty es el nombre.
- It's a fine big kitchen, Watty.
- ¿ Todo bien en la cocina, Watty?
- We'll have tea, Watty, whenever you're ready.
- Tomaremos el té cuando esté listo, Watty. - De acuerdo, señorita.
Would you please put these in water? - I?
Watty, ¿ podrías poner las flores en agua, por favor?
- My Greek books arrived, Watty.
- Llegaron mis libros de griego, Watty.
¿ Bessie Watty?
This is a very important day for her, Watty.
Es un día muy importante para ella, Watty.
- Why, Mrs. Watty, your own daughter?
- ¿ Por qué, Sra. Watty? , es su propia hija.
Do you know what has happened to Bessie Watty?
¿ Sabe que le ocurrió a Bessie Watty?
- Watty will fix you something.
Debes estar hambriento. - Vamos, Watty te servirá algo.
Oh, Watty, it would be fantastic.
Oh, Watty, no podría.
But, Watty, you're the grandmother.
Pero Watty, tú eres la abuela. Seguramente...
Bessie Watty...
Bessie Watty...
I'll help you, Watty.
Te ayudaré, Watty.
Bessie Watty and I are going to get married as soon as we can.
Bessie y yo nos casaremos tan pronto como podamos.
- Yes, Watty.
- Si, Watty.
It's me, Watty.
Soy yo, Watty.
Hey, Watty!
¡ Eh, Watty!
Our tea, Watty!
¡ El té, Watty!
Oh, come on, Bessie Watty, what is this dying doubt business?
Vamos, Bessie Watty, ¿ qué es todo este rollo de morirse?
Watty's talked about sending her away into service.
Watty comentó lo de mandarla a servir.
- Bessie Watty, a schoolgirl?
- Bessie Watty, ¿ una niña?
- But, Mrs. Watty, your own daughter.
- Señora Watty, es su hija.
I hope so, Watty.
Eso espero, Watty.
Bessie Watty and I are gonna get married as soon as possible, and that is final.
Bessie Watty y yo nos casaremos cuanto antes, y no se hable más.
- He did, but Uncle Watty refused.
- Sí, pero tío Watty se negó.
Why do you think Major Plank let Uncle Watty have it for £ 5?
¿ Por qué crees que el Mayor Plank dejó a tío Watty llevársela por 5 libras? ¿ 5?
When your uncle, Tom Travers, was over here, Uncle Watty told him that he'd spotted it on this fellow Plank's mantelpiece, and had told Plank that it was worth practically nothing, but that he'd give him a fiver for it.
Cuando tu tío, Tom Travers, estuvo por aquí, tío Watty le dijo que lo había visto en la repisa de la chimenea de Plank, y que había dicho a Plank que no valía prácticamente nada, pero que le daría 5 libras por ella.
Oh, Uncle Watty.
Oh, tío Watty.
Uncle Watty's given Harold a vicarage.
Tío Watty le ha dado a Harold la casa parroquial. - Oh.
They say, " Watty Watts you're a smart man.
Me dicen, " Eres un hombre listo.
When I was a young boy... my granddaddy, who had been a professional bounty hunter, he said to me, " Watty only two things you need in life to get by on this planet.
Cuando era niño... mi abuelo, quien era cazarrecompensas profesional... me dijo, " Watt, para sobrevivir en este mundo se necesitan dos cosas.
I'm Watty Watts.
Yo soy Watty Watts.
Stop that Watty Watts.
Deja eso, Watty.
Watty Watts.
Watty Watts.
We didn't think so, Watty.
No lo pensébamos, Watty.
Can you take care of her?
¿ Puede guardarla, Sra. Watty?
Bessie Watty.
Bessie Watty.
Why, Miss Watty.
- ¡ Srta. Watty!
- Mrs. Watty!
- ¡ Srta. Watty!
Watty. Have you tended to Morgan's luggage?
- Watty ¿ has cogido el equipaje de Morgan?

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