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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We can't leave him

We can't leave him Çeviri İspanyolca

598 parallel translation
We can't leave him alone.
No podemos dejarlo sólo.
We can't leave him like this. He'll catch his death of cold.
No podemos dejarle aquí, se pondrá malo.
Enough with your dog! Let's leave without him. We can't!
- Oiga, estoy empezando a hartarme de Usted y de su perro. - ¡ Totó!
- We can't leave him there.
No podemos dejarle aquí.
- We can't leave him there.
- No podemos dejarlo allí.
What about Moll? We can't leave him here.
- No podemos dejar a Moll aquí.
I can't leave him out on a limb as long as he thinks we got a chance in this.
No puedo dejarle mientras crea que tenemos posibilidades.
─ We can't leave him like this.
- No podemos dejarle así.
No, but we can't leave him like that. Why are you laughing?
- ¿ Por qué se ríe, Bosco?
Oh, Father, don't be tiresome. We certainly can't leave him on that train all by himself.
No seas gruñón, papá, no podemos dejarle atascado en ese tren.
- We can't leave him.
- No podemos dejarlo así.
We gotta get him. You can't leave him out there.
Sí, no podemos dejarlo.
We can't leave him to die.
No podemos dejar que muera.
I don't mean we can leave him here in this desert to die.
No quiero decir que le dejemos aquí para que muera en el desierto.
We can't leave him in the street!
- ¡ No podemos dejarlo en la calle!
We can't leave him here in the windowseat.
No podemos dejarlo en el arcón.
Leave him here? - We'll have to. We can't take him with us.
No podemos llevárnoslo.
We can't leave her with him now we know.
No podemos dejarla con él ahora que lo sabemos.
Oh, but, steve, we can't leave him here like this. He's all right.
No podemos dejarle así.
- Come, we can't leave him like this.
- Perdone, pero no podemos dejarlo así.
Why can't we just leave him?
¿ Por qué no podemos dejarlo?
We can't leave him here.
- No podemos dejarlo aquí.
I can't do it leave him alone, we anesthetized him!
¡ Déjelo, aún no lo hemos cloroformizado!
We can't depend on Yancy. I'm gonna leave him where he is.
No podemos depender de Yancy.
We can't either take him with us or leave him here.
Así no lo podemos llevar, y dejarlo aquí tampoco.
We can't leave him here if he's playing with knives.
No puede quedarse aquí si juega con cuchillos.
- We can't leave him in wet pants.
- No puede quedarse así.
George, you know we can't leave him here, we have to take him...
Ya sabes que no podemos dejarle aquí. Tiene que venir...
We can't just leave him there.
¡ No podemos dejarlo ahí solo!
Well, we can't leave him here. Let's take him into the city.
No podemos dejarle aquí, llevémosle a la ciudad.
- We can't leave him like this.
- No podemos dejarlo así.
We can't leave him out.
No podemos dejarle fuera.
He ain't gonna leave the mouth of the cave unless we can draw him in here somehow.
No abandonará la entrada de la cueva a menos que le hagamos venir aquí.
- Can't we leave him behind or something?
- ¿ No podemos dejarlo aquí?
We can't leave him back there.
No podemos permitirle regresar allí.
We can't leave him behind.
No podemos abandonarlo.
We can't leave him in there.
No podemos dejarlo allí.
I mean, we can't just leave him here. He'd starve to death.
No podemos dejarlo aquí, se moriría de hambre.
We can't leave him here.
No podemos dejarle aquí.
- But we can't leave him alone...
Pero no podemos dejar que vaya solo, ¿ no te parece? ¡ Que se vaya!
We can't leave him like this!
No podemos dejarle así.
We can't leave him here.
- Pero... - No, no, no.
- We can't leave him there, is there a chair?
- No podemos dejarlo allí. ¿ Hay una silla?
We can't leave him alive.
We can't leave him like that.
No podemos dejarlo así.
- We can't go off here and leave him.
- No podemos dejarle.
- We can't leave him!
- ¡ No podemos dejarlo!
- But we can't leave him here.
- Pero no podemos dejarlo aquí.
- We can't leave him!
- No podemos dejarlo!
- We can't leave him here.
No podemos dejarlo así.
He was acting friendly enough... but since he knows about Shimazo, we can't leave him alive.
Se mostró muy amable pero puesto que sabe lo de Shimazo, no podemos dejarle con vida

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