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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Whatever you're thinking of doing

Whatever you're thinking of doing Çeviri İspanyolca

23 parallel translation
Whatever you're thinking of doing... please don't.
Sea lo que sea que piensas hacer... no lo hagas, por favor.
Please, whatever you're thinking of doing...
Por favor, lo que sea que estés pensando en hacer...
Whatever you're thinking of doing don't do it.
Lo que sea que estás pensando no lo hagas.
Please, whatever you're thinking of doing...
Por favor, lo que sea que piensas hacer...
And whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it.
Y sea lo que sea que pienses hacer, no lo hagas.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it.
Lo que sea que estés pensando en hacer, no lo hagas.
Jenny, whatever you're thinking of doing... they won't stop. Jenny.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, it's not necessary.
Sea lo que sea lo que estés pensando hacer, no es necesario.
Pero eso e - e - e - esta - de alguna manera esto era diferente.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, please don't do it.
Cualquier cosa que pienses hacer, por favor, no lo hagas.
Whatever it is you're thinking of doing, don't.
Lo que sea que estés pensando hacer, no lo hagas.
And whatever you're thinking of saying or doing don't bother because I've seen it before and I'm just guessing here but I don't think there are many original thinkers.
Y lo que sea que piensen decir o hacer no se molesten, porque lo he visto antes y estoy suponiendo, pero creo que no hay muchos pensadores originales aquí.
I mean, it takes a real act of will not to talk to yourself, and what you're doing is thinking, basically, recollecting, or, you know, whatever it is.
Se requiere de mucha fuerza de voluntad para no hacerlo. En realidad, lo que uno hace es pensar, recordar o lo que sea que uno haga.
Whatever you're thinking of doing... don't.
Lo que estés pensando en hacer... no lo hagas.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, please don't do it.
Lo que sea que estés pensando hacer, por favor no lo hagas.
Tyler, whatever you're thinking of doing, there has to be another way.
Tyler, sea lo que sea lo que estés pensando hacer, tiene que haber otra manera.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, Clinton, don't do it.
Lo que usted está pensando en haciendo, Clinton, no lo hagas.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, you don't have to do it.
Lo que sea que estás pensando hacer, no tienes que hacerlo.
Whatever you're thinking of doing, just let me help you do it right, all right?
Lo que sea que estés pensando hacer, solo déjame ayudarte a hacerlo bien, ¿ de acuerdo?
Whatever you're thinking of doing, you don't have to.
Lo que estés pensando en hacer, no tienes que hacerlo.
- Hey, Riggs, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it.
- Oye, Riggs, lo que sea que piensas hacer, no lo hagas.
Whatever you're thinking of doing... don't.
Lo que estés pensando en hacer... No lo hagas.
If you go through with this, whatever you're thinking of doing, my life will be over.
Si sigues con esto, con lo que estás pensando en hacer, mi vida habrá acabado.

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