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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / What'd you do to her

What'd you do to her Çeviri İspanyolca

154 parallel translation
- What'd you do to her?
- ¿ Qué le has hecho?
Mr. Hornblower, you'd better decide that after hearing what it is. We shall be quite ready to repeat it in her presence, but... we want to do as little harm as possible... oh.
- Sr. Hornblower mejor que espere a saber de qué se trata ya Io repetiremos en presencia de su nuera queremos hacer el menor daño.
So I think you'd better go back to Miss Huberman and explain to her what she has to do.
Mejor ve a ver a la Srta. Huberman y explícale qué debe hacer.
I'd like to know, what kind of a thing do you think could have happened to her?
Quisiera saber qué sospecha usted.
If you'd locked her up, I'd know what to do.
¡ Si la hubiese usted encerrado yo sabría qué hacer!
What did you intend to do with her if you'd succeeded in buying her?
Que intentaba hacer con ella si hubiera conseguido comprarla?
- You know what I'd like to do to her?
¿ Sabes qué me gustaría hacerle?
What do you suppose he'd pay to get her back?
¿ Cuánto cree que pagaría por ella?
Oh, I know what you'd do if anything happened to her.
Oh, sé lo que haríais si a ella le ocurriera algo.
What'd you do to her?
¿ Qué le hiciste?
- What'd you do to her?
- ¿ Qué le hizo?
What are you going to d-do with her?
¿ Qué es esto? ¿ Qué vas a hacer con ella?
So, what I'd like to do, if you don't mind, is to give you the money... so that you can give it to her when she wakes up.
Me gustaría, si no le molesta, entregarle a Ud. El dinero... para que pueda dárselo a ella cuando despierte.
If you were 19 and 20 years from now you were dancing with your wife or girlfriend you knew in high school and you said to her, "Darling they're playing our song" do you know what they'd be playing?
Si tuviera Ud. 19 años y dentro de 20 años bailara con su esposa, o con la novia que tenía en la secundaria y le dijera : "Querida..." "... tocan nuestra canción... " ... ¿ sabe a qué se referiría?
Hey, you know what I'd like to do with her?
¿ Sabes lo que haría con ella?
Now, what'd you do to her?
¿ Qué le hizo?
Now, you can do what you want, but i'd like you to get her to see somebody if it's not me.
Es usted libre, pero que la vea alguien, si no quiere que sea yo.
What'd you do to her, eh?
¿ Qué le has hecho?
- What'd you do to her? - Nothing.
- ¿ Qué le has hecho?
- This isn't her blood. - What the hell'd you do to him?
- ¿ Qué diablos le has hecho?
What'd you do to her anyway?
¿ Qué le has hecho?
What'd you do to her?
Que le hiciste?
What'd you do? Tell her you're gonna send me to jail?
¿ Le has dicho que me mandarías a la cárcel?
I'd like you to show her the crime lab and tell her what you do.
Quisiera que le enseñarais el laboratorio y le contarais qué hacéis.
- What'd you do to her?
- Qué le habías hecho?
If it wasn't for your wife, for her phone calls, you'd be a dead man to us. That's the truth! What do you want me to do?
Si no fuera porque tu esposa llama... estarías muerto para nosotros.
At what point do you say, "I'm not going to be over this"? There were nights with Diane I'd pray she'd get into an accident... just so she'd let me take care of her.
Había noches que yo rezaba para que simplemente fuese un accidente simplemente para que ella me permitiera que cuide de ella.
You'd want to warn her what they do. I think Violet told Nell about rape
Violet advirtió a Nell contra la violación.
What'd you do to her? !
¿ Qué le has hecho?
What'd you do to her? ! There don't have to be no ass-whupping.
No hace falta que me pegues.
What'd you do to her?
¿ Qué le hicieron?
What the hell d'you do to her?
- ¿ Qué diablos le hiciste?
Can you imagine what they'd do to her if they caught me?
¿ Te imaginas lo que le harían si me atraparan?
Her's what I'd like you to do tonight, my dear.
Esto es lo que quiero que hagas esta noche, querida.
What d'you do to her?
- No. - ¿ Qué le ha hecho?
What could she have done to you... ... that was so bad that you'd do this to her?
¿ Qué pudo haberte hecho ella tan malo para hacerle esto?
Do you know what I'd always say back to her?
¿ Sabe usted lo que yo siempre le contestaba?
I'd say it's good news for you that she's not here right now, considering what you tried to do to her.
Yo diría que es positivo para usted que ella no esté aquí ahora mismo, teniendo en cuenta lo que ha intentado hacerle.
You know what I'd do to her, Dommy?
¿ Sabes lo que le haría, Dommy?
What'd you do to get her to laugh?
¿ cómo hiciste para que riera?
What'd you do to her?
¿ Qué fue lo que le hiciste?
What? Do you actually think I'd be stupid enough to hurt her?
¿ Crees que sería tan estúpida como para hacerle daño?
And I know you feel so guilty that you'd rather let her killer get away with it than think about what you didn't do to help her.
Y sé que se siente tan culpable que preferiría dejar escapar al asesino que reflexionar sobre lo que no hizo para ayudarla.
But if you'd look into her mind, you'd wanna do the same thing for what she's done to your people.
Pero si miraran en su mente durante un segundo... querrían hacer lo mismo por lo que le ha hecho a su pueblo.
Well, based on what you've told me, like the time she used a stapler to try to turn her boss into Jesus Christ, I'd say she has some very deep-rooted rage issues that don't have shit to do with sexual harassment.
Basándome en lo que me dijiste creo que tiene una rabia arraigada que no tiene nada que ver con el acoso.
Other fighters would do exactly what you'd say to them and she'd ask, why this and why that, and then do it her own way anyway.
Otros boxeadores hacían exactamente lo que uno les decía y ella preguntaba, por qué esto y por qué aquello e igual lo hacía a su manera.
Pranks, yeah, but I never threatened to kill any cops or say I wanted to... "Rip off her clothes, slashing as I defile her." That's what you'd like to do?
Travesuras, sí, pero nunca amenacé con matar a policías ni dije que quería "Arrancarle la ropa y rebanarla mientras la desvirgo."
So what'd you do? Run back to your boys and rat her out?
Entonces, ¿ volvió con sus compinches y se chivó?
If somebody like her came to see me back in New York with this dogshit case you know what I'd do?
Si una chica como ella hubiera ido a verme a Nueva York con este caso inútil ¿ sabes qué hubiera hecho?
What'd you do to her?
Qué le hiciste?
What'd you do to her, Jack?
- ¿ Qué le has hecho, Jack?

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