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Who didn't Çeviri İspanyolca

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For me, who was alone and didn't have one person to rely on, it was dark and cold.
Para mí, que estaba sola y no tenia en quien apoyarme... era oscuro y frío.
Reason why I say that, because you know who didn't get caught, Justin?
Digo esto porque, sabes quiénes no fueron filmados, Justin?
This didn't go as planned, so we find some other agents who worked with Jake.
Esto no ha salido según lo planeado, así que encontremos otros agentes que trabajaran con Jake.
Tell me, who do you think stands to lose the most when this so-called B613 is made public... the quiet paleontologist collecting bones or the man down the street who could have pulled the plug on it and didn't?
Dime, ¿ quién crees que puede perder más cuando eso llamado B613 se haga público... el tranquilo paleontólogo que recoge huesos o el hombre del final de la calle que podía haber tirado del enchufe y no lo hizo?
I didn't even understand who it was.
Ni siquiera entendí quién era.
You just didn't want anybody to know that you're the kind of guy who'd step out on his wife after 20 good years.
Simplemente no querías que nadie supiera que eres el tipo de tío que abandonaría a su esposa después de veinte años buenos.
I know of a doctor who agreed with you, a relatively young man also fascinated by genetics, a man who didn't concern himself with morality, humanity.
Conozco un doctor que estaba de acuerdo contigo, un hombre relativamente joven también fascinado por la genética, un hombre que no se preocupaba por la moralidad, la humanidad.
I guess I was just... Blinded by what I thought was love and I spent a lot of time telling everyone who cared for me that they didn't understand, they didn't get Annie.
Supongo, que sólo estaba cegado por lo que pensé que era amor y me pasé un montón de tiempo diciendo a todos que se preocupaba por mí que no entendían, que no me quede con Annie.
Or even a boy who didn't have a dog.
O incluso un chico que no tuviese perro.
Was it his mom, who didn't hug him enough?
¿ Fue su madre quien no le abrazó lo suficiente?
You're the first tanner I've ever met who didn't have stained hands.
Sois el primer curtidor que jamás he conocido que no tiene las manos manchadas.
You became a debt collector... killing anyone who didn't pay up.
Te convertiste en recaudador, y matabas a los que no pagaban.
As far as I recall, I never bagged anyone who didn't bear some responsibility for the getting killed part.
Que yo recuerde, nunca cacé a nadie que no tuviera cierta responsabilidad por lo de perder la vida.
I didn't give him that bottle... but I know who did.
Yo no le di la botella pero sé quién lo hizo.
Only reason he'd do that is if he didn't know who he could trust.
Sólo haría eso si no sabía en quién confiar.
And the reason they trusted him was, he didn't give up the guy who tried to... Tried to knock him off.
Y la razón por la que confiaron en él fue que no se rindió ante el tipo que intentó... eliminarle.
Was nina who just didn't fit inch nina, the tribe has spoken.
Nina, la tribu ha hablado.
Rodney, who didn't get along?
Rodney, ¿ quiénes no se llevaron bien?
Could be an unfortunate hiker who didn't outrun the fire.
Podría ser un senderista desafortunado que no escapó del fuego.
Yeah, we really pulled out all the stops, didn't we? Oi, oi. Who ordered the strippers?
Sí, realmente retiramos todas las barreras, ¿ verdad? ¿ Quién contrató a los strippers?
But, he didn't have the tempering influence of a Meyer Lansky, who could say to Luciano,
Pero, no tenía la influencia calmada de un Meyer Lansky, que le podía decir a Luciano,
But he didn't say who?
Pero él no dijo quién?
You didn't see who he was?
Usted no vio quién era?
Is it possible you enjoyed extreme sexual encounters with someone who didn't want you to know their name?
¿ Es posible que haya disfrutado de encuentros sexuales extremos con alguien que no quería que supiera su nombre?
Um, I think the guy who's in prison for killing my parents maybe didn't kill my parents.
uh, creo que el hombre que esta en prision por el asesinato de mis padres quizás no mato a mis padres
Yeah, but I didn't tell him who I was, though. He told me he never thought he'd get locked up for something he didn't do.
Sí, pero yo no le dije quien era yo, sin embargo me dijo que nunca pensó que lo meterían preso por algo que el no hizo
He didn't say, let me think or ask you where you heard the name or who asked about it, he just shut you down.
No te pidió que le dejases pensar, ni te preguntó dónde habías oído el nombre ni quién te lo había mencionado.
Why didn't you tell me it was you and Irisa who rescued Luke?
¿ Por que no me dijiste que fueron tu e Irisa quienes rescataron a Luke?
And feeling nothing, because I didn't know who she was.
Y no sentir nada, porque no sabía quién era ella.
I didn't want to tell him who I really was.
No quería decirle quién era en realidad.
And I was hoping to take a really good friend, someone I've known since kindergarten who really means a lot to me and I didn't realize how much until I treated her badly.
Y realmente esperaba llevar a una buena amiga, alguien a quien conozco desde el nido y significa mucho para mí. y no me di cuenta de cuánto hasta que la traté mal.
He didn't care about who won the Super Bowl.
No le importaba quién ganó la Super Bowl.
I was aware we had someone on the inside, but I just didn't know who.
Era consciente de que teníamos a alguien dentro, pero no sabía quién.
I didn't know who else to call.
No sabía a quién mas llamar.
Killer didn't make any more of an effort to hide who she was than he did to dispose of the vehicle.
El asesino no hizo ningún esfuerzo más para esconder quién era que lo que hizo para deshacerse del vehículo.
The person who killed her... didn't want to puncture the package.
La persona que la mató no quería perforar el paquete.
And I didn't kill Raquel, she was the only one who protected me against the EOs.
Y yo no maté a Raquel, ella era la única que me protegidos contra las organizaciones de empleadores.
I didn't think it was a big deal to help the woman who helped us start a family.
No creí que fuera un gran problema... ayudar a la mujer que nos ayudó a comenzar una familia.
It was Michael who didn't catch your boy when he fell to his death.
Fue Michael quien no alcanzó a tu chico cuando cayó a su muerte.
'Just that, when she saw Andrew on the news'she didn't think he was the one who kept her down there.'
No, solo que vio a Andrew en las noticias y que no cree que fuera él quien nos encerró ahllí.
Well, there were a few people who didn't say, "Yay", right away but I took advantage of the silence.
Bueno, hubieron algunas personas que no dijeron "si" inmediatamente pero me aproveché del silencio.
I didn't even know who I was talking to.
No sabía ni con quién hablaba.
Clearly the Berkeleys didn't know who they were getting in bed with.
Obviamente los Berkeley no sabían con quién se estaban metiendo.
and then pretty soon, you get the tired, "girls aren't funny" bullshit, all stemming from the fact that you didn't want to bone down with some insecure five-six neckbeard who once had a meeting with Bob Odenkirk so he thinks he's no longer a repulsive troll.
y, entonces, muy pronto obtienes la típica mierda de "las chicas no son divertidas", todo partiendo del hecho de que no quisiste tirarte a algún tío inseguro de barba en el cuello y metro sesenta y cinco
- Who didn't trust me. Do you understand?
- Que no confió en mí. ¿ Entiendes?
And I hear the male voice say, "Yeah, I saw the Guinea bastard." I didn't know who it was.
Pero me di la vuelta y supe que era él, porque había visto su foto en una de sus columnas.
Well, maybe she didn't know who the father was.
Bueno, tal vez ella no sabía quién era el padre.
I was the only one who didn't say anything.
Fui el único que no dijo nada.
I thought you were the one who didn't want to come out, so I figured nobody was gonna care.
Pensaba que eras tú el que no quería revelarlo, entonces creí que a nadie le importaría.
For the first time in her life, she had somebody who looked after her and didn't want anything in return.
Por primera vez en su vida, tenía a alguien que cuidara de ella... y que no quería nada a cambio. Ella se enamoró de ti, es obvio.
He didn't say who?
- ¿ No dijo quién?

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