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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We'd love to have you

We'd love to have you Çeviri İspanyolca

212 parallel translation
We'd love to have you.
- Nos encantaría su compañía.
You can stay here, we'd love to have you.
Puedes quedarte, nos encantaría.
- We'd love to have you. - Liar.
- Nos encantaría que vengas.
Nos hemos trasladado a nuestra casa de verano, y nos encantaría que vinieras a vernos.
- Naturally, we'd love to have you.
- ¿ Si quieres ir con nosotros?
Well, we don't have it in stock right now... but I'd love to discuss the idea with you, and if you like it... -
Bueno, no lo tenemos en stock en estos momentos... pero me gustaría discutir la idea con usted, y si le gusta -
If you care to postpone your travel to Poland we'd love to have you stay with us for time.
Si quisiera posponer su viaje a Polonia-- - nos gustaría que se quedara con nosotros una temporada.
- We'd love to have you stay, doctor.
Nos encantaría que se quedara, doctor.
We'd love to have you come.
Nos encantaria que fuera.
Mr Stewart, i'd love to spend the rest of the day... trying to outmanoeuvre you but we have work to do.
Sr. Stewart, me gustaría pasar el resto del día intentando sacarle ventaja,... pero tenemos trabajo que hacer.
- We'd love to have you.
- Nos encantará que nos acompañen.
Look, we'd love to have you with us, Jeff.
Te queremos con nosotros, Jeff.
We'd just love to have you.
Queremos estar contigo.
And we'd love to have you with us.
Nos gustaría que viniese.
But of course, we'd love to have you stay.
- Ya se la enseñaré yo, pero nos encantaría que se quedase.
We'd love to have you, Sarge, but they need you here.
Nos encantaría llevarle, sargento, pero le necesitan aquí.
We'd love to have you, Louise and Mr. Gregson for dinner but that won't guarantee that my mother-in-law will be there.
Nos encantará que tu, Louise y el Sr. Gregson vengan a cenar pero no te garantizo que mi suegra esté allí
We'd love to have you for dinner as soon as we get set up.
¿ Cenar? Nos gustaría que viniera en cuanto nos organicemos.
We'd love to have you, wouldn't we, Mother?
Nos encantaría, ¿ no es verdad madre?
We'd love to have you come.
Nos gustaría mucho que vinieran.
We'd love to have you here, wouldn't we, Bobbie?
Estamos encantadas de tenerte aquí, ¿ verdad Bobbie?
Oh, yes, we'd have to live there most of the time, true. But you'd love the lochs and the moors,... and we'd travel.
Tendríamos que vivir en Escocia, pero adorarás los lagos y los páramos.
We'd love to have you.
Me gustaría invitarlo.
We'd love to have you there... but the doctors simply don't allow little boys in hospitals.
Nos gustaría mucho pero en los hospitales no admiten niños.
The eighth of next month we're having some guests over for cards we'd love to have you and Lady Wendover join us.
Por cierto, el día ocho del próximo mes vamos a formar unas mesas de juego. Nos encantaría poder contar con vuestra presencia.
We'd love to have you.
Nos encantaría tenerlo aquí.
If you'd like to come, we'd love to have you.
Si quieren venir, nos encantaría que nos acompañaran.
Well, anyway, we'd love to have you join us.
Nos gustaría que nos acompañaran.
And if you change your mind, we'd love to have you, sir.
Y si cambia de opinión, sería un gusto cada pareja. En esta primera visita.
We'd love to have you.
Nos encantaría que vinieran.
[Switek] So the guy told me, "Hey, Stan, we'd love to give you more money, but we don't have any."
Stan, nos encantaría darte más dinero, pero no podemos.
- We'd love to have you, Hi.
- Nos encantaría, Hi.
Jeremy? If you're still out there, why don't you come back in? We'd love to have you.
Está bien, lo prometo.
- We'd love to have her. - Oh, gosh, yeah. When you go for an audition or- - or you go shopping, or- - or whatever.
Eso, cuando vayas a un casting o de compras o quieras estar sola.
I went round to my girlfriend's house to see if they'd have her back and what have you and he wasn't there, so I had a word with her mum and one thing led to another and we ended up making... making love in the back of my van.
Volví a la casa de mi novia para ver si ella había regresado. No estaba allí, así que hablé con su mamá. Una cosa llevó a la otra y terminamos haciendo... haciendo el amor en la parte de atrás de mi camioneta.
I'd love to help you, but we just don't have any.
Me encantaría ayudarlo, pero no tenemos.
We'd love to have you.
Nos encantaría.
- We'd love to have you.
- We'd love de tenerte.
When you have some money, we'd love to see you.
Cuando tenga dinero, nos encantará verla.
- We'd love to have you. - Thank you.
- Desearía tenerte aquí.
She made a meal and we gonna be eating, so I figured if you not doing anything for dinner, I know we'd love to have you, if you want to come over for dinner.
Mi familia se va a reunir para cenar y..... vamos a comer, así que si no tienes nada planeado nos gustaría que vinieras.
We'd love to have you over for dinner.
Que vinieras a cenar.
- and we'd love to have you.
Stop by often. We'd love to have you, back.
Pues cuando vengáis os daremos el mejor servicio.
Well, Jerry, we'd love to have you back anytime.
Jerry, nos encantará tenerte de vuelta cuando quieras.
But we'd love to have you on board.
Pero será un gusto tenerte a bordo.
But we'd love to have you take on the job, if you're willing.
Pero nos encantaría que aceptara el trabajo, si está dispuesto.
You know, I never knew you were so bothered by this, Pacey because I'd hate to think I have to choose. I mean, Benji and I have so much in common. We love to talk about books and authors and we're both big opera fans not to mention our legendary man troubles.
Oye, no sabía que te preocupaba tanto Pacey porque detesto que me obliguen a elegir, lo cierto es que Benji y yo tenemos mucho en común, nos gusta hablar de libros, los dos adoramos la ópera,
We'd love to have you on the Javier House board.
Nos encantaría tenerlo abordo.
Well, when you have a free night, we'd love to have you two over for dinner.
Cuando tengas una noche libre, nos encantaría invitarlos a cenar.
We'd love to have you here.
- Nos encantaría que vinieras.

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