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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We don't have to go

We don't have to go Çeviri İspanyolca

1,289 parallel translation
We don't have any other choice but to go into this blind.
No tenemos otra opción que hacerlo a ciegas.
Honey, you know you don't have to talk at every funeral we go to.
No tienes que hablar en todos los funerales.
To tell you the truth, we don't have much to go on.
A decir verdad, no tenemos muchas pistas.
You know, we could go put together a care package from the Crashdown. - So they don't have to worry about making food.
Podríamos llevarles alimentos del Choque... para que no tengan que cocinar.
Now, we don't have quite enough manatees to go around, so I think we're gonna have to split up into groups of four. Hey!
Ahora, no tenemos suficientes manatíes para todos así que nos dividiremos en grupos de cuatro.
We have to go to Sunday school so we don't burn! Yeah. I'll see ya later, mom.
Tenemos que ir para no arder en el infierno.
Don't tell me we're going to have to go through every one of them?
¿ No me digas que tendremos que pasar por esto, con cada uno?
- We don't have much else to go on.
- Tampoco tenemos mucho más.
Eric, honey, we don't have to go shopping.
Eric, miel, no tienen que ir de compras.
Not surprisingly, we don't have any evidence of any of this, so, uh, I think she's free to go.
Sin sorpresa, no tenemos ninguna evidencia de esto, así que, eh... creo que es libre de irse.
At least we eat stuff that we go out and catch and look for ourselves, and we don't have it handed to us.
Al menos comemos algo que hemos capturado por nuestra cuenta, no algo que nos han regalado.
There you go. I don't even know if that's cool, because if you get dehydrated and we have to compete, we all lose.
Ni siquiera sé si eso esté bien, porque si te deshidratas y tenemos que competir, todos perderíamos.
Tomorrow we have to go to work in Poland Don't forget us.
- Mañana tenemos que ir a trabajar a Polonia. No nos olviden.
Look, I know I don't deserve to ask you anything right now, but... if I can just have one wish... it would be that we could go back to the way things were, you know?
Se que no merezco pedirte nada Pero tengo un deseo Me gustaría que pudieramos volver a como era todo antes
- Whew! I'm glad we don't have to go through that one again.
Me alegra que no tengamos que pasar por eso otra vez.
We don't have to go.
No hay obligación de ir.
If we don't have it by 4.30, we go to plan...
Si no lo tenemos para las 4.30, pasaremos al plan...
We don't have much further to go.
Estamos prácticamente exiliados.
Don't we have to go to the show?
- claro. ¿ No tenemos que ir al show?
We don't have to go out to meet women, Kjell Bjarne.
No necesitamos salir para conocer mujeres, Kjell Bjarne.
Don't have to clock up on Sunday now, we can go straight to job.
No tenemos que marcar el reloj los Domingos, Podemos ir derecho al trabajo.
We don't have to go through such misery again.
No tenemos que atravesar ese dolor de nuevo.
"I have to go through with this, so it's best if we don't talk before I've gone."
"Es difícil para mí, preferiría que no lo hablemos antes de que me vaya".
I don't know why we have to go back and try everything so....
No se porqué tenemos que volver atrás e intentar de nuevo todo así que...
I don't have to work, we'll go get a sheep... from a Moroccan guy who lives in the country.
... no tengo trabajo. Vamos a ir a elegir un cordero al campo, a casa de un marroquí.
Dixon, we don't have time to go back.
Dixon, no tenemos tiempo de volver.
We don't have plans, we don't wanna go to dinner with you.
No tenemos planes, no queremos cenar contigo.
If you don't wanna go to New York, we don't have to go to New York.
Si no quieres ir a Nueva York, no tenemos que ir.
- Dawson, we don't have to go.
- Dawson, no tenemos que ir.
We don't have time to go to the dog park.
No tenemos tiempo para ir al parque.
We don't really have to go to this thing, do we?
No tenemos que ir a eso, ¿ o sí?
We don't have to go anywhere.
Nosotras no vamos a ningún lado.
Well, after all that, we don't have much to go on.
De cualquier forma, no tenemos muchas pistas.
No tenemos huevos para entrarle.
When it's ready, we have to be on board or we don't go.
Cuando esté listo, debemos estar a bordo o no iremos.
I really don't feel like going to the fling tonight. We have to go.
Sabes de verdad no tengo ganas de ir al baile esta noche.
If we don't get out of here fast, we'll have to go spinning.
Si no nos vamos, tendremos que ir a hacer spinning.
You don't have a robot and we do, ergo we get to go on Robot Wars and you don't.
No teneis robot y nosotros si, ergo iremos a las Robot Wars y vosotros no.
And we're gonna tax you back to the Stone Age because people shouldn't have to go to work if they don't want to.
¡ Y los enviaremos de vuelta a la Edad de Piedra porque nadie debería tener que trabajar si no lo desea!
I don't, either. It's hard back on Barramundi Beach, being out there 26 days, going on a month, and not have anything but rice, so we're just going to go back in and try to be as humble as possible about it. COLBY :
Es difícil estar en la playa Barramundi.
If you get lucky, and you spark that thing, and it's ready to go, and you try and pick it up and move it, and we don't have anywhere to put it, then...
- Porque si tienes suerte... - y le sacas una chispa a eso y esta listo para llevarlo... Al levantarlo y moverlo no hay donde ponerlo- -
I don't jnderstand why we can't go to the beach and have a good time without all this hysteria?
¿ Por qué no podemos divertirnos en la playa sin tanta histeria?
We don`t have to go fishing, but we really have a lot in common.
No hace falta ir de pesca, tenemos mucho en común.
- Don't you want to have kids? Didn't we go through this already?
No puedo creer que no estuve aquí para eso.
We don't have time to go see mom's grave. Why not?
Hijo de puta.
If we don't go in hard, we're going to have tears.
Si no vamos con mano dura, habrá lágrimas.
It's certain to have a patrol on it but if we go at night, tread careful and don't mind getting our feet wet, I reckon we can make it through.
- Seguramente lo estarán vigilando pero si vamos de noche, pisamos con cuidado y no nos importa mojarnos los pies, creo que podemos cruzarlo.
Don't we have to go?
¿ No tenemos que irnos ya?
- We don't have much to go on, do we?
- No tenemos muchas pistas. ¿ No?
The good news is we don't have to go off searching for any more destroyers. - They're sitting right here at this table.
Las buenas noticias son que no necesitamos ir en busca de mas destructores... ellos están sentados aquí en esta mesa.
We don't have to go to the hospital, okay?
No iremos al hospital, ¿ de acuerdo?

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