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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We're going to go

We're going to go Çeviri İspanyolca

2,057 parallel translation
If someone doesn't go in there and close that door, We're all going to die.
Si no entra alguien y cierra esa puerta todos vamos a morir.
We're not going to let him go.
No lo dejaremos escapar.
I know what we seen with our eyes, but if we just go back that way, we're going to find out your fairy tale come true.
Yo sé que lo vimos con nuestros ojos... pero si regresamos... vamos a descubrir que tu sueño se hizo realidad.
We fired 72 this morning, and we're going to go for 96 next week.
Esta mañana disparamos 72, la semana próxima aumentaremos a 96.
We're going to go for a drive.
Daremos un paseo.
We're going to drive around the block. - Just go.
Un paseo por la manzana.
All right, we're just going to go for a ride around the block.
Todo bien. Solo daremos una vuelta por la manzana.
Here we go. We're going to the birthday party.
Aquí vamos, hacia la fiesta de cumpleaños.
Okay we're going to go make love You have fun
Bueno vamos a ir a hacer el amor, que te diviertas
Right now we're going to go to the house.
Ahora vamos a ir a casa.
We're going to go out.
Vamos a salir.
This is my grandson, Murray, and today, we're going to go buy a scooter.
Éste es mi nieto, Murray. Y hoy iremos a comprar un escúter.
- We're going to go live to the scene now - and stay on the story.
Ahora transmitiremos en vivo desde la escena.
If we can't get to Carol directly, we're going to have to go through her doctor.
Si no podemos llegar a Carol directamente, vamos a tener que hacerlo a través del doctor.
Let us go. We're all going to die.
Quítanos las esposas o todos moriremos.
So, we're going to go down later this week. Why don't you come along?
Nosotros iremos esta semana.
We're going to go march to that Confederate monument downtown, and we're going to tell that old soldier it's time for him to come down.
Vamos a marchar al monumento de la Confederación, y le diremos al viejo soldado que es hora de que baje.
We're going to have to go in to Dingle.
Tendremos que ir a Dingle.
Hold on man, we're going to go crabbing now.
Hermano, asegúrate ahí que nos vamos a desarmar, ahora.
We're going to go to a hotel downtown.
Vamos a ir a un hotel, en el centro.
If you're going to be pussies about this, we can turn around and go back.
Si se van a acobardar, podemos dar la vuelta y regresar.
We're going to go to San Francisco.
Iremos a San Francisco.
And we're not going to go crazy here.
Y no vamos a enloquecernos.
Let's go. We're going to that call.
Vamos a responder a ese llamado.
Today, uh, we're going to go over the basics of anxiety disorders.
Hoy vamos a hablar para los trastornos psicológicos.
Well, we're not going to go shoot anybody.
No vamos a disparar a nadie.
Okay, we're going to go upstairs for a photo with Rebecca.
Vamos arriba a sacar unas fotos con Rebecca.
Then we're going to go down for a press conference.
Luego bajaremos para la rueda de prensa.
We're going to go this way.
Vamos por aquí.
You are going to resign from your job, you're going to pack your bags and you are going to leave town immediately. Okay. And if you ever make contact with our daughter again, we go to the police.
Desde casa. ¿ Puedo hablar contigo un momento?
Tomorrow, we're going to go and rob your dad's bank.
Mañana vamos a ir a robar el banco de tu padre.
Now listen closely, we're all going to go to bed now because the ghosts will be out soon.
Y ahora, escuchadme bien. Ahora iremos todos a la cama, porque pronto saldrán los fantasmas.
No - while I pay damon a visit, You're going to go pay cash for a motel room, And you're gonna sit tight until we come get you.
No, mientras yo le hago una visita a Damon, tú vas a pagar en efectivo una habitación de hotel... y te vas a quedar quietecito hasta que vayamos a por ti.
We're not going to go to the police or anything like that.
No, no. No vamos a ir a la policía o algo parecido.
Now, we're going to go home and sit tight and wait for our instructions from the kidnappers.
Ahora iremos a casa y esperaremos instrucciones de los secuestradores.
Dhruv is going to Mumbai tomorrow and We're going as Well. You didn't tell me anything about our plan.. .. to go to Mumbai.
Dhruv va a Mumbai mañana nosotras tambien nos vamos no me dijiste nada acerca de nuestro plan de ir a Mumbai.
We're going to have to let you go.
Vamos a tener que dejarte ir.
We're going to go up to Bob Shaye and say,
¿ Qué podríamos haber dicho?
We're really going to have to go for it now.
Vamos a tener que laburar duro ahora.
You know, Sal, we're going to go to El Cholo's for enchiladas, bro.
- Vale. ¿ Sabes, Sal?
So... We're going to have to go to that ball.
Así que vamos a tener que ir a esa fiesta.
We're going to go after Caroline.
Iremos tras Caroline.
And if you just - if you let us go, I promise we're not going to tell anyone what you're doing here.
Y si tu tan solo, si tu nos dejaras ir, te prometo no le diremos a nadie lo que esta haciendo.
So we're going to let go together? Yes?
Vamos a soltarlo juntos, ¿ vale?
We're going to go back to Dallas, televised.
Volvemos a Dallas. Van a televisar el concierto.
Tune in next time where we're going to be still loving life and getting ready to go to war.
Sintonicen a la próxima en donde seguiremos amando la vida y preparándonos para ir a la guerra.
All right, we're going to go around to the east and go around.
Bien, vamos a ir alrededor hacia el este y rodearlo.
The same time, the same dope rhyme, because we're going to be still loving life and getting ready to go to war.
La misma hora, la misma rima intoxicante porque seguiremos amando la vida y preparándonos para ir a la guerra.
We're going to go to the beach.
Estamos por ir a la playa.
We're only going to Bernard Street, but maybe you could go round once or twice, cos we don't want to be noticed.
Nosotros vamos a Bernard Street, pero tal vez podrías dar unas vueltas, porque no queremos que nos noten.
You're not going back to war. We all go to war in different ways.
Bueno, todos estamos en guerra de formas diferentes.

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