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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We're going to help you

We're going to help you Çeviri İspanyolca

222 parallel translation
I believe you, and we're going to help you. Come on, girls.
La creo y la ayudaremos.
Maybe we'll call it a... a league, maybe something else, but whatever it is, that's what you're going to France for, and with the help of God, that's what you're going to get.
Tal vez lo llamemos " una liga, o de otra forma. Pero sea lo que sea...,... para eso van a ir a Francia. Y con la ayuda de Dios, espero que lo consigan.
What are we... lf you're going to help a man, you want to know something about him, don't you?
¿ Que vamos a... Lo primero que hace falta para ayudar a un hombre es saber algo de él, ¿ no?
We're going to help you.
Vamos a ayudarla.
We're going to do everything we can to help you, but you've got to help, too.
Haremos todo lo posible para ayudarle, pero necesitamos que nos ayude.
Don't worry, brother, we're going to help you.
No te apures, hermano, nosotros te vamos a ayudar.
We're going to help you out.
Te ayudaremos a salir de aquí.
And we're going to help you in every way that we can.
Y nosotros te ayudaremos en todo lo que podamos.
We're going to help you.
Te ayudaremos.
We're going to help you.
Vamos a ayudarle.
We're going to help you.
Vamos a ayudarle. ¿ No queda nadie?
If we're unable to recall them I'd say we're going to have to help you destroy them.
Si no somos capaces de hacer que vuelvan entonces les ayudaremos a destruirlos.
We're going to help you.
Vamos a ayudarte.
We're going to help you and Maaga and the rest to get to the Rill spaceship.
Vamos a ayudarle a usted, a maaga y al resto para llegar a la nave espacial Rill.
Hal, we're going to help you.
Hal. Te vamos a ayudar.
If your parents say so and you know how to tie a knot. Hear that? We're going to help the doctor find the pink sea snail.
La sesión se aplaza a mañana para investigar el robo del sombrero.
We'll forget about the stuff... if you're reasonable and going to help us.
Nosotros nos olvidaremos del material... si eres razonable y nos ayudas.
If we're going to help you transfer the Dynotrope back to your own planet, what's going to happen to us?
Si vamos a ayudarle a transferir el Dynotrope de vuelta a su propio planeta, ¿ qué va a pasar con nosotros?
If you don't help us, we're all going to die!
Si no nos ayudáis, todos moriremos!
We're going to help you, and you're going to help yourself.
Nosotros te ayudaremos y tú te ayudarás.
When we go in you're going to help us negotiate.
Cuando lleguemos, nos ayudarás a negociar.
We're gonna go meet him at that old temple on the hill. And he is going to help you.
Iremos a verlo a un templo y te ayudará
If you don't help us we're all going to die.
O nos ayudas o nos morimos.
We're all going to help you.
Todos estamos dispuestos a ayudar.
You know what, we're going to need a lot more help.
Sabes qué, vamos a necesitar mucha mas ayuda.
We can't help you if you're just going to run away.
No podemos ayudarte si simplemente sales corriendo.
We're going to help you!
Venimos a ayudaros.
You deserve to be chief of police... and I'm going to do everything I can do to help, and... because we're brothers, and...
Te mereces ser jefe de policía... y haré todo lo posible por ayudarte... porque somos hermanos y...
And we're going to help you in every way we can, aren't we, honey?
Y nosotros vamos a ayudarte en todo lo que podamos, no es así, cariño?
We're going to help you, Baron Daguerre.
Vamos a ayudarte, barón Daguerre.
Dad, since you did help Brandon buy his car, I assume that we're going to share it.
Papá, dado que ayudaste a Brandon a comprar su auto asumo que vamos a compartirlo.
We're going to help you.
Venimos a ayudarte.
- Gloria, we're going to help you.
- Vamos a ayudarle, ¿ de acuerdo?
Well, we're not even sure that you're going to need his help, Mr. Lake.
No estamos seguros de que vaya a necesitar esa ayuda, Sr. Lake.
We ´ re taking over this dome... and you guys are going to help us fix it.
Vamos a tomar este domo... y ustedes muchachos nos van a ayudar a arreglarlo.
If I could pop in here for a second, I think that what Mel is trying to communicate here... is that no matter where we are in our lives, especially if we're adopted... we can't help but feel that there's something missing- - that there's something out there that's going to make us feel... complete, give us a sense of belonging, connectedness if you will.
Si puedo hacer una pausa aquí de un segundo, pienso que lo que Mel está tratando de comunicarles... es que no importa donde estamos en nuestras vidas, sobre todo si somos adoptados... no podemos ayudar pero está la sensación de que falta algo... que hay algo afuera que va a hacernos sentir... completos, que nos dará un sentido de pertenencia, una conexión si usted quiere.
We're not going to help you make more slaves.
No vamos a ayudarlo a crear más esclavos.
If you don't help to keep things on the level, each leader is going blame the other, and soon we're all buying headstones.
Si tú no ayudas a mantener las cosas en su lugar, cada líder va a culpar al otro, y pronto todos estaremos comprando lápidas.
We're going to have peace in this land, and the two of you are going to help bring it about.
Vamos a tener paz en esta tierra, y ustedes dos van a ayudarme con eso.
Now we're going to show Pilgrim here how to help you get on him.
Ahora vamos a enseñarle a Pilgrim, como ayudarte a que lo montes.
We're just going to help you, that's all.
Descuide. Sólo la ayudaremos. Emma.
If we don't find him, so help me, you're going to be grounded for a month.
Si no lo encontramos vas a estar castigado por un mes.
Yeh, and now we're going to make sure you get the help you need.
Si, y ahora vamos a asegurarnos de darle toda la ayuda que necesite.
Bueno, ¿ y ni siquiera nos vas a ayudar vendiendo refrescos en el baile?
We're going to help you.
Vamos a ayudarlo.
And we're not gonna be able to help you unless you can tell us what's going on.
No podemos ayudarte si no nos cuentas qué pasa.
We can both help each other, but you're going to have to be willing to listen to me.
Podemos ayudarnos, pero vas a tener que escucharme.
It's what we're going to do, and you're going to help us.
Es lo que haremos, y usted nos ayudará.
Look, Crais, we're all going to die if you don't help us.
Mira, Crais, vamos a morir todos si no nos ayudas
We're not going to help you.
No vamos a ayudarte
Tuvok, if we're going to help you, we need to find out.
Tuvok, si vamos a ayudarte, necesitamos saber todo.

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