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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Why don't you come in

Why don't you come in Çeviri İspanyolca

846 parallel translation
Why you don't come turn in, Anna?
¿ Por qué no vas a dormir, Anna?
If you wanna wait for Myra, why don't you come in?
Si quiere esperar a Myra, ¿ por qué no entra?
Why-why don't you come straight in so that I know you're there?
Entra directamente, que te vea.
Why don't you come to my house riding in this car?
¿ Por qué no te subes a ese coche y vienes a mi casa?
If you're so interested in our private affairs... why don't you come and see?
Si le interesa nuestra vida privada... ¿ por qué no viene a ver?
Well, why don't you come in?
- Bueno, ¿ por qué no pasa?
- Why don't you come in and have some?
Pase y pruébelo.
Why don't you come in with me and Shorty on this thing?
¿ Por qué no se une a mí y a Enanito?
Tomasso, why don't you come in?
Tomasso, ¿ por qué no entras?
Why don't you come in?
¿ Por qué no pasa?
Why don't you come over to our place tomorrow, in the afternoon, say.
¿ Por qué no vienes a casa mañana? Por la tarde, digo.
Why don't you come in, sit down, put your feet up?
¿ Quieren pasar y sentarse a descansar?
Why don't you laugh at yourself a little as I laugh at myself and come and talk to me once in a while in a friendly way.
Ríiete un poco de ti mismo, como yo y ven a visitarme como un amigo.
Why don't you knock before you come in?
¿ Por qué no tocas antes de entrar?
Why don't you come in?
¿ Por qué no entra?
Why don't you come and stay in town with us?
¿ Por qué no te quedas con nosotros?
Yes, why don't you come in.
Sí, ¿ por qué no entras?
- Henry, why don't you come in, too,
- Henry, ¿ cómo no entras tú también
- Why don't you come out in the open so I can see you?
¿ Por qué no vienes donde pueda verte?
Mike, why don't you come out in the open in whatever you're doing?
Mike, ¿ por qué no haces público lo que sea que estés haciendo?
Charles, while we do the dishes, why don't you come in the living room and stretch out on the sofa and read the evening paper?
¿ Por qué no te sientas y lees el periódico mientras fregamos esto?
You've got all day, Charlie, to come here. I don't know why you want to rush in here tonight like a madwoman.
Has tenido todo el día, no sé por qué vienes ahora.
Why don't you come on in?
¿ Por qué no entras?
That's why I came around here. You don't think I'd - - Arthur, you come in here right this minute.
No pensará que yo- - Arthur, entra en casa ahora mismo.
Well, why don't you come in and tell me all about it?
¿ Por qué no viene hasta aquí y me lo cuenta todo?
- Why don't you come in?
- ¿ No quieres pasar?
why don't you come in and see us again sometime? How much do I love you Soon, huh?
¿ Por qué no vienes a vernos otro día?
Why don't you come in and get a little warm?
¿ Por qué no entras para calentarte?
In the meantime, why don't you be a reasonable chap and come back here?
Mientras tanto, ¿ por qué no es razonable y vuelve aquí?
Why don't you come in for a while, Bob?
Entra un rato, Bob.
Why don't you come in?
¿ Por qué no entras?
- Why don't you come in, Doctor.
- Pase.
Why don't you come in?
¡ Venga a vernos!
Why don't you all come back in the morning?
¿ Por qué no regresan mañana temprano?
Why don't you all come back in the morning?
¿ Por qué no regresan mañana?
Why don't you come in, sir.
Why don't you come in too?
¿ Por qué no me acompaña?
Why don't you come in and have a nightcap with us?
Ven a beber una copa.
Why don't you come in?
¿ Por qué no entrar?
Fine, why don't you come right in the office?
- Sí. - Bien, pues ven ahora a la oficina.
Why don't you come on in a little while?
¿ Por qué no entras un ratito?
- Why don't you come in?
- ¿ Por qué no entran ustedes?
Why don't you come in?
Sólo hay estática.
Why don't you come in a minute?
- Pasa un minuto.
If you don't, why don't you come to staff meeting once in a while and find out? !
Si no, ¿ por qué no vienes a las reuniones y te enteras?
Why don't you come in here?
¿ Por qué mejor no entras tú?
- Why don't you come in?
Why don't you come in and see if you can amuse me?
¿ Por qué no vienes a ver si me diviertes?
Why don't you come in and find out for yourself?
¿ Por qué no entra y lo averigua?
Sally says I'm booked up for the afternoon... but why don't you ask her to come in and see me?
Sally dice que tengo una tarde ocupada... Pero... ¿ Porqué no le dices que venga a verme?
Why don't you come in? At least you can have a coffee.
¿ Por qué no entra en casa y se toma un café?

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