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We thought you were dead Çeviri İspanyolca

209 parallel translation
We thought you were dead.
Pensamos que ya estabas muerto.
And then when you didn't come back and we thought you were dead well, it wasn't an easy situation for Sandra to face alone so I went away with her and stayed until Young Pete was born.
Después de tu desaparición, cuando se te creía muerto, no era una situación fácil para ella, y nos fuimos juntas hasta que nació.
- We thought you were dead.
- Te creímos muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Creímos que había muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Pensamos que habías muerto.
- We thought you were dead.
- Pensábamos que estabas muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Pensamos que estabas muerto.
We thought you were dead... and then you came alive. What happened?
Creíamos que habías muerto... y entonces volviste a vivir. ¿ Qué pasó?
We thought you were dead.
Pensábamos qué estaban muertos.
Giles Kent, we thought you were dead.
Giles Kent, pensábamos que estabas muerto.
But... we thought you were dead!
Pero... pensábamos que estabas muerto!
Dear papa, the news that you were in prison made us very happy, because we thought you were dead.
¡ Hola, querido papá! Nos enteramos que estás en la cárcel y nos alegramos mucho, pues antes pensábamos que habías muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Lo creíamos muerto.
You cannot understand our astonishment. We thought you were dead.
Os sorprenderá nuestro estupor, pero os creíamos muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Creíamos que estaba muerta.
- We thought you were dead. They said...
- Nos dijeron que estaba muerto...
- Professor, we thought you were dead.
- Pensábamos que estaba muerto.
We thought you were dead.
- Te creímos muerto.
- We thought you were dead.
- Te dábamos por muerto. - ¡ Bigwig!
We thought you were dead too.
La dimos por muerta.
We thought you were dead too.
Pensaban que también estaba muerta.
Father, we thought you were dead.
Padre, te creíamos muerto.
- We thought you were dead.
- Pensábamos que habíais muerto.
We thought you were dead.
- Anne, pensamos que estabas muerta.
We thought you were dead
Pensamos que habías muerto.
- We thought you were dead.
Pensé que estabas muerto.
Travis, we thought you were dead.
Travis, creímos que estabas muerto.
Well, to be honest, when we thought you were dead, I needed to review your logs and... personal correspondence for any possible clues about what happened.
Para ser honesto, cuando la dimos por muerta, revisé sus diarios y... correspondencia personal en busca de alguna pista sobre Io que sucedió.
We thought you were dead!
¡ Te creíamos muerto!
We thought you were dead, Moses.
Pensamos que habías muerto, Moisés.
We thought you were dead.
Creímos que estaba muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Creíamos que, estabas muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Pensamos que lo estabas.
- We thought you were dead.
- Pensamos que había muerto.
We thought you were dead!
Había creído que estabas muerto.
We thought you were dead.
Creímos que estabas muerto.
We thought you were dead.
La dábamos por muerta.
we thought you were dead for 25 years. Hera vanished.
Hera se desvaneció.
We thought you were dead.
Creíamos que había muerto.
You see, we all thought you were dead.
Verás, todos pensábamos que habías muerto.
We thought you were lost. Even dead!
Creímos que estabas perdido... o muerto.
We thought you were both dead.
Creímos que los dos habíais muerto.
We thought you were all dead.
Les creíamos muertos a todos.
We thought Mr. Berrgain's family were all dead. And now you're his second visitor in the last few days.
Creíamos que toda la familia del señor Berrigan había muerto, y ya es usted el segundo visitante.
We all thought you were dead.
Todos creíamos que habías muerto.
We actually- - We thought you were dead, boy.
Creíamos que estabas muerto.
We thought you were dead. It was all our fault.
- Anne, pensamos que estabas muerta.
My God, we all thought you were dead!
- Dios mío, todos te creímos muerta.
John and your sisters, we all thought you were dead.
Jovan y tus hermanas, todos pensábamos que estabas muerto.
- We all thought you were dead.
- Creíamos que habías muerto.
We all thought you were dead.
Creíamos que habías muerto.

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