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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We have to talk about this

We have to talk about this Çeviri İspanyolca

446 parallel translation
We have to talk about this.
Tenemos que hablarlo.
Why do we have to talk about this?
Gustav ¿ Es necesario hablar de eso?
- Wait, we have to talk about this.
No, aguarda, aún debemos hablar.
But come on, we have to talk about this matter.
Bueno, dígame para qué me ha llamado.
- We have to talk about this stuff.
- Tenemos que hablar de esto.
We have to talk about this.
Tenemos que hablar sobre esto.
- We have to talk about this seriously.
Brian, tenemos que hablar de esto seriamente.
Mama, we have to talk about this.
Tenemos que hablar acerca de esto.
now, now, now. we have to talk about this.
Na, na, na. Tenemos que hablar de esto.
Do we have to talk about this right now?
¿ Tenemos que hablar sobre esto ahora?
For God's sake, do we have to talk about this now?
Por Dios, ¿ debemos hablar de esto ahora?
We have to talk about this. Yeah, all right.
- Tenemos que hablar de esto.
We have to talk about this.
Tenemos que hablar de esto.
We have to talk about this reasonably.
Debemos hablar sobre esto lógicamente.
Julia, we have to talk about this.
Dios mío. Tenemos que hablar de esto.
We have to talk about this.
Tenemos que hablar.
It's not as simple as that. We have to talk about this.
- No es tan simple, debemos hablar de esto.
I understand your difficulties. I'm sorry about all the talk. But in this business, we always have to make sure.
Comprendo que tiene problemas, y siento toda esta charla, pero en este negocio siempre debemos estar seguros.
- Do we have to talk more about this?
- ¿ Tenemos que hablar más de esto?
If we can get together on this deal, we'll have lots to talk about.
Si nos asociamos, tendremos mucho que hablar.
Eve, there are some things we've got to talk about. Father wanted you to have this watch.
Eve hay cosas que tenemos que hablar.
We have a lot to talk about... but let's not do it this way, shout at each other.
Tenemos mucho de qué hablar, pero no de esta manera, no a gritos.
Now I admit I was a little provoked about not being consulted then I got to thinking maybe we ought to come to this port so as you and me could have a talk.
Admito que me sentí un poco molesto sobre no haber sido consultado pero después me puse a pensar que talvez es positivo que estemos en este puerto así usted y yo podremos tener una charla.
His purpose is clear. All this... we do not have to talk about it.
No es necesario discutir esto.
- We don't have to talk about this.
- Lo dice muy a la ligera.
It's bad enough when we have a space shoot, but with all this talk about the martians coming to take us girls, it's the limit.
Es como cuando lanzan un cohete, pero con estas historias... de Marcianos que viene a por nosotras, las mujeres, es una locura.
We're going to have to talk more about this Alex, David.
Tendremos que hablar más de ese Alex.
We're gonna have to talk about this.
Pero no hay más remedio que hablarlo en serio.
Oh, we're going to have to talk about this.
Oh, tendremos que hablar sobre eso.
We have plenty of time to talk about this later.
Tenemos mucho tiempo para hablar de eso.
Think of it this way- - When we do, we'll have everything to talk about.
Tú sólo piensa que cuando nos veamos, tendremos mucho que contarnos.
[Potter] pierce, if your father is anything like you... we're gonna have to have a long, long talk about this.
Pierce, si tu padre es como tú... vamos a tener una larga, larga conversación sobre esto.
Now, the thing we have to talk about is your unwitting participation in this serious federal crime. A crime punishable by a maximum sentence of 4o years in a federal penitentiary.
Lo que tenemos que discutir es tu participación inadvertida en este grave delito federal para el cual el castigo es una sentencia máxima de 40 años en la penitenciaría.
She's asked me to come round, so we can get down and have a talk about this,
- ¿ Y qué? Me ha pedido que venga, nos sentemos a hablar y aclaremos las cosas.
We have to have a little talk about this here.
Tenemos que hablar sobre esto.
After this is all over, you and Sun have a lot to talk about... and we owe you one.
Cuando todo esto termine, tú y Sun tendrán mucho de que hablar y nosotros te deberemos una.
I'd like to mention a social problem we have in this country that a lot of people don't like to talk about in public but I think it's time we faced this thing head on.
Me gustaría mencionar un problema social en este país que un montón de personas no le gusta hablar en público pero pienso que es tiempo de dar la cara.
Callahan, there you are. We have to talk to you about this evaluation thing.
Callahan, aquí está tenemos que hablar con usted sobre eso de la evaluación.
I want to go over this stuff that Mitch sent, then we have to talk about the rehearsal for the debate.
Quiero repasar el material que nos envió Mitch y tenemos que hablar acerca del ensayo del debate.
We'll have plenty to talk about once I get this information.
Tendremos mucho de que hablar cuando consiga esa información.
This winter we have many things to talk about in Ferrara.
¡ Este invierno tendremos muchas cosas de que hablar en Ferrara!
You want to talk, about this, call me in we have to stick together.
Si quieren hablar, llámenme. Debemos permanecer unidos.
- You know, we should talk about this. I mean, I'd, uh- - I'd have to fix up the apartment.
¿ Qué fue toda esa charla cuando estábamos en las montañas?
In an effort to salvage what little time we have left, let me smear this goo on you, and then I will build us a cosy little fire and we'll snuggle up with a blanket and talk about New York and all the great times we've had over the years, and we'll try not to mention the dreaded M word for the whole weekend, OK?
Con idea de aprovechar el poco tiempo que nos queda, te untaré este mejunje luego encenderé la chimenea, nos acurrucaremos con una manta hablaremos de Nueva York y de todas las cosas que hemos hecho e intentaremos no mencionar la maldita palabra con M durante el fin de semana.
We'll have to talk about this some more, privately.
Tenemos que hablar algo más de este asunto, en privado.
- We don't have to talk about this.
- No hablemos más del tema.
Lieutenant, we don't have time to talk about this now.
Teniente, ahora no hay tiempo para hablar de esto.
We're gonna have to talk about this later.
Tendremos que hablarlo más tarde.
I guess we're just gonna have to talk about this.
Supongo que tendremos que hablar.
Oh, we're going to have to talk about this guest list.
Vamos a tener que hablar de la lista de invitados.
I still have to talk about this to Mr. De Granmont but barring any unforeseen developments gentlemen, I think we're sitting on a winner.
Bueno, todavía debo discutir todo esto con el Sr. Degrunmond. Si no sucede algo imprevisto, tendremos un excelente producto.

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