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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Where did you find that

Where did you find that Çeviri İspanyolca

271 parallel translation
- And where did you find that lancet?
- ¿ Y dónde encontró esa lanceta?
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde la encontró?
- Where did you find that?
- ¿ Dónde estaba?
- Where did you find that thing?
- ¿ Dónde has encontrado esto?
- Where did you find that?
- ¿ Dónde has encontrado eso?
- Where did you find that?
- ¿ Dónde la encontrasteis?
- Where did you find that?
- ¿ Dónde encontró eso?
Where did you find that?
¿ De dónde lo tomaste?
Melissa, where did you find that dress?
Melissa, ¿ de dónde lo has sacado?
Where did you find that interpreter?
¿ Dónde encontró aquel intérprete?
Where did you find that girl?
¿ Dónde encontró a la chica?
Where did you find that?
¿ Donde la encontraste?
Subu, where did you find that guy?
Subu, ¿ dónde encontraste a ese tipo?
Where did you find that tin hat?
Donde encontrastes ese sombrero de lata.?
Where did you find that pistol?
¿ De dónde has sacado ese revolver?
Where did you find that again?
¿ De dónde lo sacaste?
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde encontró esto?
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde encontraste a ése?
Bye where did you find that bombshell?
Adiós ¿ Dónde has encontrado a esta hermosura?
- Where did you find that one?
- ¿ De dónde sacaste eso?
I'll be a son of a gun. Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde la has encontrado?
Sarma, where did you find that coat?
Sarma, ¿ de dónde sacaste esa chaqueta?
Kristina, where did you find that scum?
Kristina, ¿ de dónde sacaste esa escoria?
Where did you find that horn, Monika?
¿ Dónde encontraste ese cuerno, Monika?
- prior to the - - Okay. - Where did you find that?
Aquí hay una foto suya antes de su...
Where did you find that?
¿ En dónde hallaste eso?
Where did you find that garbage?
¿ De dondé has sacado esa basura?
Where did you find that button?
- ¿ Dónde lo ha encontrado?
- Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde encontraste esto?
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde lo has cogido?
Where did you find that clay?
¿ En dónde consiguió ese barro?
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde se topó con eso?
Where did you find that?
De donde salio la grabación?
Whisky. Where did you find that?
Whisky. ¿ De dónde lo has sacado?
- Where did you find that?
- ¿ Dónde lo encontraste?
Where did you find that?
¿ De dónde has sacado eso?
Where did you find a big thorn like that?
¿ Dónde has encontrado una espina tan grande, Omba?
Where on earth did you find that man?
Él ya tiene su fama hecha. ¡ Vaya!
You phone the cops and do'em a favor, where to find a dead cop and the guy that did it, and what happens...
Llama a los polis y hazles un favor, dónde encontrar al poli muerto y al tipo que lo hizo, y qué pasa...
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde ha encontrado eso?
That key, where did you find it?
¡ Esa llave! ¿ Dónde la encontraste?
Well, if that's where they did find it... you wouldn't expect them to just forget about you, would you?
Si la encontrasen allí, ¿ a que no te gustaría que se olvidasen de ti?
Where did you find a couple of nurses like that?
¿ Dónde ha encontrado una enfermera como esa?
Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde la encontraste?
Did you know that if you take a cabbage from the field where it grew up... and sell it to somebody 100 miles away, often it will escape and find its way home?
¿ Sabías que si quitas una col del suelo donde creció y se la vendes a alguien que vive a 160 km de distancia, la col regresa sola a casa?
Where on earth did you find that old sweater?
¿ De dónde has sacado ese jersey viejo?
Where did you find that?
- ¿ Dónde ha encontrado eso?
And these books, these disgusting books... that so lovingly describe the sadistic acts of serial killers... where did you find these books, Detective?
Estos libros asquerosos que describen con encanto... los actos sádicos de asesinos múltiples... ¿ dónde estaban, detective?
"Where did you find that?"
"¿ Dónde has visto eso?".
- Where did you find that?
¿ Dónde lo encontró? Lo liberé.
Yeah, yeah. Now I can hear it. Where did you find an old recording like that?
Sí, ya la estoy oyendo. ¿ Dónde encontró una grabación tan vieja?

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