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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Why don't you come on in

Why don't you come on in Çeviri İspanyolca

150 parallel translation
Why don't you come in with me and Shorty on this thing?
¿ Por qué no se une a mí y a Enanito?
Charles, while we do the dishes, why don't you come in the living room and stretch out on the sofa and read the evening paper?
¿ Por qué no te sientas y lees el periódico mientras fregamos esto?
Why don't you come on in?
¿ Por qué no entras?
Why don't you come on in a little while?
¿ Por qué no entras un ratito?
Look, why don't you just come on and have a drink with us and join in the party and forget about your mood for a while?
Mira, ¿ por qué no vienes a tomar una copa con nosotros... unirte a la fiesta y olvidarte de tus preocupaciones por un tiempo?
Why don't you come on in?
¿ Por qué no te metes?
_ Why don't you come on in?
- ¿ Por qué no entra?
Why don't you both just come on in?
¿ Por qué no entráis?
I don't know, man, if you've got pig in you, we'll get it out of you, so why don't you come on in?
No sé, si hay algo de policía en usted, se lo sacaremos, así que pase.
Well, why don't you come on in with me and get a sandwich?
Bien, ¿ porqué no entras conmigo y te comes un sandwich?
Well, why don't you come on in anyway?
Entre de todos modos.
Why don't you just come on in, son? Relax.
¿ Quiere pasar por la puerta?
Why don't you guys come on in?
Por qué no entran muchachos?
Hey, doll, why don't you come on and ride with me, in about 10 years?
Oye, muñeca, ¿ por qué no vienes a dar un paseo conmigo en 10 años?
Why don't you sit in the tub and wait for the water to come on, huh?
Siéntate en la bañera y espera a que llegue el agua.
Well, in that case, why don't you just come on up here and tell me what is going on?
En ese caso suba y explíqueme qué pasa.
Why don't you come on in and help me sort my holy cards first?
Primero ven a ayudarme.
Listen, um... Why don't you come on in?
Escuche, ¿ por qué no pasa?
Come on. Why don't you go... Come on in the house...
Vamos. ¿ Por qué no entras en mi casa...?
Why don't you come on in?
¿ Por qué no entra?
Why don't you come on in and take a look?
Entre y eche un vistazo.
Why don't you come on in?
Oye, ¿ por qué no entras?
Why don't you come on in the house?
No hace falta.
Well, uh, why don't you come on in the house?
Pase a la casa.
Come on. Why don't you take me in the bedroom and just hold me for a while?
Venga, llévame al cuarto y abrázame un rato.
I could put you on to a great investment guy. No, I don't have much of a portfolio right now, but, you know, what I was concerned about was why you didn't come up with that grounder that Reichart hit in the ninth.
te puedo presentar un buen inversionista no, eso no me interesa por ahora, por lo que vengo es... porque me preocupa
Or is she in on this too? Why don't you come upstairs?
- ¿ También está en esto?
Why don't you come on in?
¿ Por qué no pasas?
Cody, why don't you come on in now?
Cody, ¿ qué tal si te metes?
Why don't you come on in here and cool off?
¿ Por qué no te metes y te relajas?
Why don't you come on in now?
¿ Por qué no te unes a nosotros?
All right, if you hate this job and the people, and the fact that you have to come in on your day off, why don't you quit?
- Mira, si odias este trabajo y la gente... y el hecho de tener que venir en tu día libre, ¿ por qué no lo dejas?
Come on, man, since you're so smart,... I bet you don't know why someone doesn't bathe twice in the same river.
A ver, hombre, tú que eres tan listo, a que no sabes por qué alguien no se baña dos veces en el mismo río.
No, but since you're here, why don't you come on in?
No, pero ya que estás aquí, ¿ por qué no pasas?
Robert, why don't you dial my number, and it will come out on our viewers left-hand speaker on their television at home if they're watching in stereo.
Robert, llama a mi número y sonará en el parlante izquierdo de la TV de nuestros espectadores si es que lo están viendo en estéreo.
Why don't you go eat that outside and then come on back in?
¿ Por qué no vas a comer eso afuera y después vuelves?
Why don't you come on in.
¿ Por qué no pasa?
Pammy, honey, why don't you come on in the house?
Pammy, cielo, ¿ por qué no entras en casa?
Why don't you come on in, have a piece of cake?
¿ Por qué no pasas? Come un trozo de pastel.
Why don't you come on in and have a drink.
Porqué no pasas y tomas una copa.
Why don't you just come on in here and stay for a spell?
Supongo que se quedará un rato
Why don't you come on in and have a drink.
¿ Por qué no pasas y tomas una copa?
Angel, why don't you come on in?
Angel, ¿ por qué no entras?
Why don't you come on in?
- Sí, viven eternamente.
Now, why don't you just come on in and sit down, honey?
Por qué no entras.. y te sientas, cariño?
Come on, let's get out of here. Why don't you want to preach in the street?
Vamos... vamonos de aquí.
Why don't you just come on in and you can take over.
¿ Por qué no entras y tomas el relevo.
Why don't you come on in?
¿ Por qué no pasan?
Before you give me your Christmas list, why don't you let those people that you're holding in there come on out?
Antes de darme tu lista de Navidad... por qué no dejas que salga la gente que tienes ahí
Why don't you guys come on in and we could talk about it?
¿ Porqué no entran y hablamos?
Why don't you come on in to work.
¿ Qué tal si vienes a trabajar?

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