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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / Yola

Yola Çeviri İspanyolca

15 parallel translation
- You know he carries a lady from Bristol?
- ¿ Sabe que lleva una yola?
- The lady from Bristol.
- Por una yola.
You will carry a lady from bristol.
- El abuelo. LLevas una yola.
Last question. "Eight rowers Iole"..? ( A type of boat )
Pregunta de reserva, yola de ocho remeros.
So... it's like this... okay?
" Dícese... yola... yola, es una amiga. Entonces... atento, ¿ eh? ...
Yeah, in this 5-foot, rickety old skiff with a fishing rod and a shotgun.
Si, en su vieja y maltratada yola de cinco pies, Con una cana de pescar y una escopeta.
He's out in the harbor in a 5-foot skiff trying to fish,
El esta en el muelle en una yola de 5 pies tratando de pescar,
The poor lad, he hasn't been able to come to terms with the wedding, and... and you and I are going to delve into in other matters just as he needs us. That's not fair.
El chiquillo, que no acaba de digerir lo de la boda, y... y va usted y me refriega la otra parte en la yola.
Yola. Becca is really upset with you.
Becca está muy enojada contigo.
We found a mass grave of girls near Yola.
Encontramos una fosa común de niñas cerca de Yola.
- Pete :
- ¿ Yola?
Yello? - don't you "yello" me.
- No me digas'yola'a mí.
In the town of Yola, we met 16-year-old Zainab, who's one of thousands of women who have been abducted by Boko Haram.
En el pueblo de Yola vive Zainab, de 16 años... una de las miles de secuestradas por Boko Haram.
- Men and Yola?
- Hombres y Yola?

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