What's that word Çeviri İspanyolca
425 parallel translation
that's the right word... he is fuelled, like the jet planes that he loves so much, by this tremendous desire to do what's best for this country.
Esa es la palabra correcta. Está lleno de combustible, como los aviones de reacción que tanto ama, por ese tremendo deseo de hacer lo que es mejor para este país.
Mr. Jenkins, you have my word, and you know what that's worth.
Tiene mi palabra, Sr. Jenkins, y usted sabe lo que vale.
Well, that's what Scotland Yard thinks. Mum's the word.
Eso piensa Scotland Yard, pero no le digan a nadie.
Not one word of what he's saying is being printed in that state!
¡ En el estado no se ha publicado nada de lo que ha dicho!
- What do you expect the jury to do? Take a poor mug's word against that of a gentleman of the press?
Tu palabra cuenta más que la suya.
What's that word for American?
¿ Cómo se dice americano?
I don't know... but word is out that'Ntoni Valastro has become a shiftless bum... frequenting dives... oblivious to what's going on at home.
No sé... pero se oye que'Ntoni Valastro se ha convertido en un vago inútil... frecuentando tabernas... olvidando a lo que ha llevado a su familia.
Sneaking out on me without a word! That's what you meant to do if I hadn't come to Chicago.
Y no me habrías dicho ni una palabra si no hubiera venido a Chicago.
That's a small word for what you've been having.
Es poco decir, para lo que ha vivido.
What's that word?
¿ Qué palabra es esa?
- When looking for a word, that's what you do?
¿ Cuando busca una palabra, la encuentra ahí?
- That's what we're out to prevent. Yes, I know. But they won't take one's word for anything.
- No creerán nada de lo que digamos.
- What's that code word again?
- ¿ Cuál era la clave?
That's what you were after from the word go.
Eso querías desde el principio.
Oh, that's a pale word for what I'm feeling.
Esa palabra no empieza a describir lo que siento.
Solemn word about what? That these were Carroon's fingerprints.
De que estas huellas son de Carroon.
That's a word I've never used before, but now I know what it means.
Nunca había usado la palabra, pero ahora la entiendo.
That's what I said, word for word.
Eso mismo dije yo, palabra por palabra.
No, the only time I remember him even mentioning the word was once in a letter and I don't suppose that's what you mean.
Me parece que sólo una vez ha mencionado esa palabra, fue en una carta, pero no le servirá para lo que usted busca...
Oh, you are.. What's that word you were?
Eres... ¿ cómo dicen en Yorkshire?
To hit a lick against what's wrong, or to say a word for what's right even though you get walloped for sayin'that word.
Hacer algo contra lo que está mal o hablar por lo que está bien... aunque nos den una zurra por decirlo.
That's what the word means.
Eso es lo que significa la palabra.
Come on, what's the baddest bad word that has "soft" in it?
¿ cuál es la peor palabra con "blando"?
What's that word?
¿ Qué palabra es ésa?
That's what the word "welfare" means, isn't it?
Eso es lo que la palabra "bienestar" significa, ¿ no es así? Si, señora.
That's what the-the word "Indian" means in the note... not that they were captured by Indians.
La palabra en la nota era Índico. No que habían sido capturados por los indios.
No, that's not the word. Not ironic. What's the word?
El hecho es que este barco fue una casa flotante para bodas.
Well, that's because he's so conscientious and faithful and loyal and... What's that word? - Stupid.
Sólo porque él es muy meticuloso, fiel, leal y- ¿ Cómo se dice?
Hey, Cap... What's that word?
Capitán, ¿ qué dice aquí?
That's your word for what we've been through?
¿ Es su palabra para lo que hemos vivido?
I don't understand a word. What's that?
- No entiendo nada. ¿ Qué dice?
What's the first word that comes into your mind about TV commercials?
Cuál es la primera palabra que viene a tu mente respecto a publicidades de TV?
I'm glad you take my word for it, because that's what I was doing.
Me alegro de que me crea, porque eso es lo que hacía.
I bet you he said a word. That's what must have happened.
Apostaría a que le ha hablado.
What's that word they got?
¿ Cómo es que dicen?
That's what I told them, word for word.
Eso es exactamente Io que Ies he d ¡ cho.
Only what you've been telling us all along — that the circus ape is incapable of human speech... and to the best of your knowledge, he's never uttered a word.
- Sólo lo que nos ha dicho. El simio de circo es incapaz de hablar y, por lo que Ud. sabe, nunca pronunció palabra.
I don't know what the word for "male slut" is... but that's what you are.
No sé qué palabra existe para una "ramera masculina"... pero eso es lo que eres.
What's a subway? It's their word for'Underground'. Now that he mentions it, I recall reading of its contruction.
Es la palabra para bajo tierra ahora que lo menciona le recomiendo leer el manual de construcción primero.
Si pudiera, contactaría a Vicky... pero no se concentra en nada... y no entiende ni una palabra de lo que digo.
That's a polite word for what you are.
Es algo más que eso. No diré qué.
Let's forget the meaning of the word'boss'. 'Boss'? What's that?
Olvidaremos la palabra "jefe". ¿ " Jefe?
Ass is hardly even a dirty word anymore, but it has a few meanings that you can't say on television, that's what I was talking about, what can you say on television.
"Trasero" es dificilmente una palabra vulgar ahora, pero tiene unos pocos significados que no puedes decir en televisión, de eso estaba hablando, qué puedes decir en televisión.
Bitch, bitch is another word like that, same kind of word, it's only dirty part of the time, depends on what you mean by bitch.
"Perra", "perra" es otra palabra como esa, el mismo tipo de palabra, sólo es vulgar la mitad del tiempo, depende en qué quieras decir con "perra".
That's what you have to remember, it's just a word, but it's in such bad shape.
Eso es lo que tienen que recordar, es sólo una palabra, pero está en muy mala forma.
That's not what we agreed, he doesn't keep his word!
¡ No es lo pactado, no tiene palabra!
Well, you may put the word out that I know what's going on
Pues, puedes correr la voz de que sé lo que ocurre.
"Nova" from the Latin word for new and "Crab" because that's what an astronomer centuries later was reminded of when looking at this explosion or remnant through the telescope.
"Nova" significa "nueva" en latín y "Cangrejo" porque fue lo que le pareció ver a un astrónomo, siglos después al mirar los restos de explosión con un telescopio.
That's what the word means. Samurai means "to serve".
Eso es lo que significa la palabra samurái : servir.
What could have been in the letter that would make him run away like that without saying a word? It's not something he'd normally do.
¿ Qué podía haber en una carta como esa, que él sale corriendo y desaparece enseguida, y no habla con nadie, lo cual no suele hacer?
Nobody can do the impossible, that's what the word means.
Nadie puede hacer lo imposible, eso es lo que significa la palabra.
what's that 9620
what's that supposed to mean 1098
what's that noise 213
what's that over there 34
what's that got to do with it 83
what's that got to do with me 46
what's that smell 333
what's that like 67
what's that all about 130
what's that about 270
what's that supposed to mean 1098
what's that noise 213
what's that over there 34
what's that got to do with it 83
what's that got to do with me 46
what's that smell 333
what's that like 67
what's that all about 130
what's that about 270