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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We'll be late

We'll be late Çeviri İspanyolca

720 parallel translation
He'll kill her if we don't get to her. We must not be too late.
- La matará si no la ayudamos.
Oh, Phillip, we'll be late for the theater.
Vamos a llegar tarde al teatro.
We'll be late.
Llegaremos tarde.
Hurry up or we'll be late.
Date prisa Genarillo, date prisa, que llegamos tarde.
We got to do something or it'll be too late.
Debemos hacer algo o será demasiado tarde.
We'll be late for church.
Llegaremos tarde a la iglesia.
Come on, we'll be late for work.
Llegaremos tarde al trabajo.
Come on, or we'll be late
Yo sí me entiendo.
We'll be late. - Yes.
Llegaremos tarde.
You must hurry and get dressed or we'll be late for the Lindens.
Vístete rápido o llegaremos tarde.
We really must finish your packing, David or we'll be late for the party at school.
Hay que hacer la maleta, David o llegaremos tarde a la fiesta.
We'll be late for the concert.
Llegaremos tarde al concierto.
Hurry or we'll be late for our bridge party.
Llegaremos tarde a la partida de bridge.
We'll be late for the theater.
- ¿ Sí, Mary? Llegaremos tarde al teatro.
We'll be late!
¡ Llegamos tarde!
We'll be very late.
Estamos muy retrasados.
We'll be awfully late.
Estamos terriblemente retrasados.
We'll be late.
Debiste vivir en la Edad Media.
- If Mr. Clinton comes, tell him we'll be late.
Si viene el Sr. Clinton dile que regresaremos tarde.
We'll be late for the train.
Estaremos tarde para el tren.
It'll be late before we're in London.
Llegaremos tarde a Londres.
An air raid. I told you we'll be late.
Un bombardeo, se los dije.
- lf we don't hurry, we'll be late.
- Si no nos apresuramos llegaremos tarde.
Biff, if we don't hurry, why, we'll be late for the show.
Si no nos damos prisa, llegaremos tarde al espectáculo.
Come on, we'll be late.
Llegaremos tarde.
We'll be late for mass.
Laura, llegaremos tarde a la misa.
Hurry now, my sweet. Or we'll be late for Mass.
Date prisa o llegaremos tarde a misa.
- We'll be late for church.
- Llegaremos tarde a la iglesia.
- Then we'll be late.
- Bueno, sí.
- Kitty. Kitty, we'll be late.
Kitty, llegaremos tarde.
And come on, we'll be late for school.
Y vamos, llegaremos tarde a la escuela.
- We'll be late for the meeting.
- Llegaremos tarde a la reunión.
- 9 : 45. We'll be late.
Llegaremos tarde.
I'll tell you what, it's too late for begue's - oh, no. We ain't gonna drive around to be seen and followed by that texas.
No seguiremos paseando para que nos siga el texano.
We'll be late for the theater.
Llegamos tarde al teatro.
Make it fast, make it fast... We'll be late for the mass.
Rápido, rápido... si no, llegamos tarde a la misa.
- Come on, we'll be late. - Right.
- No he tenido la oportunidad.
Come on, we'll be late.
Vamos, llegaremos tarde.
We'd better go we'll be late at Chateau.
Tenemos que irnos o llegaremos tarde al castillo
We'll be there late Friday or early Saturday.
Llegaremos el viernes o el sábado.
- We'll be back late, around 10 : 00 p.m.
- Volveremos después de las 22 : 00.
It's too late. We'll be seeing you.
- No, es muy tarde.
George, we'll be late.
- George, llegaremos tarde.
Come along now, or we'll be late for the king's birthday.
Vamos o llegaremos tarde al cumpleaños del rey.
- Come on, Trina, we'll be late.
- Ah, pero Peter no ha llegado.
We'll be late getting back if we don't make up for lost time and a lot of us will lose the harvest contracts back home.
Hay que recuperar el tiempo perdido. Si no volvemos a tiempo a nuestro pueblo, muchas perderemos el contrato para la cosecha.
We'll be late for the fights.
- Llegaremos tarde.
Hester! We'll be late!
Hester, nos atrasaremos.
Hey, we'll be late for school!
¡ Llegaremos tarde al colegio!
Don't wait up, we'll be late.
Y no esperéis, volveremos tarde.
Swear it. - But, we'll be late...
- Que llegamos tarde...

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