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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Wifey

Wifey Çeviri İspanyolca

199 parallel translation
you're my partner today? I want to surprise you so I asked it to be a secret wow you're so beautiful wifey and your mom? today's concept is the New Year's Special.
Hoy es el concierto especial de año nuevo.
I'm very sorry to inform you, wifey dear but the family purse won't stand for our having separate establishment.
Siento decirle, querida esposa... que el presupuesto familiar no permite que tengamos habitaciones separadas.
For my wifey.
Para mi mujercita.
Now come close to me, wifey.
Ahora acércate a mí, esposa mía.
Come close to me, wifey.
Acércate a mí, esposa mía.
And when, at night, I and my wifey, now diva, would retire in our nest...
Y, por la noche, cuando mi mujer y yo nos retirásemos a nuestro nido...
She's not bad as wifey...
Ella no es mala como...
Say, speaking of replenishing, wifey tells me we've got a new tenant.
Hablando de renovar, mi mujer me dice que tiene nuevo inquilino.
- O-O-Open the door like a good little wifey.
Sé una buena esposa y abre la puerta.
- His mouse, wifey, gargles brandy...
- Su ratita de esposa gargarea con coñac.
You killed my wifey!
¡ Has matado a mi mujer! Eres...
Here I am, it's your wifey.
Estoy aquí, soy tu mujercita.
No, Olya is my younger daughter, and Nadya is my wifey.
y Nadya es mi esposa.
Oh, my wifey bought it.
mi mujer lacompró.
Figure little wifey-poo can work off what she owes me in... a little over a month.
La "esposita" puede pagar lo que me debe en poco más de un mes.
Wifey, is it a boy or a girl?
Cariño, ¿ es niño o niña?
- You sound like wifey.
- Hablas como una parienta.
Never told the wifey to get an abortion?
¿ Nunca le dijo a su mujer que abortara?
Is this wifey?
¿ Es así de sexy?
- O, wifey...
- O, mujercita...
His little wifey, Madeleine, is my age and in a delicate condition.
Su esposa, Madeleine, tiene mi edad y está en una condición delicada.
Go on home to your wifey!
¡ Vete a tu casa con tu esposita!
What, you think if you got a wifey or a girlfriend, you don't pay, honey?
¿ Qué? ¿ Crees que si tienes una esposa o una novia, no pagas, cariño?
Go home and beat up wifey before I call the cops, you fucker!
¡ Vete a casa a pegarle a tu esposa antes de que llame a la policia!
I can come over here anytime I want without the wifey breathing down my neck.
Podré venir a verte cuando quiera sin una esposa fiscalizandome.
Okay. come on. wifey. ( clears throat )
Muy bien, vamos, esposita.
If his family misses him, I simply call wifey and tell her :
Si su familia lo hecha de menos, simplemente llamo a su esposa y le digo :
Wifey tried to give you a smooch and you flinched.
La esposita trató de darte un beso y reculaste.
Wifey, we're leaving!
¡ Esposilla, nos vamos!
It's his little wifey, isn't it?
Es su esposita, ¿ verdad?
I am not some wifey to be consoled with a cup of tea and cuddle.
Yo no soy una mujercita a la que se consuela con una taza de té y un abrazo.
With, like, 10 feet to go, motherfucker turns around, and wifey's sent right back to hell.
Faltándole como tres metros para llegar el desgraciado se da vuelta y la mujer es enviada de nuevo al infierno.
The home of Knifey Wifey.
La casa de la Esposa Acuchilladora.
I got wifey here and we ain't goin'nowhere.
Tengo esposa y no voy a ningún lado.
Rachel thinks that D.H. is going to... -... leave his wifey and set up house with her.
Rachel cree que D.H. va a dejar a su esposa y establecerse con ella.
Break it down for me. You know, we all looking for wifey material.
Todos buscamos una posible esposa.
Go home to wifey.
Ve a casa con la esposita.
Mays Gilliam, and his future First Wifey...
Mays Gilliam, y su futura primera esposa...
Yo, I was about to make her wifey, son.
- Estaba por hacerla mi esposa.
- A wifey, son. What do you think I'm going to do after this?
¿ Ahora que crees que vaya a hacer después de esto?
My wifey had a bellyache.
Mi esposa tiene dolor.
If the director does, I'll go back to playing the good wifey! The director doesn't count.
Si es el director, Regresare a jugar a la buena esposa!
Perp beats wifey, threatens to kill her unless he can get it up.
Golpea a la mujer, amenaza con matarla si no lo excita.
I don't want you to get in trouble with the wifey.
No quiero que te metas en problemas con tu esposita.
You're really cute with the wifey.
Estás muy mono con tu mujercita.
She don't know it yet, but that's wifey right there.
Ella aún no lo sabe pero eso es casamiento en mi idioma.
I don't want to lose them. - Don't love me so much, wifey.. I might die out of happiness!
Yo no quiero perderte No me ames tanto esposa.
Guess what there, wifey.
Adivina qué, esposita.
Wifey, there's darkness before my eyes
Esposa, hay oscuridad ante mis ojos
I have a request to make, wifey.
Tengo una petición que hacerte, esposa. - ¿ Cual?
- Oh, for real, wifey, huh?
- ¿ Tu esposa?

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