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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We had a good time

We had a good time Çeviri İspanyolca

431 parallel translation
A truck. All the time from the Red Dot to the... chop suey joint we... we had a good time together?
¿ Desde el Punto Rojo hasta el restaurante chino... nos divertimos juntos?
We had a good time, too, two years ago when we were here on our honeymoon.
Nosotros también nos divertimos aquí, hace dos años, en nuestra luna de miel.
We had a good time together.
Lo pasamos bien juntos.
But we had a good time.
Pero lo pasamos bien...
We had a good time, that's all that matters.
Lo hemos pasado bien, eso es lo importante
- We had a good time, didn't we?
- Nos divertimos, ¿ verdad?
We had a good time at Skeggy though, didn't we?
Pero lo pasamos bien en Skagy, ¿ no?
He came to see the show, we took a trip up the river... and we had a good time.
Vino a ver Ia función y dimos un paseo por eI río. Nos divertimos.
We had a good time doing questions about other girls.
Lo pasábamos bien, haciendo preguntas sobre otras chicas.
But Catherine, we had a good time last night,
Pero Catherine, anoche nos lo pasamos muy bien.
We had a good time.
Nos divertimos.
- Yeah, we had a good time.
- No logro ganar.
We had a good time when last we met, didn't we?
Lo pasamos bien la última vez que nos encontramos, ¿ no?
We've met, we had a good time, Don't make a long face!
¡ Nos hemos conocido, lo hemos pasado bien. No hace falta que pongas esa cara!
We had a good time.
Hacía buen tiempo.
~ We had a good time in Doubleback Alley ~
Lo pasábamos bien en el callejón.
We've had a good time.
- Lo hemos pasado muy bien.
We've had a good time together here, haven't we, Jim?
Lo pasamos bien aquí los dos juntos, ¿ no, Jim?
We've always had a good time no matter where we've been.
Lo hemos pasado siempre bien, no importa el lugar.
You know, we'd never had such a good time before you came.
Nunca nos habíamos divertido tanto hasta que llegó usted.
You know, we never had such a good time before you came.
Nunca nos habíamos divertido tanto hasta que llegó usted.
- We had such a good time.
- La pasamos muy bien.
Herr Maier, this is the second time we've had complaints. I don't think it's a good idea that your son...
Herr Maier, es la segunda vez que recibimos quejas no considero buena idea que su hijo...
Well, even if we do, we've had a good time, haven't we?
Aunque así fuera, nos hemos divertido, ¿ no?
Now we had at that time in Brigadoon... an old minister of the kirk... named Mr. Forsythe... and a good man he was.
En esos tiempos teníamos en Brigadoon... un viejo reverendo en la iglesia... llamado Forsythe... y era un buen hombre.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock." And we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ahí, estos hombres... podríamos llamarlos invitados... nos reuniamos para bailar y cantar... porque la estábamos pasando tan bien... y siempre nos divertimos mucho con esta :
And we've had a good time.
Quizá volvamos a vernos.
- Mind you... We still had a good time. We can't complain.
Ya nos hemos desfogado, no podemos quejarnos.
We haven't had anything really good to eat for a long time.
Hace mucho que no comemos algo bueno de verdad.
It's a shame. We could have had such a good time.
Es una vergüenza, ambos podríamos pasarlo bien.
And we had such a good time together you wanted to marry me. But lately, You've got a handcuffs complex!
Pasábamos unas horas felices que te ponían a punto de darme el sí.
I can't tell you when we've had such a good time.
Nunca lo había pasado tan bien.
We've had a good time but we've got 4 hours drive back to New York.
Hemos tenido un buen momento pero hemos Tiene 4 horas en coche de vuelta a Nueva York.
- That's a good old time we had back at your place, wasn't it?
Qué bien... lo pasamos en tu casa, ¿ eh?
- We haven't had a good decapitation in a long time.
Hace mucho que no hay una buena decapitación.
Hey, baby. We all had a good time and got our rocks off.
Oye, todos lo pasamos bien y quedamos satisfechos.
We've had a good time, and now we'll leave.
Hemos tenido una noche, y ahora vamos a irnos.
We have had our differences from time to time... but I still think you'll make a good soldier.
Hemos tenido nuestras diferencias desde hace algún tiempo pero todavía pienso que será un buen soldado.
But we had ourselves a good time, man.
Pero lo pasamos bien.
We climbed in the back seat We really had a good time
Nos pusimos en el asiento trasero Nos lo pasamos realmente bien
We had such a good time.
Pasamos un buen rato.
Last time I saw you we had a good talk.
La última vez que te ví tuvimos una buena charla.
No big good-byes. We don't wanna get him agitated before he's had time to settle in to his new home.
No queremos que se ponga nervioso antes de que se sienta a gusto en su nuevo hogar.
People were so nice, you know, and we had a really good time.
La gente era tan simpática, y nos hemos divertido muchísimo.
We've had such a good time, and I'd really like thank everybody for supporting us so much.
Nos lo hemos pasado muy bien, y quiero dar la gracias a todos por apoyarnos tanto.
We really had a good time.
Nos divertimos mucho.
This would not have happened if we had shut your father's mouth for good in time... instead of being so tolerant. The hell with this stupid woman!
Esto no hubiera ocurrido si a tu padre le hubiéramos cerrado la boca a tiempo en lugar de andar con tantas contemplaciones. ¡ Coño con la pava ésta!
I still don't understand how we could have been such good friends and had such a lovely time and have it all turn out so badly.
Sigo sin entender cómo pudimos ser tan buenos amigos y pasarlo tan bien y que todo acabara tan mal.
We had such a good time.
Me da mucha pena, porque lo hemos pasado muy bien.
We ain't had us a good sing in a long time.
Hace mucho que no te oigo tocar.
Look, you both got something you badly needed... and we've had a good time.
Los dos obtuvieron algo que necesitaban gravemente. Y hemos pasado un buen rato.

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