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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Whether you know it or not

Whether you know it or not Çeviri İspanyolca

284 parallel translation
Whether you know it or not.
Lo sepas o no.
I don't care whether you know it or not.
- No me importa si Io sabes.
And you forget yours, too, because whether you know it or not, two weeks of being a sweet little wife and waiting for hubby to come home and having babies while you're waiting, you'd go crazy.
Así que olvida las tuyas, porque lo sepas o no, dos semanas siendo la dulce esposa y esperando a que el marido llegue a casa y cuidando de los niños, acabaría volviéndote loca.
It's the truth, whether you know it or not.
Lo sepas o no, es la verdad.
Whether you know it or not, you're a couple of angels of mercy... for the rest of the afternoon.
- Ya sea que lo sepan o no... serán un par de ángeles misericordiosos el resto de la tarde.
That's the outstanding feature of this case whether you know it or not.
Es lo más revelador del caso. Se dé usted cuenta o no.
I mean that whether you know it or not, you're in love with her... and you want her for yourself.
Quiero decir que, lo sepa usted o no, está enamorado de ella... y la quiere sólo para usted.
Whether you know it or not... you are a cog in this great operation.
Lo sepa o no... Lo sepa o no... usted es un engranaje de esta gran maquinaria.
- I don't know whether you know it or not... but Nancy Ordway was murdered, and they're trying to hang it on me.
- No sé si está enterada o no... pero asesinaron a Nancy y tratan de culparme a mí.
Whether you know it or not -
Lo sepas o no -
Say, Seven, I don't know whether you know it or not, but I think we might be in a little trouble.
DE acuerdo a esto, no se lo que vos sabes Seven, pero.. Creo que vamos a meternos en problemas.
Who cares whether you know it or not?
¿ Qué importa si no lo sabes?
Now, whether you know it or not, one of you three people has got the answer.
Aunque no lo sepan, ustedes tres tienen la respuesta.
But still you are a god, whether you know it or not.
Pero, sin embargo, tú eres Dios, aunque lo sepas o no.
That is the path you've chosen to take... whether you know it or not.
Ése es el camino que has escogido... lo sepas o no.
Aunque no lo sepas,
I know it'll help you whether it changes her or not.
Te ayudará, haga o no que ella cambie
- I don't know whether you'll like it or not.
- No sé si te gustará o no. - Escucha, chica.
You ought to know whether it's worthwhile or not.
Deberías saber si valía o no la pena.
I didn't know whether he'd ever answer my letter or not but here's his letter. May I read it to you?
No sabía si me contestaría o no, por supuesto, pero aquí está su carta.
And it doesn't make any difference... whether you know anything about politics or not.
Y no importa para nada si sabes algo de política o no.
Heideneck, you know... You tell me any name, any name at all, doesn't have to be the right name, I won't make any inquiries whether it's true or not.
Heideneck, usted sabe... puede decirme cualquier nombre, cualquiera, no tiene que ser el verdadero, no haré preguntas.
I think you have to see him, but I don't know whether it's right or not. I think he really loves you.
Creo que te quiere de verdad.
I don't know whether it is or not, but allow me to give you another hearty handclasp.
No se si debo o no, pero permitame darle otro caluroso apretón de manos.
I don't know whether Juan mentioned it to you or not... but it was I who financed his early career.
No sé si Juan se lo mencionó o no... pero fui yo el que financió los inicios de su carrera.
I don't know whether or not this might be a little bit expensive for you... 65 Marks a week room and board, I can afford it.
No sé, si para Ud. será un poco caro... 65 marcos por semana con manutención, puedo pagarlos.
About whether or not you got to know someone whom you know a little by little... or it happened at once... Thee are shocked....
No sabía si te enamorabas poco a poco o sucedía de repente, como si fuera un flechazo.
You know not whether it was his wisdom or his fear.
Ignoráis si lo hizo por prudencia o por temor.
You have a feeling of being trapped, hemmed in, and you don't know whether or not you like it.
Te sientes atrapado, encerrado, y no sabes si te gusta.
Incidentally, why don't you know yet whether you've got it or not?
Y de paso, ¿ por qué no sabe aún si lo conseguirá o no?
Then how do you know whether it bothers me or not?
¿ Y cómo sabe si me molesta o no?
I don't know whether to break your neck or not... but you're lying to me and I know it.
No sé si desnucarla o no... pero me miente y lo sé.
If you want to know I was thinking whether it's been successful or not.
Si quiere saberlo estaba pensando si ha sido un éxito o no.
It's not a pro film because you don't know whether we can do it or not.
No es de profesionales porque ha dicho... que la haríamos nosotros, sin saber si servimos para esto o no.
... I know now it is love, whether you admit it or not
Ahora sé que es amor, lo admitas o no.
What you would like to know is whether the creature in Hiroshima is Frankenstein or not, isn't it?
usted quiere saber si la criatura de Hiroshima fue creada a partir del corazon de Frankenstein...
Let me tell you something, whether you like it or not. I want you to know that I'm so proud of you as a father who has never Botado both feet in that was freaking my God. "
Déjame decirte, hijo, lo hagas o no... quiero que sepas que... que estoy tan orgulloso de ti como cualquier padre... que haya pisado alguna vez esta Tierra.
Now that you know It's up to you whether you want to listen or not
Ahora que lo sabes es decisión tuya si quieres escuchar o no.
Chief, I don't know whether this is important to you or not, but we don't like it- - too much sand.
Jefe, no sé si esto es importante para usted pero no nos gustó. Demasiada arena.
You know not whether if it was wisdom or his fear. To leave his wife, to leave his babes, his mansion and his titles in a place from whence himself does fly? Wisdom?
No sabes si fue prudencia o miedo.
Whether or not I'm a hired hand, as long as you know who's hired me, then I must protect my master and his clan, like any warrior would, even if it means putting my life on the line.
Un samurái, aunque sea un temporero... al entrar al servicio de un señor... tiene la obligación de servir a su señor como los samuráis de la provincia. Aunque eso signifique estar dispuesto a entregar su vida.
But you send me a 25-page exposé! I don't even know whether to encode it or not.
Pero usted me envía un exposé de 25 páginas y yo ni siquiera sé si tengo que cifrarlo o no.
Whether you realize it or not, I know what's best for you.
Lo entiendas o no... sé lo que te conviene.
[Mulcahy Narrating] You know, Sis, it doesn't matter whether you feel useful or not... when you're moving from one disaster to another.
No importa si nos sentimos útiles... cuando se pasa de un desastre a otro.
I don't know whether it's going to cheer you up or not, but I did send your tape to a guy I know who works for a record company in New York.
No sé que harás, Bueno, me atreví a mandar la grabación... a un conocido que trabaja en una disquera de Nueva York.
I don't know, John, whether you hit it or not.
No se si lo has acertado, o no.
I know you think this is all a joke, but you're gonna listen to me whether you like it or not.
Se cree que es una broma, pero me va a oír le guste o no.
How can I know whether you ate it or not.
¿ Cómo puedo saber si se lo comió o no.
I want you to tell me everything you know about Byrock... whether you think it's important or not, I want to know.
Cuéntame todo lo que sabes de Byrock... te parezca trascendente o no, cuéntamelo.
I didn't know whether you wanted me to report it or not.
No sabía si quería que lo reporte o no.
Things, and they learned it before you had a chance to say whether you wanted them to know it or not.
Y las saben sin que una pueda decidir si quiere que las sepan o no.

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