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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / With everything that's going on

With everything that's going on Çeviri İspanyolca

299 parallel translation
You count your chickens before they're hatched with everything that's going on!
Vendéis la piel del oso antes de matarlo. Con los vientos que corren.
With everything that's going on, this is probably the last deb season as we know it.
Con todo lo que pasa, ésta será la última temporada de debutantes.
With everything that's going on, you have so much on your mind.
Con todo lo que está pasando, tienes tanto en su mente.
I am not. lt's just that I'm a little stressed out with these sats and everything else going on.
No. Es que estoy algo estresada con los exámenes y todo lo que sucede.
With everything that's been going on, you're the only person I can really talk to.
Con todo lo que está sucediendo tú eres la única persona con la que realmente puedo hablar.
With everything that's going on, I doubt he noticed.
Con todo lo que está pasando, dudo que lo haya notado.
You shouldn't talk to anybody, not with everything that's going on.
Con todo lo que está pasando, no deberías hablar con él.
With everything that's going on, who wouldn't be?
Con lo que está pasando ¿ quién no lo estaría?
With everything that's going on, we need them in top fighting condition.
Con todo lo que está pasando, los necesitamos al mejor nivel de combate.
Well, with everything that's been going on, it seemed prudent.
Bueno, con todo lo que está pasando, parecía prudente.
You ever get the impression that we'll never know everything that's going on with those two?
¿ Has tenido la impresión de que jamás sabremos todo lo que pasa entre esos dos?
I thought with everything that's going on right now, you wouldn't wanna be alone.
Creí que con todo lo que está pasando ahora, no querrías estar sola.
With everything that's going on we can't be too careful.
Con todo lo que está pasando no podemos pasarnos de cuidadosos.
With everything that's been going on, he's the last person I'd invite to something like this.
Con todo lo que ha pasado, es la última persona a la que invitaría a algo así.
With everything that's going on it's good to know where we all stand with each other.
Con todo lo que está pasando... es bueno saber cómo estamos entre nosotros.
With everything that's been going on around here lately... he just needed to get out a little, stretch his legs a bit.
Con todo lo que ha estado ocurriendo por aquí últimamente... necesitaba salir un poco, a estirar las piernas.
I thought with everything that's going on, I thought you would probably forget about that Santero.
Pensaba que teniendo este asunto te olvidarías de eso, santero.
You know, with everything that's been going on recently, I'm not sure how safe it is for a girl like yourself to be here... alone.
Sabes, con todo lo que ha estado pasando últimamente me parece un poco peligroso que una chica como tú ande sola por aquí.
You know, with everything that's been going on we haven't been talking much about having kids.
Con todo lo que ha pasado no hemos tenido tiempo de hablar de tener niños.
- I'm not delirious, not with everything that's going on.
- No estoy delirando, no con todo lo que está pasando.
Can't blame you, with everything that's been going on.
No te culpo después de todo lo que ha pasado.
I know about Tim and everything else that's been going on with you.
Sé lo de Tim y todo lo que te está pasando.
I may not understand everything that's going on with you right now, Andie, but I understand you.
Quizá no entienda todo lo que te está pasando, pero a ti, sí.
I thought we decided to stay low, with everything that's been going on?
Decidimos no llamar la atención, por lo que ha pasado.
He's certainly familiar with you and everything that's going on, so come on in and take the oars or whatever.
Se siente cercano a ti, ve a hablar con él.
With everything that's going on, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
A él le hará mucho bien dada la situación.
And a good father always knows everything that's going on with his son.
Y un buen padre siempre sabe todo acerca de su hijo.
And with everything that's been going on...
Y con todo Io que ha sucedido...
Look, I know it's not a proposal, and I don't know where you are but with everything that's been going on and with Emma, I'm.... - I've been feeling....
Mira, sé que no es una propuesta, y... no sé dónde estás tú, pero... con todo lo que pasó, con Emma, yo... estuve... estuve sintiendo...
Critics are so unimportant to what's going on with the USA attacks... everything that happened here.
Los criticos son tan importantes en lo que esta pasando con los ataques a EUA... todo lo que pasó acá.
Lately, with everything that's been going on, I've had trouble even remembering...
Es que con todo lo que me ha pasado, hasta me cuesta recordar algunas cosas.
With everything that's going on in the world... maybe she... should be with someone like her.
Con todo lo que ocurre en el mundo... quizás deba estar con alguien como ella
- With everything that's going on?
- ¿ Con todo lo que está pasando?
I don't know. I've just been... so freaked out about everything that's going on with us.
No sé. He estado tan alterada por todo lo que está pasando con nosotros.
Look, I know it's not a proposal, and I don't know where you are but with everything that's been going on and with Emma, I'm...
Oye, sé que no be lo propuse, y no sé lo que quieres... pero con todo lo que ha pasado y con Emma, yo...
It doesn't matter, especially with everything that's going on today.
No importa, especialmente con todo lo que está ocurriendo hoy.
And, I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted with everything that's going on today.
Lo siento, estoy un poco distraído con todo lo que sucede hoy.
I mean, I know that with everything that's going on right now it's hard not to be, but.... Come on.
Bueno, sé que con todo lo que está pasando ahora mismo, es difícil no serlo, pero... vamos...
Look, with everything that's been going on lately, Amy has been a little bit out of it.
Mira, con todo ha estado yendo un poco tarde, Amy ha estado un poco fuera de esto.
With everything that's going on here with you,
Con todo lo que esta pasando,
With everything that's going on, finals and all your personal stuff,
Con todo lo que tenias, tu exámenes y tus historias personales.
- It's the time of year. And with everything that's going on with her family...
Es esta época del año, y con todo lo que ha estado pasando con su familia...
And now, with everything that's going on with your dad...
Y ahora, con todo lo que ha pasado con tu padre...
To know everything, really everything, that's going on with Portugal's team, tune in here, everyday, every hour, for World Cup News.
Para saber todo, todo todo, lo que pasa con el equipo de Portugal, sintonice aquí, cada día, cada hora, para las noticias de Mundial.
But in times like these with everything that's going on... - it's good to know a man like Ø.
Pero en momentos como este, con todo lo que pasa es bueno conocer a un hombre como Ø.
But the youth are concerned with everything that's going on.
Pero la juventud está preocupada con lo que está pasando.
With everything that's been going on, I'm...
Con todo lo que está pasando, yo...
I know it may seems kind of insane to talk about the 2 us with everything that's going on but... I just want to tell you that...
Sé que puede parecer de locos hablar de nosotros con lo que está pasando pero... quiero decirte que...
You know about everything that's going on with me and Ephram and I don't even know your middle name.
Tu sabes todo lo que está pasando entre mi y Ephram y yo ni siquiera se tu segundo nombre.
You know everything that's going on with everyone?
Sabes lo que le pasa a todo el mundo, ¿ eh?
I think everybody's been a bit jumpy today, with everything that's going on.
Creo que todos han estado un poco exaltados hoy con todo lo que está pasando.

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