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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Where were you last night

Where were you last night Çeviri İspanyolca

1,369 parallel translation
Where were you last night?
¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
Where were you last night?
¿ Dónde estabas anoche?
I mean, you know how it is. So where were you last night?
- ¿ Dônde estaba anoche?
- Where were you last night?
- ¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
Well, where... where were you last night? Like around 2 : 30 or so this morning?
Bueno, ¿ dónde estabas anoche, como a las 2 : 30 o algo así?
Dr. Cohen, where were you last night?
¿ Dra. Cohen, dónde estuvo noche?
Where were you last night? Right here, thanks to Jake.
¿ Dónde estabas anoche /
I'm gonna go out on a limb here, Mr. Arnold, and say the kind of people you do business with, the "What's in your portfolio?", kind of people, they don't take gypsy cabs either, but your card ended up in one last night, so where were you last night?
Arnold, que la gente con quien negocia, la que lleva en su agenda, esa clase de gente, tampoco se sube a esos taxis, pero una de sus tarjetas acabo en uno, asi que, donde estaba usted anoche?
- Where were you last night?
- Dónde estuvo anoche?
Where were you last night?
¿ Dónde te encontrabas la pasada noche?
Where were you last night at 12 : 30 a.m.?
Concéntrate. ¿ Dónde estuviste anoche a las 12. : 30?
Where were you last night? Why didn't you call?
¿ Dónde estabas anoche?
Where were you last night?
- ¿ Dónde estuvo anoche?
I know it's a cliché, but - Where were you last night? Here.
Sé que es un cliché, pero- ¿ Dónde estabas anoche?
Brian, where were you last night?
Brian, ¿ dónde estuviste ayer a la noche?
Where were you last night?
"¿ Dónde estuvo anoche?".
Where were you last night, Bear? Little after midnight? Driving.
¿ Dónde estuviste anoche, Oso, pasada la medianoche?
Where were you last night?
¿ Donde estuviste anoche?
- I said, where were you last night?
Dije, ¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
Where were you last night between 8 : 00 and 9 : 00?
¿ Dónde estaba anoche entre las 8 : 00 y las 9 : 00?
Where were you last night?
- ¿ Dónde estabas anoche? - Te lo dije.
So where were you last night?
Y, ¿ dónde estuviste anoche?
Now, I still need to know where you were last night.
- ¿ Dônde estuvo anoche?
Where were you last Wednesday night?
¿ Dónde estaba el miércoles por la noche?
Where were you last night?
-... ¿ dónde estabas la pasada noche?
Where were you last night at 12 : 30 a.m.?
¿ Dónde estuviste anoche a las 12 : 30?
Where were you last friday night... your honor?
¿ Dónde estuvo el viernes a la noche, Su Señoría?
We need to know where you were last night.
Necesitamos saber dónde estuvo anoche.
Can you tell me again where you were at 10 : 30 last night?
¿ Puedes decirme otra vez dónde estabas anoche a las 10 : 30?
You were in the city last night. Where were you about 8 : 30?
- Usted estaba en la ciudad anoche.
So where were you 8 : 30 last night?
- No. - ¿ Dónde estaba anoche a las 8 : 30?
Where were you around midnight last night?
¿ Dónde estaba alrededor de la medianoche de anoche? Aquí.
I waited up last night till, like, a million o'clock. Where were you?
Te esperé anoche hasta, como el millón en punto. ¿ Dónde estabas?
Tell us where you were last night, we can end this now.
Dinos dónde estuviste anoche, y terminaremos con esto.
Where were you last night?
- ¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
- Where were you at 11 : 00 last night?
- ¿ Dónde estaba anoche a las 11 : 00?
You weren't at the party last night, Where were you?
No fuiste a la fiesta anoche. ¿ Dónde estabas?
I'm asking you one last time, where were you all night?
Te pregunto por última vez, ¿ dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Just for the sake of form, Mr Hunter why don't you tell me where you were between the hours of six and nine last night?
Sólo es una cuestión formal, Sr. Hunter. ¿ Por qué no me dice dónde estaba entre las seis y las nueve de ayer por la noche?
Where were you between 8 : 00 and 9 : 00 last night?
¿ Dónde estuvo anoche entre las 8 : 00 y las 9 : 00?
Where the hell were you last night?
¿ Dónde coño estuviste anoche?
Oh, it depends on where you were at ten o'clock last night?
Vamos, sal de ahí. ¿ Qué hice esta vez, alguacil?
Where does he think you were last night?
- ¿ Donde piensa que estuviste anoche?
Where were you last night around midnight?
Sí la casa club, después de navegar un día.
Tell me where you were last night, round about midnight.
Bueno, yo no hice eso, se lo aseguro. Dígame dónde estuvo anoche, alrededor de la medianoche.
Where were you last night?
No la toquen.
Where were you between the hours of ten and two last night?
¿ Qué es lo que quiere saber? ¿ Dónde estaba entre las 22 y las dos de la mañana de anoche?
Do you mind telling me where you were round about 11 : 30 last night?
En algún lugar, en la ciudad.
Where were you the night before last, Travis?
¿ Dónde estabas anteanoche, Travis?
Like, where were you the night of the last robbery?
Como, ¿ dónde estabas en la noche del robo?
So until we get the blood results back, we're going to need someone to verify where you were last night.
Y hasta que recibamos los resultados de laboratorio, necesitamos a alguien que verifique dónde estuvo anoche.

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