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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Who did that to you

Who did that to you Çeviri İspanyolca

564 parallel translation
Who did that to you?
¿ Quién le ha hecho esto?
Who did that to you?
¿ Quién os lo hizo?
- Who did that to you?
- ¿ Quién te hizo eso?
Who did that to you?
¿ Pero, que te has hecho ahí?
Who did that to you?
¿ Qué os ha hecho?
Who did that to you?
Allá vamos...
Why did you decide to leave with that barbarian who was killed by her?
¿ Por qué decidió marcharse con ese bárbaro a quien esa mujer mató esta mañana?
Today you'll see what happens to those who forget... that my friend King James did you all a favor... in saving you from your just fate on the gallows.
Hoy vera lo que les ocurre a los que olvidan... que mi amigo el rey James les hizo un favor... al salvarlos de su justo destino en la horca.
I don't like curtain speeches or the kind of people who make them, but if I don't come back, I'd like you to know that I did fight against loving her because I respected you.
No me gustan los discursos o la gente que los dice, pero si no vuelvo, me gustaría que supieras que luché por no amarla, porque te respeto.
- I know you're not... but who else knows it? When that Bells sings to him as she did I...
A pesar de los esfuerzos de los dos abogados caros, fue condenado a morir en la silla eléctrica en Sing Sing.
My dear Shane, and if I did, and if I decided to kill all of you tonight, who would believe that I had done it?
Mi querido Shane, y si lo hice, y si decidiera matarlos a todos ustedes esta noche ¿ quién creería que lo he hecho?
- That man who spoke to you, did you know him?
¿ Conoce al hombre que habló con usted?
Did you believe that I was a deserter... that I, who have stood in the streets and taken my people to my heart... and talked of the greatest and holiest of things with them... could ever turn back and chatter foolishly... to fashionable people about nothing in a drawing room?
¿ Me creías una desertora... a mí, que estuve en las calles y entregué mi corazón a la gente, y hablé con ella de lo más grande y más sagrado, y creías que les daría la espalda para charlar de tonterías... con gente elegante en los salones?
Antes de que cortaran el teléfono, le conté que mataron a su esposa... y quién lo hizo.
I want you to know that. I've come back to this house with the police practically breathing down my neck to find who did.
Quiero que sepa que volví a casa con la policía prácticamente respirando en mi cuello para descubrir quién lo hizo.
Did it never occur to you that some of the people who work for you may also be friends of mine?
¿ No has pensado que algunas personas que trabajan para ti podrían ser amigas mías?
- So I won't drink anymore. - Who did you promise that to?
¿ A quién se lo ha prometido?
Did you not finally succeed in your objective and induce this unfortunate man, who worshipped his master, to be false to his trust and betray that master?
- ¿ Fracasó en su intento... de inducirle a ese hombre que idolatraba a su patrón... a que Ie traicionara?
Would those people who shall be nameless be apt to have additional copies... of that which I did you know what with this morning?
Esos que no vamos a nombrar ¿ no habrán hecho copias de lo que sabemos?
Did you wanted me to tell her that she's in love with a man who's unattainable?
¿ Quería que le dijera que se enamoró de un imposible y por su culpa?
Dr. Wharton coming after you with his hat in his hand. Do you think that's his job? And who did he come begging to?
Que vaya a verte con el sombrero en la mano, ¿ te crees que es su trabajo?
Did you feel a power within you? That mysterious force that draws us toward one who suffers with a loving, overwhelming desire to lighten his pain, free him, save him?
Usted ha sentido en su interior esa fuerza, ese impulso misterioso que le empuja hacia el ser doliente con la voluntad precisa, amorosa,... dominante de aplacarlo, de liberarlo, de salvarlo.
And, upon my knees, I charm you by my once-commended beauty, by all your vows of love and that great vow which did incorporate and make us one, that you unfold to me, yourself, your half, why you are heavy, and what men tonight have had resort to you, for here have been some six or seven who did hide their faces even from darkness.
Me arrodillo para pedirte... por mi belleza, antes alabada... por tus promesas de amor y la gran promesa... que nos hizo uno... que me cuentes a mí, a ti mismo, a tu mitad, por qué estás tan triste... y qué hombres te han visitado esta noche... pues vinieron seis o siete hombres que ocultaron el rostro en la oscuridad.
Do you remember writing in your diary that it did not matter whether I was a friend or an enemy since at least I was a person who understood you and could be talked to?
¿ Recuerdas haber escrito en tu diario, que no importaba que fuese tu amigo o tu enemigo puesto que al menos yo te entendía y podíamos hablar?
You need someone to explain who did that to Alfredo. You can't get there on your own, eh?
No vale una sola versión, ¿ eh?
Why did you attack that poor man... - who'd done nothing to you? - That's what you think.
¿ Por qué atacó a ese desgraciado que no le había hecho ningún mal?
So, kids, while you were going to school, , who did you see next to that tree?
Iban a la escuela y cerca de ese árbol, ¿ qué vieron?
Aren't you taking my plaster off so you can release that bastard of Tagliabue, who did it to me, out of punishemnt cell?
Es verdad. ¿ No me quitarán el yeso para sacar de la celda de castigo... al sinvergüenza de Tagliabue que me ha dejado así?
However, I would be failing in my duty if I did not admit to you that there are many others who believe it could have been.
Sin embargo, estaría fallando en mi deber si no admitiera ante ustedes, que hay mucho otros que sí creen que esto sea posible.
Can you believe that the same boy who did this, would stab to death a helpless blind boy?
¿ Puedes creer que el mismo muchacho que hizo eso haya matado a puñaladas a un chico ciego e indefenso?
Well, we did have a little chat about you one day... nothing serious... and I told him that, like many couples who'd been married for a long time... you and I had come to a certain understanding... the understanding being that if I ever caught you with another man...
Tuvimos una breve conversación acerca de ti un día. Nada serio. Y le dije que, como muchas parejas que habían estado casadas mucho tiempo... tú y yo habíamos llegado a un acuerdo.
Who taught you to speak like that? Mummy did!
- ¿ Quién te ha enseñado eso?
You still believe that it's possible to unite mankind when already you see how the few idealists who did join together in the name of harmony are now out of tune and would like to kill each other over trifles?
¿ Aún crees que es posible unir a la humanidad cuando ves que los pocos idealistas que se juntaron en nombre de la armonía y ahora son discordantes y querrían matarse entre ellos por nimiedades?
Who did you show that to?
¿ A quién se la mostró?
Could it be that the man who did the killing is trying to kill you, too?
¿ Podría ser que el asesino esté tratando de matarlo a usted también?
what the hell did we are the dog I told you never work with doberman not know what to do with them you remember that I said these are babies who impress our clients that is supposed to be the bulldog to care for others
que diablos hiciste son los perro que queremos te dije que nunca trabaje con doberman no se que hacer con ellos tu recuerdas que te dije estos son los bebes que impresionaran nuestros clientes para que se supone que es el bulldog para cuidar los demas
That's right. But who wants him now after what you did to him?
- ¿ Quién lo quiere ahora... después de lo que le hiciste?
Then how did you know, sir, that there were only four people who knew where Claire Daley was going to be that night and how did you know that you were one of them?
Entonces como llego a la conclusión de solo había 4 personas que supierán donde iba a estar Claire Daley por la noche y como sabía que usted era una de ellas?
Did you happen to see a show last August that had to do with a man who was being blackmailed by a woman?
Vio usted en Agosto uno de nuestros episodios donde a un hombre, una mujer le hacía chantaje?
You've withheld clues and information that made it impossible for us to guess who did it.
Reservándose pistas e información para que nos fuera imposible resolver el caso.
La curiosidad no le cortó la cabeza.
Well, to convince us of that, you'd have to tell us who did.
Bien, para convencernos de eso, tienes que decirnos quién lo hizo.
- Who did "that" to you?
- ¿ Quien te hizo eso?
I was the one who had to comfort him, to keep repeating that you did love him just the same, that you were sure to come back.
Tenía que decirle que aún le querías... y que volverías.
Remember, I had told you that he'd set off a scientific time bomb. Well, he did that because back in 1911, he took this photograph of his little cloud streaks and he showed it to a physicist called Ernest Rutherford, who said, " my god, you know what that is?
Pues así fue porque en 1911 le llevó esta fotografía de su nube con rayos a otro de sus amigos, el físico Ernest Rutherford quien le dijo :
Did you ever think about the fact that... maybe two people who snap at each other for no reason are doing it to avoid their real feelings?
¿ Has pensado alguna vez en al hecho de que tal vez dos personas que pelean constantemente sin ninguna razón lo hacen para ocultar sus verdaderos sentimientos?
If you could tell us, you know... how did you... how did you happen to join The Who... and if in fact that's what they were called when you joined?
Si nos puedes decir, sabes... Como lo hiciste... como hiciste que pasara y te unieras a The Who... y si de hecho eso es lo que ellos querian cuando te llamaron a unirte?
You want me to find who did that or not?
żRealmente quiere saber quien le hizo esto?
I'm real pissed off at him for what he did to Anne. but I have to tell you. I get a funny feeling watching two people who are that much in love.
Aún estoy muy enoiada por lo que le hizo a Anne... pero tengo que admitir... que es algo especial ver a dos personas... que están tan enamoradas.
That's the fellow's job who did it to you.
Eso le corresponde al tipo que te lo hizo.
Who or what you did before that seems to be a real mystery.
No se sabe qué o quién eras antes de eso.

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