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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We're going together

We're going together Çeviri İspanyolca

1,237 parallel translation
Now we're going to land this together.
Ahora, vamos a hacer que aterrice juntos.
We're going to be together again.
Vamos a estar juntos nuevamente.
We're going to live together. In the meantime, I've rented a little studio.
Vamos a vivir juntos y mientras tengo un estudio.
We're not going to live our lives together and die together.
No vamos a vivir y morir juntos.
We're going away together, you and me, Abraham.
Nos vamos los dos.
This is it, baby. We're going out together.
¡ Se acabó, moriremos juntos!
But it's over now, because we're going in... together.
Pero ahora se acabó, porque vamos a entregarnos... juntos.
We're going out together.
Estamos saliendo juntos.
We're going to put together a small team.
Vamos a formar un equipo, pequeño.
Whatever comes along... we're going to stand here and face it together... shoulder to shoulder.
Lo que venga... vamos a estar aquí y afrontarlo juntos... hombro con hombro.
Okay, we're going to have to take this whole room apart... including the accelerator and you can have Gyro Gearloose here glue it back together.
Bien, vamos a tener que desmantelar esta habitación y el laboratorio y luego le podrá pedir al amigo que ponga las piezas en su lugar.
Anyway, we're going into business together.
Comenzaremos un negocio juntos.
After all, we're not going to be together again like this for a long time and... I was just getting used to this.
No vamos a poder abrazarnos durante una larga temporada y me estaba acostumbrando a ello.
We're going to be together.
Vamos a estar juntos.
We're going to be so happy together.
Vamos a ser muy felices juntos.
And since we're going to a dance and we're all going together, then, you know... maybe I'll get to spend some time with Blake.
Y ya que vamos a un baile y nos vamos todos juntos, entonces, ya sabes... Tal vez tenga que pasar algún tiempo con Blake.
We have no idea of the dangers we're going to face, but one thing is clear : Both crews are going to have to work together if we're to survive.
No tengo idea de los peligros que confrontaremos pero una cosa es clara ambas tripulaciones van a trabajar juntas si es que queremos sobrevivir.
- You spent all your money then you took mine to get high! - We're going together, Alex.
- ¡ Nos iremos juntos, Alex!
The work that we are going to be doing here in this room we're gonna be doing together.
El trabajo que estaremos haciendo aquí en este cuarto lo haremos juntos.
The only help we're going to get is from each other and if we don't start pulling together we're finished.
Debemos ayudarnos. De lo contrario, estamos acabados.
We're going to get through this together.
Superaremos esto juntos.
You're very kind to offer, but I didn't mean we'd be going together.
Gracias por ofrecerte, pero no quería decir que fuéramos juntos.
Okay, you show me where. We're going to go there together.
Muéstreme dónde.
You'll have to tell her that we're going to be together again.
Vas a tener que decirle que vamos a estar juntos de nuevo.
If we get caught, we're going down together.
Si nos pillan, vamos abajo juntos.
Anyway, the reason I called is if we're going to work together -
La razón por la cual te llamé es que si vamos a trabajar juntas... debemos conocernos.
But if we're going to find Esmeralda, we have to work together.
Pero para encontrarla habremos de trabajar juntos.
We're going to take a nap together.
Nos vamos a dormir juntas.
We're going to get together tonight.
Nos veremos esta noche.
We're going to ride together soon enough.
Pronto cabalgaremos juntos.
Now er together we're going to demonstrate the philosaphy of the river and the rock.
Ahora vamos a hacer una demostración de la filosofía del río y la roca.
Oh... it looks like we're going to be in here together for a long time.
Creo que vamos a pasar mucho tiempo juntos aquí.
It seems we're going to be working together.
- Parece que trabajaremos juntos.
Creo que haremos una comedia juntos.
We're going to handle this together, but with your high blood pressure, I need you to relax right now, okay?
Lo haremos juntos, pero con tu presión, debes calmarte.
I told you we're going to finish this together.
Terminaremos esto juntos.
Listen, Stanley, we're going to be spending a little time together.
Escucha, Stanley, vamos a pasar un rato juntos.
We're going to make beautiful music together.
Juntos haremos cosas maravillosas.
After all these years, you've kept me here. We're going to go together, Sparks.
Después de todos los años que me tuviste aquí... nos iremos juntos.
We're all going out there together.
Saldremos todos juntos.
OK... but we're all going down there together.
Está bien... pero iremos todos.
Our life together may be over, but I'm going to be a father and we're still married... hat lady.
Puede que nuestra vida juntos haya terminado, pero voy a ser padre y aún seguimos casados, chica del sombrero.
Because I'm gonna marry this man... and we're going to share our life together.
Porque voy a casarme con este hombre... y vamos a compartir nuestras vidas.
Don't call her that... because we're going to get back together... and then there will be weirdness between you and me... so just watch it.
No la llames así, porque vamos a volver... y habrá resentimientos entre tú y yo.
- US 69th Infantry Division " Our lieutenant came in one day and said he'd got... he wants to get a patrol together - we're going to go and see if we can find some Russians.
AL ARONSON - 69va División de Infantería EUA " Nuestro teniente vino un día y dijo que quería conformar una patrulla - que saldríamos a ver si podíamos encontrar a algunos rusos.
~ You don't even remember that we're going out together..
- Ni siquiera te acuerdas que saldremos juntos.
I know that when I get home it's going to be done we're there together and we love each other and we've never stopped if I could I would have two girls and two boys
estamos juntos en esto y nos amamos jamas hemos dejado de hacerlo si pudiera yo tendria dos niñas y dos niños
We're going to be together forever.
Vamos a estar juntos para siempre.
So I talked to Anna, and we're going together.
Hablé con Anna, iremos juntos.
That ¡ ¯ s all going to change. Now that we ¡ ¯ re together.
Todo eso cambiará ahora que estamos juntos.
Come on, just think... think about all the good times we ¡ ¯ re going to have together.
Vamos. Sólo piensa. Piensa en las buenas épocas que pasaremos juntos.

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