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When he was a kid Çeviri İspanyolca

735 parallel translation
Hideyoshi, the great lord, was terrible when he was a kid.
Hideyoshi, el gran señor, era terrible cuando era niño.
I didn't fully understand all he tried to tell me, but it was something about you living the rest of your life for him as he might have lived it himself if he'd had the right breaks when he was a kid.
No entendí bien lo que intentó decirme pero se trataba de que usted viviría por él... Después me pidió una foto de él.
My lord's father died when he was a kid.
El padre de mi Lord murió cuando era pequeño.
Yes. Yes, he was very funny when he was a kid.
Sí, era muy gracioso cuando era niño.
Yeah, when he was a kid, his brother played with a gun. It went off in his face
Sí, cuando era niño, su hermano murió jugando con una pistola.
He'd like to ride on the merry-go-round, like when he was a kid, but he's too dignified, and people would probably laugh at him.
Le gustaría subir al tiovivo, como cuando era niño, pero es demasiado estirado, y seguramente la gente se reiría de él.
Like when he was a kid.
Como cuando yo era un niño.
You know, when he was a kid he stole a marmalade jar..... and he went sick to the stomach, uncle Ernesto did.
Una vez, de niño, robó un bote de mermelada. ¡ Qué dolor de barriga le dio!
I knew him when he was a kid in the poolroom. He used to beat everybody.
Recuerdo que siendo un chiquillo, les pegaba a todos.
When he was a kid, he used to fake headaches... to get his mother's attention away from the rest of the family.
Cuando era niño, fingía dolores de cabeza... para que su madre lo atendiera a él y no al resto de la familia.
Oh, from when he was a kid.
- Desde que era un crío.
Maybe some woman did something mean to him when he was a kid.
Quizá una mujer fuera mala con él cuando era niño. Tal vez ni lo recuerde, pero, está en su memoria.
When this man is caught, you'll find he has a record dating back to when he was a kid.
Al atraparlo, verá que es reincidente, que empezó siendo niño.
You see, when he was a kid, we had a maid. She taught him to do things like that.
Teníamos una sirvienta que le enseñaba esas cosas.
Did it once in The Mikado when he was a kid.
Lo hice una vez en el Mikado cuando era niño.
Sam always had a nasty tongue even when he was a kid.
Sam siempre tuvo Ia lengua afilada, incluso de niño.
When he was a kid, mom used to tell him :... "Eat it all, and you'll see Rome's football colors!"
Mamá, para que comiera, le decía "Cómetelo todo, verás los colores del Roma".
He was crazy, he liked it a lot, when he was a kid he used to jump the gates! What are gates? They're part of fencing for livestock.
¡ Era un loco, tenía mucha afición, de chico se saltaba las tranqueras! ¿ Qué son tranqueras?
He had it hard when he was a kid.
La pasó muy mal de niño.
When he was a kid, he was the fastest.
De pequeño, era el más rápido.
It's Vince, when he was a kid.
Es Vince de pequeño
Who knows? Maybe his mother wore a purple robe when he was a kid.
Quizá su madre tenía una bata morada cuando era niño.
When he arrived in Kyoto from his home village he was a hungry kid.
Cuando llegó a Kioto desde su pueblo natal, era un niño hambriento.
It's about a guy that married a little kid just when he was starting in the racket with Carston.
Es acerca de un tipo que se casó con una muchacha justo cuando comenzaba a trabajar en los negocios de Carston.
I've always had dreams of sailing on her again as I did when I was a kid.
Siempre he soñado con volver a navegar en él.
He was a swell kid when we first got married.
Era un buen chico cuando nos casamos.
He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was kid.
Un caballo le dio una coz de niño
When I was a kid they said, "He'll grow out of it".
Cuando era un crío decían, "cambiará"...
No, he died when I was a kid.
No, murió cuando era un chico.
When he left home he was a good kid...
Cuando se fue de casa era un buen chico.
When he was a little kid.
Cuando era un niño.
Oh, yeah, my Dad used to take me to all these places when I was a kid, and he said it's very important to socialize.
Ah, sí, mi padre me traía a estos sitios cuando era niño. Decía que era importante hacer vida social.
When I first run into him, he was nothing but a green kid with a crazy look in his eye.
Cuando me tropecé con él, no era más que un novato con mirada de loco.
He ran out on us when I was a kid.
Nos abandono cuando yo era pequeño.
I used to see them sometimes when I was a kid sitting'in the livin'room talkin', and I used to adore my old man, because he was always so kind.
Yo los veía sentados en el living, conversando durante horas. Yo adoraba a mi viejo porque era un tipo muy cálido.
I never knew my father. He went away when I was a little kid.
No le conocí, mi padre nos abandonó cuando yo era un niño.
As a matter of fact, you know, when I was a kid, I was never chosen.
- - No lo hago. Cuando yo era pequeño, nunca he sido elegido.
When Tony was a kid, real little, he used to play here.
Cuando Tony era un niño, muy pequeño, solía jugar aquí.
Certainly, he was like a 100 years old when I was a kid.
Lógico, yo tenía 5 años cuando lo trajeron a esta casa.
When I was a kid, I had a dog. He grew up and my mom gave it away.
Cuando era niño tenía un perro, y cuando creció mi madre lo regaló.
When I was a kid, I used to lie awake at night praying he would die.
De niño, solía quedarme despierto de noche orando para que muriera.
He used to leave his loose change out when I was a kid so I could swipe some.
Cuando era un crío, solía dejar algo de cambio para que yo pudiese cogerlo.
He used to sing it to me when I was just a kid.
Solía cantármela cuando era un niño.
When I was a kid, he caught me stealing hubcaps off his car.
Cuando yo era pequeño, me pilló robándole los tapacubos del coche.
I remember when I was a kid, once, because he's very open...
Me recordó que yo era pequeño, Chiquitino. En una ocasión, por que muy campejano.
Step-father cut his tongue out when he was a kid.
Cain was a tough kid when he came here in'73.
Cain daba muchos problemas cuando vino aquí en el 73.
I've seen enough "money play" when I was a kid.
He visto suficiente "dinero de juguete" cuando era niña.
When I was a kid, my old man, he...
Cuando yo era niño, mi padre...
I've heard these two words my whole life and as a kid, when they thought I was sleeping.
He oído estas dos partes toda mi vida incluso de niño, cuando pensaban que dormía.
I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather... he had a piece of furniture, it was exactly like this.
Recuerdo que cuando yo era pequeño, mi abuelo tenía un mueble exactamente igual que este.

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