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We played Çeviri İspanyolca

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I remember how we played, and your pony, and your birthday, and how we hid in the garden from the nasty governess.
Recuerdo que jugamos, y su pony, y su cumpleaños, y como que escondimos en el jardín de la institutriz desagradable.
I remember going up to William's parents'kitchen and sitting there after we played, and Dave just goes, "You guys wanna be in the band?"
Recuerdo ir a la cocina de los padres de William y estar allí sentados después de tocar y que Dave soltara : "¿ Queréis formar parte del grupo?".
Pat came up, we played, and he was perfect, so I got over that "Him living in LA" thing.
Pat vino, tocamos y lo hacía genial, así que ya no me importaba que viviera en Los Ángeles.
We played six shows a week, and the places held maybe anywhere from 3OO to 6OO people, and Foo Fighters were making 5OO bucks a night or something like that.
Tocábamos seis veces por semana en sitios donde cabían entre 300 y 600 personas y los Foo Fighters ganaban unos 500 dólares por noche o algo así.
We played, like, 18, OOO shows in one year.
Tocamos unas 18 000 veces en un año.
The last song we played was my last song with the band.
Esta canción ha sido mi última canción en el grupo.
We played as many places and as many shows as we could, and it was starting to grow.
Tocamos en tantos sitios y tantas veces como pudimos y empezó a crecer.
And then we played the next day and we played great.
Pero al día siguiente tocamos y fue genial.
But back home, the only games we played involved a keg.
Pero en casa, los únicos juegos eran con un barril.
My parents let me throw a coed party, and while they were upstairs, we played spin the bottle.
Mis padres me permitieron una fiesta mixta, y mientras estaban arriba, - jugamos a girar la botella.
We played "Halo." I leveled up.
Jugamos al Halo. He subido de nivel.
We played a pickup game.
Jugamos un juego.
- We played Scrabble that time.
- Aquella vez jugamos al scrabble.
So tonight we went out, and we took our time eating, and we played those little arcade games and drove the little cars, and, uh, we bopped the things on the head.
Así que esta noche salimos y pasamos nuestro tiempo comiendo, y jugamos esos pequeños video juegos y manejamos los coches pequeños, y, uh nosotros bopped las cosas a la cabeza.
I gave the bottle to Adam, we played, then he vomited.
Le di el biberón a Adam, jugamos un poco y vomitó.
There's a duel at the court where we played the twins.
Hay un duelo en la cancha donde jugamos con los gemelos.
Oh, my God, what was that game we played the last time?
Oh, Dios mío, cuál era ese juego que jugamos la última vez?
We played this great hall in the Midlands and it was heaving.
Pero si queríamos hacer las cosas un poco más simples, pensamos que quizás las cosas demasiado grandiosas...
We totally played D D together sometime.
Nosotros jugamos Dragones y Mazmorras juntos alguna vez.
And we never played it.
Nunca la tocamos.
So I wanted to write a song that everyone would start bouncing to when we first came out and played.
Quería componer una canción en la que todos se pusieran a saltar nada más salir y empezar a tocar.
We had never played arenas before.
Nunca habíamos tocado en estadios.
We've headlined these festivals, played these arenas.
Éramos cabeza de cartel de festivales, tocábamos en estadios.
We're viewed by people outside of the West Tennessee area who've played us...
Nos mira gente fuera de la zona del Oeste de Tennessee que ha dicho que...
We've won nine games, we've played ten.
Hemos ganado nueve partidos, y hemos jugado diez.
Josie, we have not played gin rummy in weeks.
Sólo pensé que te sería más fácil si te lo decía yo... en vez de escucharlo de los federales. No fue así.
Rob's very smart, and he's played this game before, and so we're kind of taking our lead from him.
Rob es muy inteligente, y ha jugado este juego antes. Y por eso seguimos sus decisiones.
I played for everything we had.
Le jugué todo lo que teníamos.
I log every game we've played in here.
Registro todos los juegos que hemos hecho.
If he's got a card he hasn't played yet, we're not gonna get far.
Si tiene una carta aun no la ha jugado, no vamos a llegar lejos.
When we were small, all the kids in grade school played together.
Cuando éramos pequeños, todos los niños de la primaria jugaban juntos.
I want to know whether or not we're being played.
Quiero saber si nos la están jugando.
We're being played.
Nos la están jugando.
We would like to sincerely thank that was a wonderful piece, you played wonderfully.
Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos. Era una pieza maravillosa, y habéis hecho un trabajo maravilloso.
Games are played so brazenly and yet we go about our lives bearing them, absorbing them, not even bothering to shrug a shoulder over it.
Se juegan juegos tan descaradamente y debemos ocuparnos de nuestras vidas soportándolos, absorbiéndolos sin siquiera molestarnos en encoger los hombros por ello.
Uh, six, five, six, And one of the kids played a dog, and I was saying goodbye to my dog,'cause the Germans were taking me, that was the... that was the little drama that we were,
Uh, seis, cinco, seis, y uno de los niños hacia de un perro y yo le decia adios a mi perro, porque los Alemanes me llevaron eso fue- - eso fue lo poquito que conocimos,
At one time or another, we've all played memorable characters on the stage,
En algún momento u otro, todos hemos hecho personajes en las tablas.
In fact, Leonard Nimoy, who played Mr, Spock so well, so uniquely, that although he didn't have spectacular things to do, that we would think of for an actor, he played the thing so differently,
De hecho, Leonard Nimoy, que interpretó al Sr, Spock tan bien, tan particular, que aunque no tenia cosas espectaculares que hacer, que pensaríamos para un actor, lo interpretó tan diferente, que captó la atención de la gente y la crítica
We grilled hamburgers and made a fort in the backyard and played horseshoes.
Asamos hamburguesas e hicimos un fuerte en el patio trasero, y jugamos a la herradura.
We haven't played together since the fundraiser though.
No hemos tocado juntos desde el acto benéfico.
Listen, we're going to a music festival in St. Louis and we got in using a tape that was made that night at the fundraiser where you played.
Escucha, vamos a ir a un festival de música en St. Louis. y hemos entrado utilizando una cinta que grabé la noche del acto benéfico en la que tocaste.
We went to the graveyard and then I played croquet with a vicar and then Dad beat this man up.
Fuimos al cementerio y luego jugué al croquet con un padre y luego papá golpeó a un hombre.
We are simply machines playing tiny roles in a vast strategic game played by competing computer codes over centuries.
Somos simplemente máquinas desempeñando papeles sin importancia en el gran juego de estrategia jugado por códigos de computador compitiendo a lo largo de siglos
They played drama with us and we did it with them.
Jugasteis con nosotros y nosotros con ellos.
I wish we could've played baseball like I did when I was little, in Little League.
Ojalá que hubiéramos jugado béisbol... Ojalá hubiéramos jugado béisbol.
I wish that we could've played baseball. Two of them did for, like, one time.
Dos de ellos sí jugaron al menos una vez.
I wish we could've played baseball, and I wished I could've went to their football games.
Ojalá hubiéramos jugado béisbol y ojalá hubiera ido a sus juegos de fútbol.
That was the first time we played together.
Roger trajo sus cosas...
Although we had a lot of successful gigs and we played colleges, pubs and clubs up and down the country, we just never got anywhere.
"Aunque tuvimos muchas presentaciones exitosas, y tocábamos en universidades, pubs..."
" it's New York, it's the first time we've played this amazing place.
Fue algo decisivo para mí
One particular station in New York picked it up, thinking that we were a black band, and played the hell out of it, and it became a huge hit.
Porque estaba comprometido en hacerlo de la forma en la que John lo quería, que era algo duro...

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