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Who did you think it was Çeviri İspanyolca

66 parallel translation
Sure it's Bill Bradford, who did you think it was?
Claro que soy Bill Bradford, ¿ quién creías que era?
Well, who did you think it was, Kris Kringle?
- ¿ Qué esperaba?
Well, who did you think it was? Oh, i.
- ¿ Y quién creyó que era?
Then who did you think it was?
¿ Y quién creía que era?
Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién creía que era?
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Quién creía que era?
I just wanted to make sure it was you. - Who did you think it was?
¿ Y quién querías que fuera?
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Quién creías que era?
Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién iba a ser?
Well, who did you think it was?
- ¿ Y quién sino?
Well, now, who did you think it was, your gentleman friend?
- ¿ Quién iba a ser? ¿ algún amigo tuyo?
Who did you think it was?
¿ De qué se trata? El profesor.
Well, who did you think it was?
¿ Quién creias que era? .
- Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién pensaba que era?
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Y quién creías que era?
And who did you think it was?
¿ Y quién pensabas que era?
Of course it's myself. Who did you think it was?
Pensé que un casaca roja había caído en la trampa de los animales.
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Qu ¡ én pensaste que era?
Who did you think it was, fools?
¿ Quién creíais que era, tontos?
Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién te creías que era?
- Who did you think it was?
¿ Por qué, quién pensabas que era?
- Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién creíste que era?
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Y quién debería ser?
Quien piensan que es?
- Who did you think it was, David?
- Quién te creías que era, David?
Quien te pensabas que era?
Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién creíste que era?
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Quién pensabas que era?
Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién pensabas que era?
Well, who did you think it was?
Bueno, ¡ ¿ quién creías que era?
- Who else did you think it was ?
- ¿ Quién más podría ser?
- Who did you think it was from?
has encontrado que era?
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, with the most convenient definitions.
Aceptamos el hecho de que debimos sacrificar... todo un sábado en detención por lo que sea que hicimos mal... pero está loco en pedirnos un ensayo contándole quiénes creemos que somos... cuando Ud. nos ve como quiere vernos... en los términos más simples y las definiciones más convenientes.
Who the fuck did you think it was?
¿ Quién mierda creías que era?
- Who did you think it was?
- ¿ Quién pensaste que fuese?
In fact, it was his idea. Who did you think I...
Fue su idea, a quien creias...?
if you think my mother was killed, tell me who did it.
Ya tuve suficiente de esto. Si dice que mi madre fue asesinada, quiero saber quien lo hizó.
So if you don't think that Kembrook was involved... and the accomplice was fictitious... who did it?
Entonces, si no cree que Kembrook estaba involucrado y el cómplice era ficticio ¿ quién lo hizo?
They're gonna think it was you, no matter who did it, so don't try to hide it when it really was you.
Van a pensar que fuiste tú, no importa quien lo hizo, así que no intentes ocultarlo cuando realmente seas tú.
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Y me preguntaba si algo Dios no quiera, le pasara a mi sobrino Wyatt...
I think that you did it When I moved in here I was the type of guy who was capable of doing shit like this
Cuando me mudé aquí era la clase de persona capaz de hacer algo asi pero ya no lo soy
- Scipio. - Who else did you think it was?
- Scipio. - ¿ Quien mas creias que era?
BOY We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
Aceptamos que tuvimos que sacrificar un sábado castigados por lo que fuera que hicimos mal. Pero están locos por hacernos escribir un ensayo de lo que creemos que somos.
Did you think I wouldn't figure out it was you who sent those pictures?
En serio ¿ creías que no descubriría que fuiste tú quien me envió esas fotos?
Marque told me pretty much who Barbi was he warned me about the propability he was on the list he warned me he was arrestable and left up with me why did you think it's worthy to take that risk
Merk me comentó quién era Barbie. Me advirtió acerca de las probabilidades de que estuviese en el registro Crowcass. Me advirtió que podía ser arrestado y me dejó a mí la decisión.
Actually, it was awful.I was awful, and I'm ashamed of myself, because I know what it feels like to be abandoned - - how you think you're worthless and unlovable and your heart hardens to the person who did it to you.
De hecho, era horrendo. Yo era horrendo, y me avergüenzo de mi mismo, porque sé lo que se siente ser abandonado - como es sentirse sin valor e imposible de amar y tu corazón se endurece hacia la persona que te hizo eso.
You know why I think your father wired the car the way he did? 'Cause I think he thought if he was the only one who could fix it that we'd always need him.
Creo que tu padre hizo la instalación eléctrica así porque creo que pensaba que si él era el único que podía arreglarlo, siempre lo necesitaríamos.
But I did think it was interesting that you have your own line of perfume, you know, for that special lady who wants to smell like "who gives a fuck?"
Pero yo pensaba que era interesante que tuvieras tu propia línea de perfume, ya sabes, para esa mujer especial... que quiere oler como "¿ A quién coño le importa?"
Besides, who did you think was doing it?
Asqueroso del todo. " A parte, ¿ quién pensabas que lo estaba haciendo?
Do you think it was you who did this?
¿ Crees que tú me has hecho esto?
Who did you think it was?
¿ Quién creías que era?

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