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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We can't give up

We can't give up Çeviri İspanyolca

350 parallel translation
We can't give up.
No podemos rendirnos.
Why can't we give it all up?
¿ Por qué no abandonamos todo esto?
We can't give ourselves up to those thieves without a struggle.
No podemos rendirnos ante esos pillos sin oponer resistencia.
- Nonsense. We can't give up now!
- No podemos darnos por vencidos.
We can't give up now.
No voy a abandonar.
The tide is just carrying us in. We can't give up now.
No puedes renunciar ahora que todo está a nuestro favor.
We can't give up working for Clapassòn, it keeps us afloat.
No podemos renunciar a Clapasson porque nos da de comer.
We can't give up this valley and we ain't gonna do it.
No debemos abandonar este valle ni lo haremos.
- Every time it's harder. - We can't just give up.
- Cada vez surgen más dificultades.
We can't give up just like that.
Es pronto para abandonar.
I'm afraid we can't give them up. - Poor Perdita, she'd be heartbroken.
Lo siento, pero no los vamos a vender.
We can't give up now.
No nos podemos dar por vencidos.
Kasai, no matter how we feel, we can't give up.
Kasai, no importa lo que pase, no podemos rendirnos.
Can't we wait until tomorrow to give the baby up?
¿ No podemos esperar hasta mañana para entregar al chico?
Sorry Frank, but if you don't feel like, we can give up.
Disculpa, Frank, pero si no te apetece podemos dejarlo.
If we can't find her by then, we'll give up and go home to Shimosa.
Si no podemos encontrarla entonces nos rendiremos y volveremos a casa en Shimosa.
No, no, we can't give up any human.
No, no podemos perder a ningún ser humano.
As long as the dinosaur couldn't do it, he ended up on the museum shelf... and as long as Superman can't do it, he can rave and destroy... but he cannot give life... and he cannot even truly, as we know so bitterly, he cannot live himself.
El dinosaurio no pudo hacerlo, y terminó en un museo y Superman no puede hacerlo, puede delirar y destruir pero no insuflar vida y no puede ser sincero, como desgraciadamente sabemos, consigo mismo.
Well, we can't just give ourselves up.
Bueno, no podemos rendirnos.
You must understand, we can't just give it up.
Compréndalo, no podemos cederla.
We can't give up half-way.
No podemos dejar esto a medias.
We can't give up our task.
- No puedes hacerlo.
We can talk. Don't give up now.
No te hundas ahora...
We can't step back.We can't give up a conquest.
No podemos dar marcha atrás. No podemos renunciar a una conquista.
We just can't give up... we can't.
Simplemente no podemos darnos por vencidos... no podemos.
- We can't just give up.
- No podemos sólo escapar.
We can't give up now.
No podemos dejarlo ahora.
We can't give up custody of Leonard.
No puedo declínar la custodía de Leonard.
But we can't give up now.
No podemos rendirnos.
We can't give up Hidetora... we don't know where he is.
No podemos entregar a Hidetora no sabemos donde está
But we can't give up.
Pero nosotros no nos rindamos.
What I mean is, we can't give up.
¡ No debemos rendirnos!
Without them, we can't give ourselves up.
Sin uniformes, ni siquiera nos podemos rendir.
If we can't make money out of this, we might as well give up.
Si no sacamos dinero, igual y lo dejamos por la paz.
We can't give up, Rodg.
¡ No podemos rendirnos!
My mom's all excited because there's going to be a Yarn Barn. Well we can't just give up.
Sólo Mark Hooper a arruinar todo.
That's why we can't give up.
Por eso no nos damos por vencidos.
- Don't give up. There's things we can do.
- No te rindas, podemos hacer algo.
- We can't give up.
- No podemos darnos por vencidos.
Well, still, we can't just give up. I don't know what else we can do.
¿ Cómo llegó allá?
We can " t just give her up now!
¡ No podemos abandonarla ahora!
We can't give up.
No podemos parar.
But we can't give up.
Pero no podemos rendirnos.
- We can't give up.
No podemos rendirnos.
Hung, please do say something. We can't give up.
Hung, por favor, di algo.
I mean, why don't we just say : "Give us the unhappy, the sad, the slow, the ugly people that can't drive, that they have trouble merging if they can't stay in their lane, don't signal, can't parallel park if they're sneezing, if they're stuffed up, if they're clogged if they have bad penmanship, don't return calls, if they have dandruff food between their teeth, if they have bad credit, if they have no credit missed a spot shaving." In other words any dysfunctional, defective slob that you can somehow cattle prod onto a wagon send them over, we want them.
¿ Por qué no invitamos a los desdichados, los tristes, los lentos, los feos o los que no saben conducir o que no saben quedarse en su carril los que no ponen la luz o no saben estacionarse los que estornudan, se congestionan escriben feo o no devuelven las llamadas, los que tienen caspa o comida entre los dientes, los que no tienen crédito o se afeitan mal.
We can't give up our dental plan!
No podemos renunciar al plan dental.
We can't give up years of work like this... just like that.
No podemos abandonar un trabajo de años así... sin más ni menos.
I'm afraid we can't give them up.
Me temo que no te los podemos dar.
We can't give up now.
No podemos abandonar ahora.
We can't give up now. Believe me, there's still a chance!
- No hay que rendirnos. iAún podemos!

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