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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We are going to die

We are going to die Çeviri İspanyolca

258 parallel translation
So as long as we are going to die It is better if we drink
Y como moriremos, es mejor beber
If we are going to die, let us die here.
Si vamos a morir, que sea aquí.
- We are going to die anyway. - Do it!
- Igual vamos a morir.
- We are going to die anyway.
- Igual vamos a morir.
We are going to die.
Vamos a morir.
Willie... we are going to die!
¡ Willie! ¡ Vamos a morir!
And we are going to die a little less ignorant than we were born.
Y moriremos un poco menos idiotas de lo que nacimos.
- We are going to die.
- Vamos a morir.
We know how, and sometimes even when, we are going to die.
Sabemos cómo, y algunas veces cuándo moriremos.
We don't know when we are going to die.
No sabemos cuándo vamos a morir.
We are going to die.
Vamos a morir
You silly twit, Don't you get it? ! We are going to die!
Estupida no lo entiendes vamos a morir!
We are not going away to be in order to die like dogs!
¡ No nos vamos a quedar para morir como perros!
Are we going to hide and pray tonight while our king and his family die on the cross?
¿ Nos ocultaremos a rezar... mientras el rey y su familia mueren en la cruz?
But we are not going to die.
Pero no vamos a morir.
We are going to Palestine, or we're going to die right here.
¡ Iremos a Palestina o moriremos aquí!
Are we going to let him die?
¿ Debemos dejarlo morir así?
It doesn't matter to us, since we are going to fight and die.
No importa mucho, puesto que vamos a luchar y morir.
Now, whatever the Ebonites are, however t hey ve or die, w n or lose, we are going to remember at all times that we are human beings.
Ahora, sean lo que sean los Ebonitas, ellos pueden morir, ganar o perder, vamos a recordar siempre que somos seres humanos.
Look : we are going to built a beautiful home so that all the grudgers to die.
Mira : Construirermos una hermosa casa.
We are all going to die, to die very young,
Que todos vamos a morir, morir muy temprano,
We don't know how are we going to die or where or when.
No sabemos cómo vamos a morir ni dónde ni cuándo.
- Are we going to die too?
- ¿ También nosotros vamos a morir?
Are we all going to die?
¿ Vamos a morir todos?
A lot of people are going to die if we don't get out of here.
Va a morir mucha gente si no salimos de aquí.
When we die, these others, interiorized by our nervous system, these others who have formed us, formed our brain and filled it... are going to die.
Cuando morimos, son los otros, interiorizados por nuestro sistema nervioso, quienes han formado, y construido nustro cerebro quienes lo han llenado... quienes van a morir.
We are quite definitely going to die!
¡ Definitivamente vamos a morir!
We are not going to die.
No vamos a morir.
We are going to allow her to die, are we not?
No va a dejar usted que muera, ¿ verdad que no?
It's not certain all of us are going to die... and in any case we may not die hideous deaths...
No es seguro que vayamos a morir todos... y en caso de morirnos quizas no sean, muertes horribles...
It's spring, the buds are sweet, the water sparkles, everyone is joyful We're going to die.
"Miren, es primavera los botones son dulces el agua burbujea, todos son dichosos vamos a morir".
We're gonna have so much fun... we'll forget about how miserable we are and how much life sucks and how we're all going to grow old and die someday.
Nos vamos a divertir tanto que vamos a olvidarnos de lo insignificantes que somos y hasta qué punto la vida es un asco y de que todos nos haremos viejos y moriremos algún día.
Either we live in peace, Or people are going to die-
O vivimos en paz... o habra muertos.....
Are we just going to stand here and watch her die?
Nos quedaremos aquí a verla morir! ?
We're all going to die here, these are cops.
Estamos todos muertos aquí, éstos son policías.
Your sister and the baby are going to die if we can't find her.
Tu hermana y el bebé van a morir si no podemos encontrarla.
If we don't do something billions of people are going to die.
Si no hacemos algo millones de personas morirán.
Are we all going to die, my Lord?
¿ Vamos a morir todos, mi Señor?
Yeah, well if we don't sort out what's happening and fast, the Greenfelds and the DaBellos are going to join forces, and a lot more people are going to die.
Sí, y si no averiguamos lo que está ocurriendo y rápido, los Greenfeld y los DaBello van a unir fuerzas, y más gente va a morir.
How long are we going to stand by and watch our children die while Satan's soldiers run free in this city?
¿ Cuánto tiempo más nos quedaremos mirando morir a nuestros hijos mientras los soldados de Satanás andan sueltos?
We're all going to die, because there are aliens on this ship.
¿ Escuchó eso, Foster? Todos vamos a morir porque hay extraterrestres en este barco.
- Are you afraid you'II die young? - We're all going to die someday, right?
- Todos vamos a morir algún día, ¿ verdad?
And if my calculations are correct... we're all going to die horribly.
Y si mis cálculos no fallan, todos sufriremos una muerte horrible.
We are all going to die!
Todos nos vamos a morir!
Holy shit, we really are going to die!
Mierda! , En verdad nos vamos a morir!
For those of us who are lucky not to die at 20, we keep on going.
Aquellos que no morimos a los 20, seguimos adelante.
We are all going to die.
Todos vamos a morir.
Howard... are we going to die?
Howard... ¿ vamos a morir?
We are also going to die soon.
Nosotras también vamos a morir pronto.
We are NOT going to die.
NO vamos a morir.
We are gonna be lured into that sun and we are all going to die inside there.
Vamos a ser atraídos dentro del sol y vamos a morir allí dentro

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