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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We know who did it

We know who did it Çeviri İspanyolca

164 parallel translation
We know who did it, but we can't prove it.
Sabemos quién lo hizo, pero no podemos probarlo.
How could we know who did it?
¿ Cómo es posible que haya ocurrido?
We know who did it.
Sabemos quién lo hizo.
We know who did it!
Sabemos quién es.
We know who did it, and if we knock off Ardizzone, they'll know why.
Sabemos quién lo hizo, y si tocamos Ardizzone, ellos sabrán por qué.
Do we know who did it?
¿ Sabemos quién ha sido?
Everything will be taken care of. We know who did it.
Nos ocuparemos de todo, sabemos quién lo hizo.
And we think we know who did it.
Tommy es el adolescente y Harry es... el de aspecto gracioso.
- But we know who did it.
- Sabemos quién lo hizo.
- Do we know who did it? - Tyler.
- ¿ Sabemos quién fue?
Do we know who did it?
- ¿ Ya sabes quién fue?
We don't have to check anything, because we know who did it.
- No tenemos que revisar nada, porque sabemos quién lo hizo.
Well, we know who did it and we know why.
Bueno, Sabemos quién lo hizo, y sabemos por qué.
- We know who did it.
- Sabemos quién lo hizo.
'Has Neville ever hurt Katie? We know who did it, the police know who did it.
"¿ Nunca lastimó a Katie?" "Sabemos quién... lo hizo, la policía sabe quién lo hizo."
You also hear that we know who did it?
- ¿ Y oíste que sabemos quién lo hizo?
We know who did it. As for why...
En realidad, sabemos quien lo hizo
We know the rat who did it, too.
Sí, y sabemos qué rata lo hizo.
Well, you see, if we know who, then we can watch how who did it and then that will give us our who, our how and our when.
Si sabemos el quién, podemos ver cómo lo hizo "quién" y tendríamos el quién, el cómo y el cuándo.
Perhaps we'll never know, who did it.
Nunca se sabrá quién ha sido.
No, since we don't know who did it.
No, ni siquiera nosotros sabemos quién ha sido.
We heard histories of Germans who abated our colleagues of parachute e we found this horrible one, but we did not know if it was truth or not.
Habíamos oído historias de alemanes que disparaban a los paracaidistas y nos parecía realmente horrible, pero no estábamos seguro que fuera verdad
- It's just padding - we still don't know who did it we've learned nothing more.
- Es solo el relleno. - Aún no sabemos quién lo hizo. No sabemos nada más.
- Who did it? - We don't know.
¿ Quién lo ha hecho?
We want to know who did it.
Queremos saber quién lo hizo, Brunel.
It doesn't matter, we know who he is'which is a sight more than we did until tonight.'
- No importa. Por lo menos ya sabemos quién es. Lo encontraremos esta misma noche.
Oh dear, now we'll never know who did it. It does seem rather obvious who the murderer was.
- No sabremos nunca quien fue.
We did it to fool the Germans, and the man who took those photographs must know it.
Lo hicimos para engañar a los alemanes, y el hombre que tomó esas fotografías debe saberlo.
It looks like somebody else we know... did time with Desmond Maxwell in Atlanta. Who?
- ¿ Quién?
We know it was Bent who did this to you.
ENFERMERÍA Sabemos que ha sido Bent.
We've got to know who did it.
Hay que saber quién lo hizo.
But be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again, to teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness, and meaning, to this life.
Pero, de cualquier modo, aquellos que sobrevivimos tenemos la obligación de rehacer nuestras vidas, de enseñar a los demás lo que sabemos, y de intentar, con lo que queda de nuestra existencia, encontrar la bondad y el sentido de la vida.
Yeah, we don't know who did it.
Sí, no sabemos quién lo hizo.
Because we don't even know who did it.
Por que no sabemos nada del criminal.
All we wanna know is who did it?
Sólo queremos saber... ¿ Quién fue?
We don't know who did it yet.
Aún no sabemos quién lo hizo.
We know she was chloroformed. We don't know who did it, but we're working on it.
La durmieron con cloroformo y estamos trabajando desde que Andy me lo dijo.
We'll know who did it sooner or later.
Tarde o temprano sabremos quien lo ha hecho.
We don't know who did it.
No sabemos quién lo hizo.
We don't know who did it!
¡ No sabemos quién lo hizo!
We just don't know who did it.
Sólo que no sabemos quién lo hizo.
She ´ ll know who did it, you know. She ´ ll see it written on your face, as clearly as we can.
Y sabes que lo que la está destruyendo, Michael es la forma que murió.
We all know who did it.
Todos sabemos quien lo hizo.
We'll never find them. Someone we'll never know who did it.
Nunca los encontraremos, nunca sabremos quiénes lo hicieron.
But we know who killed Maureen Prescott. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. - I mean, they even told Sidney how they did it.
Billy Loomis y Stu Macher le contaron a Sidney... cómo lo hicieron.
We all know he did it, man. Who does he think he's fooling?
Sabemos que es culpable.
- We'd know. The guy who did it would know.
- Lo sabremos nosotros y ese tipo.
- We don't know who did it...
- No sabemos quién ha sido...
Have a room search and we'll know who did it!
¡ Inspeccionemos los cuartos y sabremos quien lo hizo!
We know who did it.
Sabemos quién fue.
We all know who did it.
Todos sabemos quién lo hizo.

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