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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ X ] / Xenstar

Xenstar Çeviri İspanyolca

20 parallel translation
Xenstar was the only option, guys, okay?
Xenstar era la única alternativa.
The only chance that we have of saving this camp for good is to get Xenstar to stop dumping that waste.
La única chance de salvar este campamento es lograr que Xenstar deje de contaminar.
Long story short, he said he made a deal with Xenstar.
Vayamos al grano. Hizo un trato con Xenstar.
Xenstar has been doing the government's dirty work for years.
Xenstar ha hecho el trabajo sucio del gobierno durante años.
If there's something bad to be done, Xenstar's been doing it.
Si hay algo malo que hacer, Xenstar está involucrado.
They know that Xenstar is dumping toxic waste into the water supply, which means pretty soon they'll know about us.
Saben que Xenstar está echando desechos en sus reservas de agua, o sea que pronto sabrán sobre nosotros.
We have to keep up normal appearances for as long as possible until we can figure out a way to stop Xenstar and the United States government.
Debemos mantener las apariencias lo más que podamos hasta ver cómo detenemos a Xenstar y al gobierno de EE.
Well, we need a lawyer if we're going to expose Xenstar and stop the toxic sludge from killing everyone at camp.
Necesitamos un abogado para exponer a Xenstar y evitar que el lodo tóxico mate a todo el campamento.
I've suspected Xenstar was dirty for years now, but no one's ever been able to prove anything.
Años sospechando de los chanchullos de Xenstar, pero nunca nadie pudo probar nada.
Okay. I'll set up a meeting with Xenstar's legal team for tonight.
Organizaré una reunión para esta noche con el equipo legal de Xenstar.
The Xenstar lawyers are gonna want to cut a deal, but we don't want that.
Los abogados de Xenstar querrán arreglar, pero nosotros no queremos eso.
Mr. Fleck, isn't it true that you were given a lucrative pension by Xenstar
Sr. Fleck, ¿ es cierto que Xenstar le ofreció una jugosa pensión
These are the disks that contain all the evidence against Xenstar.
Son los discos que contienen la evidencia contra Xenstar.
In light of the new evidence just presented, the court finds Xenstar guilty on all counts!
Ante la evidencia recién presentada, el tribunal determina que Xenstar es culpable de todos los cargos.
Xenstar was the only option.
Xenstar era la única alternativa.
It's the only evidence of Xenstar toxic waste dump.
Es la única prueba del desecho tóxico de Xenstar.
Call'em up?
" Hola, Xenstar.
" Hello, Xenstar, it's Beth.
Habla Beth.

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