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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Why don't you come over

Why don't you come over Çeviri İspanyolca

712 parallel translation
Then why don't you come right... over here.
Entonces, ¿ por qué no vienes... -... por aquí? - Bien.
Why don't you come over to my joint and take a cut? Nah. You stick to your racket, Louis.
No, tú sigue con tu negocio, Louis, yo seguiré con el mío.
Why don't you come over and have dinner with us?
¿ Por qué no vienes a visitarnos y cenas con nosotros?
Why don't you come over and join our party?
¿ Por qué no vienen y se unen a nuestra fiesta?
Oh, Uncle John, why don't you ask Colonel what's-his-name to come over here and we all 5 could be together.
Oh, tío John, ¿ por qué no le pides al coronel como se llame que venga a sentarse aquí y así los cinco podríamos estar juntos?
Why don't you come over to our place tomorrow, in the afternoon, say.
¿ Por qué no vienes a casa mañana? Por la tarde, digo.
I've finished the service, so why don't you come on over?
Terminó la misa, ¿ por qué no vienes?
Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow?
¿ Por qué no vienes mañana a cenar?
Why don't you come over with me?
¿ Por qué no vas conmigo?
Listen, why don't you think it over? And come back to discuss the matter.
Escuche, ¿ por qué no lo piensa y vuelve a discutir el asunto?
Look. I'm meeting a new bunch of boys from the states tonight. Why don't you come over to the officer's club with us and break a bottle open?
Mira, van a llegar los novatos.
Oh, look, Caroline, why don't you let me come over and talk to you?
Caroline, déjame ir ahí para hablar contigo.
Why don't you invite one of them to come over and join us?
¿ Por qué no invitas a alguna a venir y unirse a nosotros?
Why don't you come over to tea?
Vengan para tomar té.
Why can't they give a fellow time to get used to his own family? Why don't you come over here and sit down?
Ni me dan tiempo para que me acostumbre a la familia.
Why don't you have Kathy come over here?
Dile a Kathy que venga.
Only why don't you come over? Then you'd be a part of the picture.
Pero venga a casa y será parte del cuadro.
- Why don't you come over?
- Ven un rato. Tengo tónicas.
Why don't you come over to my place tonight?
¿ Por qué no viene a casa esta noche?
Why don't you come over?
¿ Por qué no te pasas?
Why don't you come over and join us?
Vamos, entra. ¿ No irás a quedarte ahí?
Why don't you pick up a couple of gals and come over to the club?
¿ Por qué no traes un par de chicas al club?
Why don't you come over here?
¿ Por qué no vienes aquí?
Look, why don't you come on over here? We'll have a couple of laughs, maybe listen to some music?
¿ Te apetece venir, tomar una copa y escuchar música?
Why don't you come over here and jump on the bumper.
¿ Por qué no viene a saltar sobre el parachoques?
Say, why don't you come over here and sit down?
¿ Por qué no se sienta aquí?
Why don't you come over and play?
¿ Por qué no subes a jugar?
Why don't you come over here too?
¿ Por qué no vienes aquí también?
It's a gold mine. Why don't you come over and take a look.
Es una mina de oro. ¿ Por qué no vienen a echar un vistazo?
So why don't you come over tomorrow for coffee and we'll talk, okay?
Por qué no vienes mañana a tomar un café y charlamos, ¿ vale?
Why don't you come on over here.
Por qué no te acercas.
Why don't you come over and lay down over here.
¿ Por qué no se recuesta aquí?
Why don't you come over?
¿ Por qué no vienes?
Why don't you come over here next to me?
¿ Por que no vienes aquí a mi lado?
Why don't you come over here and swap words with Mr Johnson.
Dale un poco de conversación al Sr. Johnson.
Uh, Admiral, why don't you just come over here and sit down and take it easy in the Chief's chair?
Almirante, ¿ por qué no viene aquí y se sienta y se pone cómodo en la silla del jefe?
Why don't you come over and join us.
¿ Quieres acompañarnos?
Uh, why don't you come over to my apartment tonight?
¿ Por qué no viene a mi casa?
Why don't you come over and get set.
Vaya al plató.
Joe, why don't you call Karen and tell her to come over, huh?
- Un poco de todo. ¿ Por qué no llamas a Karen y le dices que venga?
Hey.. why don't you come over and sit with me.
¿ Por qué no vienes a sentarte conmigo?
This was nice. Why don't you come over some evening?
Venid entonces una noche.
Why don't you come over tonight for dinner?
¿ Por qué no vienes a casa esta noche a cenar?
Why don't you come over when I'm on the wheel and I'll show you.
Por qué no viene cuando esté allí y le mostraré.
Why don't you come over tomorrow morning?
¿ Por qué no vienes mañana por la mañana?
- -Why don't you come over here with us?
- Porqué no te unes a nosotros?
Why don't you quit the Tories and come over to us?
¿ Por qué no dejas a los conservadores y vienes con nosotros?
Why don't you come over and meet some people?
Ven a que conozcas a unos amigos.
Why don't you come over to take it down. Sweetheart?
Por qué no viene a bajarlo, querido?
Why don't you come over and see me? "
¿ Por qué no vienes a verme? "
Well, no matter what you decide, why don't you Come over for dinner tonight.
Bueno, no me importa lo que decidas, ven a cenar esta noche.

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