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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We don't want to hurt you

We don't want to hurt you Çeviri İspanyolca

161 parallel translation
I don't want to hurt you, but we're going to be friends, you and me.
Pero seremos amigos, tú y yo. Sí, escucha.
We don't want to hurt you, but you're not going to tell Rainey.
No queremos lastimarla, pero no hablará con Rainey.
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos lastimarte.
- We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos hacerte daño.
We don't want you to get hurt, do we?
No queremos que te hagas daño.
We don't want to hurt you unnecessarily.
No queremos hacerte daño.
When she's here, you'll be happy to give us all the money we want so that we don't hurt your little treasure. Go ahead and shrug.
Y cuando esté aquí, nos darás Io que pidamos para que no le hagamos daño.
You know, I don't want to hurt you, but when we get to Taormina- -
Tom, Ud. Me cae muy bien. No quiero que se lo tome mal. - Cuando lleguemos a Taormina...
We don't want to hurt you, go back.
¡ No queremos haceros daño, volved!
We don't want you to get hurt, baby.
No queremos que te hagan daño, precioso.
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos hacerle daño.
We don't want to hurt you! Go back!
- ¡ Váyanse!
We don't want to hurt you!
- ¡ No queremos lastimarlos!
- We don't want to hurt you, Ro.
- No vamos a hacerte daño, Rose.
I don't want to hurt your feelings but we have to take into consideration... the possibility that you're a little out of your skull.
No quiero herir sus sentimientos pero debo tener en cuenta... la posibilidad de que esté un poco chiflada.
We don't want you to get hurt.
No queremos que Ies hagan daño.
Agmar, we don't want to hurt you, but we must have Spock back.
Agmar, no queremos lastimarlo, pero debemos recuperar a Spock.
- We don't want you to get hurt.
- No queremos que te hagas daño.
Punches and kicks have no eyes we don't want to hurt you
Los golpes son ciegos, no queremos hacerte daño.
We don't want to hurt you, Miss Chase.
No queremos hacerle daño, Srta. Chase.
We don't want to hurt you!
¡ No queremos lastimarte!
I don't want to hang out with this sucker set. What I'd like to do is hurt that punk Kid. If you was a real man, you'd come out here... and we'd squash this!
yo no ando con estos primos lo que me gustaría es agarrar a ese capullín de Kid si fueras un hombre de verdad, saldrías aquí...
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos hacerles dano.
We don't want to hurt you, officer.
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos ofenderos.
We just don't want you to get hurt.
No queremos que salgas lastimada.
We don't want to fight you or hurt anyone.
No queremos luchar con ustedes, ni herir a nadie.
We don't want you to hurt yourself.
No queremos que se haga daño.
- We don't want to hurt you.
- No queremos hacerle daño.
Because we don't want you to hurt anybody again.
Porque no queremos que vuelvas a hacer daño a nadie.
Now, I don't want to hurt... your fuzzy-logic feelings. But I didn't bring you home for what we did last night.
No quiero herir tus sentimientos inorgánicos pero no te traje a casa para hacer lo que hicimos anoche.
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos hacerte daño.
- Careful. We don't want you to hurt yourself.
- No queremos que te hagas daño.
We have to bring him in, Sean, but we don't want to hurt you or your campaign.
Debemos interrogarle, Sean. No queremos perjudicar su campaña.
Look, we don't want to hurt you.
Mire, no queremos hacerle daño.
- We don't want to hurt you, Tom.
- No queremos lastimarlo.
- We don't want to hurt you.
¡ Vamos!
We don't wanna hurt you. We wanna help you. We want to double your salary all in one night.
No queremos hacerle daño, sino duplicarle el salario.
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos lastimarlos.
We don't want you to hurt yourself.
No queremos que te hagas daño.
Yves, we just don't want to see you get hurt.
No queremos que salgas lastimada.
Just as I'm hoping that you don't really want to hurt us, because we don't want to hurt you.
Solo espero que no quieras realmente hacernos daño, porque nosotros no queremos hacerte daño a ti
We don't want to have to hurt you none.
No queremos lastimarla.
we don't want to hurt you.
no queremos hacerte daño.
We just don't want to see you get hurt, either.
Sólo que no queremos que resultes herido.
[WHIMPERING] Okay, home invaders, we don't want to hurt you.
Bien, allanadores no queremos lastimarlos.
We don't want to hurt you.
No queremos hacerte ningún daño.
We don't want to hurt you, all right?
- Está bien.
Look, we don't want to hurt you.
no queremos hacerte daño.
I- - I personally... think we should let Lipton off the hook, saying, "We're backing out because, you know, we don't want to hurt their product"
Yo personalmente... creo que deberíamos dejar a Lipton en libertad, diciendo : "Nos retiramos porque no queremos perjudicar a su producto"
- Miss, look, we don't want to hurt you.
- Srta. no queremos lastimarla.

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