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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We have to go home

We have to go home Çeviri İspanyolca

344 parallel translation
Yeah, we have to go home.
Sí, debemos ir a casa.
We have to go home.
Tenemos que ir a casa.
Oh, Mama! Do we have to go home so soon?
¿ Tenemos que volver tan pronto?
We have to go home. It was such a pleasure running into you.
y ya tenemos que volver a casa, ha sido un placer el haberle encontrado.
I'm afraid we have to go home now. Back to Hatfield.
Debemos volver a casa, a Hatfield.
Michcik, we have to go home, to Tarniny.
Michcik, tenemos que ir a casa, a Tarniny.
That don't mean we have to go home in it.
Eso no quiere decir que tengamos que volver con él.
We have to go home by day, Blaz.
Tenemos que volver a casa de día, Blaz.
We have to go home. Understood?
Tenemos que irnos a casa, ¿ Entiendes?
We have to go home.
Tenemos que irnos a casa.
We have to go home now, E.T.
Tenemos que irnos a casa, E.T.
We have to go home on Tuesday.
Tenemos que volver a Polonia el martes.
We have to go home now.
Tenemos que ir a casa ahora.
We have to go back home.
Hay que volver a casa.
- I wish we didn't have to go straight home.
Ojalá no tuviéramos que volver a casa. ¿ Por qué hacerlo?
bravo, that was charming so, good night children it had been very nice of you all to have come now you all go home we'll see each other later good night, it had been very nice
¡ Bravo, ha sido encantador, hija mía! Bueno, buenas noches, niños. Ha sido muy amable que hayáis venido todos.
Every night I dream we're together, far away. I go to work. We have a little home together.
Todas las noches sueño que estamos juntos, lejos de aquí y yo tengo un trabajo y una pequeña casita... y cuando regreso a casa del trabajo... te estrecho entre mis brazos y te beso.
And then we'd never have to go home.
No tendremos que volver a casa.
But you've got to go home in the morning and we'll go along and have a nice long talk with that uncle of yours.
Pero mañana tendrás que regresar... te acompañaremos y tendremos una larga charla con tu tío.
We'll have to go home at once, Charlotte.
Tenemos que volver a casa, Charlotte.
Look... instead of using the money we have left to go home, couldn't we make a fresh start here?
Mira, en vez de usar el dinero que nos queda para regresar a casa... ¿ no podríamos empezar aquí desde cero?
You and I, Rodolphe, someplace, somewhere where it's only ourselves, and we'd never have to go home.
Tú y yo, Rodolphe, a algún lugar, donde sea, donde sólo seamos nosotros mismos, y nunca tengamos que regresar a nuestras casas.
You should have been reported for clandestine expatriation... we are giving you the chance to go back home, free, instead.
Debíamos haberles denunciado por expatriación clandestina... y, sin embargo, les dejamos volver libres a sus casas.
Let's go home, we have to see our mom.
Vamos a la casa, tenemos que ver a mamá.
One of us will have to go home and let the folks know how we're doing.
Uno de nosotros debe ir a casa a contar a la familia cómo nos va.
We'll have to go home.
No nos queda más remedio que volver a casa.
Then we have two reasons for you to go home, not one.
Entonces tienes dos motivos para irte a casa. No uno sólo.
Oh, thanks, Harry, but we do have a home to go to.
Oh, gracias, Harry, pero tenemos que volver a casa.
I want us to go home and have a family, face what we have to face and change whatever we have to change.
Afrontar lo que haya que afrontar y cambiar lo que haya que cambiar.
Even if you wanted to quit and go home, we'd have to take it.
Aunque tu impulso sea dejarlo y volver a casa, tenemos que cogerlo.
You know, people come to see me all the time, you know. And we have such a lovely time, and then they have to go home.
La gente viene a visitarme y nos divertimos mucho.
Now all we have to do is go home and...
Ahora sólo nos vamos a casa y- -
Look Doctor, we're different people... and now we have a chance to go home.
Mira, Doctor, somos personas diferentes y ahora tenemos una ocasión de volver a casa.
If this proves to be a false alarm, we'll have a laugh about it and go home.
Si esto es una falsa alarma, nos reiremos y volveremos a casa.
Now we have to pack up and go home.
Ahora tenemos que hacer las maletas e irnos a casa.
Oh, I'm sorry, my dear. We just have to go home tomorrow.
Lo lamento, pero mañana tendremos que regresar a casa.
- But we have to go back home.
Debo regresar junto a los míos.
We have to kill Canali and make sure the American guys go back home.
Hay que eliminar a Luca Canali y tratar que los americanos se vuelvan a América.
If any of them get through... we won't have a home to go to.
Si alguno de ellos pasa, no tendremos a donde volver.
We'll have to get the wasps in their nests, and they don't go home till after dark.
Debemos meter a las avispas en sus nidos, y no se irán hasta que oscurezca.
And Sean and George will go home if we have to say in Snoozerville.
Y Sean y George ser irán a casa si tenemos... que quedarnos en Snoozerville.
Either we go out together and have some fun... or you go back to your boring home, as usual, and I go back to mine.
Podemos salir juntos y divertirnos, o tú vuelves a tu aburrida casa como de costumbre y yo a la mía.
Sure, if we don't have to go home first.
Pues claro, así no tendré que ir antes a casa.
Probably. widely... high-quality videocassettes will soon bring films into people's homes... and with high definition magnetic tape... we'll have cinema at home. We won't need to go to the movie theaters. Current structures will disappear.
Probablemente con la llegada del cine al hogar y la cinta magnética de alta definición, tendremos el cine en casa, no harán falta las salas de cine, toda la estructura existente desaparecerá y no será fácil, ni algo breve.
We used to have to go up every morning, at six o'clock and clean the newspaper, go to work down the mill, fourteen hours a day, week in, week out, for six pence a week, and when we got home,
Solíamos levantarnos todas las mañanas a las 6 y limpiar el periódico, bajar a trabajar al molino, catorce horas al día, semana sí, semana no, por seis peniques a la semana, y cuando llegábamos a casa,
I think you oughta go home and take a rest because we're gonna have to watch him for two days under sedation.
Será mejor que vayan a casa y descansen. Tendremos que observarlos dos días más.
We just have to go home, now.
Hay que irse a casa.
We have to go by the office pick up your things, and take you home.
Hemos de ir al despacho recoger tus cosas y llevarte casa.
Before we go home to spend Christmas with our families, why not have a celebration right here?
Antes de ir a casa a pasar la Navidad con la familia, ¿ por qué no la celebramos aquí?
- We'll have to go home in the dark.
- Tendremos que ir a casa al anochecer.
In half a chromon we're not going to have a sorceress to go home to.
En medio chromon no vamos a tener una hechicera para ir a casa.

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