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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Why would you even think that

Why would you even think that Çeviri İspanyolca

52 parallel translation
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por que piensa eso?
- Well, why would you... why would you even think that?
- ¿ Y por qué... por qué pensarías eso?
Why would you even think that I was cheating with Randy?
¿ Cómo pudisteis pensar que le engañaba con Randy?
- Why would you even think that?
- ¿ Cómo piensas eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué lo pensarías?
Say what now? Why would you even think that?
¿ Cómo puedes pensar eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué se le ocurre eso?
Why would you even think that?
- ¿ Por qué pensarías que sí?
You know, why would you even think that?
Ya sabes, ¿ por qué siquiera se pensaría en eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Cómo se te ocurre decir eso?
- Why would you even think that?
- ¿ Por qué ibas a pensar eso siquiera?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué incluso pensarías eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué habrías de pensar eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué lo pensaste?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué lo creerías?
Dude, why would you even think that?
Amigo, ¿ cómo puedes pensar eso siquiera?
I... Why would you even think that?
Yo... ¿ Por qué pensarías eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué ibas a pensar eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso siquiera?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué siquiera piensas eso?
No, why would you even think that?
No, ¿ Por qué pensarías eso?
Honey, honey, why would you even think that?
Cariño, ¿ cómo se te ocurre pensar eso?
Why would you even think that?
No. ¿ Por qué lo pensarías?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué si quiera lo pensarías?
Morgan, why would you even think that?
Morgan, ¿ por qué llegaste a pensar eso?
Why would you even think that he would come to me?
¿ Por qué siquiera pensar que iba a venir a mí?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué pensarías eso?
Babe, why would you even think that?
Cariño, ¿ por qué piensas eso?
Why would you even think that?
Por qué tú siquiera pensarías eso?
Why would you even think that?
Porque siquiera piensas eso?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué has pensado eso?
I think that seems a bit far-fetched, but... even assuming you're right, why would he do such a thing?
Creo que es precipitarse un tanto, pero suponiendo que tenga razón, ¿ por qué haría algo así?
Why would you even think about something like that?
Reed. ¿ Cómo se te ocurre pensar algo así?
Now, why the fuck would you even think that?
¿ Cómo se te ocurre semejante cosa?
Even if something like that really did exist, why do you think I would actually just give it to you?
Aunque algo así existiera, ¿ por qué cree que se lo dejaría?
Why would you even... think something like that?
¿ Por qué creerías algo semejante?
" not that I even know what you're talking about, But why would you think he was lying?
Pero por que crees que te está mintiendo?
Why would you even think something like that?
¿ Por qué piensas en algo como eso?
Why would you even think I would do something like that?
¿ Por qué crees que haría algo así?
Why would you even think of that?
¿ Qué pensarías de esto?
Why would you think that, even for a second?
¿ Por qué piensas eso, ni por un segundo?
That's stupid. Why would you even think about doing that?
Eso es estúpido. ¿ Por qué si quiera lo piensas?
Why would you even think about doing that?
¿ Por qué querrías hacer eso?
Why would women need us to do that? They're just as funny as men. If there's even a little part of you that doesn't really believe that, then think about what else has to be going on.
ellas son tan graciosas como los hombres si hay una pequeña parte en ti que no cree en verdad eso entonces adelantate a lo que ocurrira
So, if you think about it, if we all died right now, not even our family would know how or why or that we even worked here.
Bueno, si piensas sobre ello, si todos morimos ahora, ni siquiera nuestras familias sabrán cómo o por qué o tan siquiera que trabajamos aquí.

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