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Whiff Çeviri İspanyolca

864 parallel translation
"A Whiff of the Barracks" a sound film operetta.
AROMA DE CUARTELES un film sonoro - opereta
One whiff of this, and you'll forget everything.
Huélala una vez y se le olvidará todo.
His first whiff of Washington?
¿ Su primer soplo de Washington?
Here, take another whiff of this.
Aspira de nuevo.
Trying to get a little whiff of old Broadway?
¿ Tratas de respirar un poco de aire de Broadway?
- Well, it kills with one whiff... and then evaporates quickly leaving a slight harmless scent.
- Mata con olerlo una vez... se evapora rápidamente y deja un leve aroma inocuo.
- It's beautiful, my dear. - It's grand. - Whiff of spring.
Es muy favorecedor, muy primaveral.
That perfume is worth five bucks a whiff.
Este perfume cuesta $ 5 por gota.
I know men with ulcers who'd give $ 10 for a whiff.
Conozco ricos con úlcera que darían 10 dólares por olerlo.
A single whiff informed me that it had been recently filled, obviously after filling it, you would pour the contents back into the bottle, therefore you would have changed your mind about a cricket match.
Al olerla he notado que la ha llenado y vaciado después. Por lo tanto es evidente que cambió de opinión sobre ese partido de criquet.
If he comes to while I'm probing... pour some of it on a hunk of cotton and give him a whiff of it.
Si despierta moje un algodón y póngaselo en la nariz.
Is it all right if I give her a little whiff of this?
Harry. ¿ Le pasará algo si le doy a oler esto?
And a jolly good whiff it is too!
Es un gran honor.
You can change the scenery but sooner or later, you'll get a whiff of perfume or somebody will say a certain phrase, or maybe hum something and you're licked again.
Puedes cambiar de lugar pero tarde o temprano, te viene un perfume o alguien dice cierta frase, o tararea algo ¡ y te hundes de nuevo!
- That I am. I'd give all the blooming statues in Greece for one whiff of fish and chips.
Cambiaría todas las estatuas de Grecia por oler un plato de pescado y papas.
I can sniff the fragrant whiff of an Ioway rose
Olfateo el fragante olorcito de una rosa de Iowa
Now, we'll stand here and listen for it. Comes along and gets a whiff of the majum.
Ahora, está de pie adentro del río... viene y siente el olorcito del Majum.
He gets a good whiff.
Percibirá el olor.
Then, suddenly, I got a whiff of jasmine.
De pronto, percibí un fuerte olor a jazmín.
I remember there was a whiff of jasmine bef ore I was knocked out.
Recuerdo el olor a jazmín poco antes de perder el sentido.
Letting a little thing like a whiff of alcohol make me blow my top.
Al dejar que una cosa como el alcohol me hiciera explotar.
Here, have a good, deep whiff of this.
Inspire profundamente.
After that whiff of perfume, I couldn't wait three years.
Después de oler su perfume no podía esperarla tres largos años.
Ezra, get a whiff of that fresh air.
Ezra, respira ese aire fresco.
If they get whiff of this, they'll think I was involved.
Podrían pensar que yo estoy implicado.
Did you get a whiff of his feet?
¿ Has olido sus pies?
Take a whiff of that.
Respira profundo.
Try a whiff of this cognac.
Huele este coñac.
Oncet I even got a whiff of perfumey... like yours.
Una vez incluso me llegó el olor de un perfume... como el tuyo.
- Boy am I tired of that whiff and bluff song. - Yeah, one more whif f and bluff.... We may be dirty, but we're healthy.
- Estamos hecho una pena por los manguerazos que nos dieron con las ovejas..
Too bad it's not smell-O-Vision, So they could get a whiff of that hair tonic.
Lástima que no es Oler-o-Visión, o podían conseguir una bocanada de ese tónico capilar.
Just whiff that bouquet.
Sólo huela ese aroma.
And after six months of fighting the battle of Argos 6, six months of balloons and barometers and sand that never stopped blowing, I'd have given half my retirement pay for just one whiff of salt water.
Ydespués de 6 meses luchando en la batalla de ARGOS 6, 6 meses de globos y barómetros, y de arena que nunca dejaba de soplar hubiera dado la mitad de mi paga de retiro por un soplo de brisa marina.
Just get a whiff of that air.
Respira profundo de este aire.
Got a whiff of fresh air, that's what happened.
Respiré un poco de aire fresco, eso fue lo que pasó.
Do you mind if I give you a whiff?
¿ Te importa si te doy una bocanada?
You know that a whiff of wine is enough to set him off.
¿ Es que no sabes que se emborracha sólo con oler el vino?
I got a whiff from the galley. I think it's -
Viene un olor de la cocina.
She would take a whiff of this.
- Olía esto.
Nothing beats the whiff of fresh air in the early morning, Axel.
Axel, me gusta el aire fresco por la mañana temprano.
- You get a whiff of that liquor?
- ¿ Sentiste el olor a alcohol?
She could only have had a little whiff.
Sólo ha respirado un poco.
Ah, a whiff of the good old days!
¡ Ay! El perfume de los viejos tiempos.
You know me, one whiff, and you got to look for me on the ceiling.
Ya me conocéis, lo huelo y enseguida se me sube a la cabeza.
But be careful with the caretaker. If she gets a whiff of anything...
Oye, que no le vea la portera, o se descubrirá el pastel.
- Got a whiff of the horses, I guess.
- Supongo que huele a los caballos.
Yeah, well, don't let one whiff of fame go to your head.
Sí, bueno, que no se te suba la fama a la cabeza.
You've brought me a whiff of hope, monsieur.
Me ha traído un soplo de esperanza, Monsieur.
Take another whiff of this, huh?
Inspire un poco más.
Go ahead, take a great big whiff.
Adelante, oler bien.
- Care for a whiff of those smelling salts?
¿ Quieres venir a oler unas sales aromáticas?

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