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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ X ] / Xxxxxx

Xxxxxx Çeviri İspanyolca

34 parallel translation
The next three months their peace XXXXXX?
Y los 3 siguientes están en paz en su casa.
I will give you the honour of dying XXXXXX?
Le concederé el honor de morir en acto de servicio
Tell an old man he's been XXXXXX.
Dile a un anciano que ha estado XXXXXX.
Perhaps it's best you're out of the city for the time being.
- Xxxxxx fuera de la ciudad mientras tanto
And we'll just love it if he's not in.
xxxxxx si estuviera adentro
Well, there's no point in sitting here.
- No xxxxxx aquí?
We're breaking and entering, mate. I can't resist. [Laughs]
xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx
Keep a look out. You hear or see anything, you shout, okay? Mind your step in there, John.
Mantén los ojos abiertos, si ves algo gritas xxxxxx John?
I mean, a month ago I was writing my dissertation.
Hace un mes Estaba en mi xxxxxx
We've got enough supplies to last us a few more days tops. But we're very low on petrol now. If that runs out, we're in real trouble.
Los suministros nos alcanzan para par de días máximo xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
No. But I spoke with Amine, and he said he should be back tomorrow. He's found a small village he might be able to get some supplies from.
No xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Where the fuck's Goke? [Gunshot]
xxxxxx xxxx xxxx
Where were you stood, anyway?
xxxxxx anyways?
Get a fucking gun next time. Jesus. Oh, bollocks!
Toma un pinche xxxxxx la próxima vez, maldición xxxxx xxxx se supone que hagamos?
Try thinking for once. The van's fucked! Bollocks, no, it's not!
Lo estoy pensando la van se jodio xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx
That looks almost as bad as our one.
xxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Listen, whatever you do, don't split up. Just check out the motorway. If you come across any human or animal carcasses, just fucking burn them, okay?
Lo que sea que hagan no se separen xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
We'll keep heading south. It must be where they are.
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx
Wait, guys!
xxxxx xxxxxx
And then about ten minutes later, he called Sue in, and she just started panicking.
xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx
Yeah, some more of those things coming out of the woods. You sure you guys checked the area properly yesterday?
Hay mas de esas cosas viniendo del bosque xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx x
Well, we checked more towards the other side of the motorway.
Estuvimos revisando el otro lado del xxxxxx
No more reason than a fucking animal!
xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx
[James ] Goke. [ Camera clatters] Goke, please don't.
xxxxxx, ya esta
I hope you find your way out.
) Espero que encuentren xxxxxx
i can't, i have get home for my grammother XXXXXX
No puedo, tengo que volver a casa por mi abuela.
I was scaring her.XXXXXX
Sólo quería asustarla- - Iba a dejarla ir.
xx xxxxxx
Kirsten, lo siento tanto. Que has llevado un centro de prostitucion en nuestro negocio?
- But if she has no control - - - xxxxxx even if she's telling the truth, it's not gonna change anything.
- Pero si ella no tiene el control... - ¡ Exacto! Ella no puede controlarlo.
Although we've agreed as a condition of the lease that Joan can, very occasionally and after giving notice, mingle with us.
Sin embargo, estamos de acuerdo en que como una condición del contrato de alquiler, Joan puede, muy de vez en cuando.... xxxxxx Unirse a nosotras.
I see no me no access XXXXXX...
No he visto quién lo ha hecho. Te lo diría si lo supiera.
It will xxxx your writing, but it's a small price to bury xxxx xxxxxx
Con esto ya no escribirá más, pero es un pequeño precio que pagar para acabar su tormento.
How are you?
Así que vamos en la dirección correcta xxxxxx

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