You'll figure it out Çeviri İspanyolca
717 parallel translation
I'll figure it out, you escape now.
Ya lo pensaré yo, vosotros marchaos de aquí.
But you tell me what it is, and I'll figure out the profit.
Pero usted dígame qué es, y yo me imaginaré las ganancias.
While you men figure it out scientifically, I'll go and set a few traps. We may not find anything more than a diseased mind, but even that may be interesting. I'll help.
Mientras ustedes piensan científicamente... yo voy a colocar algunas trampas.
Well, I guess I ´ ll go in, and let you figure it out.
Bueno, me voy para dentro, y dejaré que lo pienses.
You decided what kind of gun Drake was shot with? Ballistics is a little bit puzzled but they'll figure it out.
When you have that, it's easy to figure out where he'll be.
Si se tiene ese patrón, es fácil saber dónde estará. - Interesante.
Well, now, maybe if you concentrate real hard, you'll be able to figure it out for yourself.
Bueno, tal vez si te concentras mucho, serás capaz de descubrirlo por tí misma.
You'll figure it out for yourself.
Saque sus propias conclusiones.
Then I'll figure it out for you.
Entonces, yo te lo diré.
You'll figure it out.
- ¿ Y ahora qué hacemos?
You'll figure it out.
Lo entenderás.
Think about it. You'll figure it out. "
Piensa, lo comprenderás.
You go right ahead with the work, and I'll figure it out.
Usted siga con su trabajo, que ya me ocupo yo.
- You'll figure it out.
- Delo por hecho.
There's got to be a reason for you gettin'in here... but I'll be durned if I can figure out what it is.
Debe haber una razón para que Uds. hayan entrado, pero no tengo idea cuál es.
You'll figure it out.
Ya lo descubrirá.
You'll have to figure it out.
Tendrás que descubrirlo tú.
So if you're so excited about it you can't sleep, well, stay up with me and I'll figure out some way to keep you occupied.
Así que, si estáis tan emocionados que no podéis dormir, bueno, pues quedaos conmigo y ya me inventaré algo para manteneros entretenidos.
6 : 30 a.m. Monday we'll play racquetball. We'll figure it out then. Can you wait?
El lunes por la mañana jugaremos un partido, comeremos algo y lo resolveremos. ¿ Puedes esperar?
I'll tell you what, Fozzie, since you're such an investigative reporter, you figure it out.
Fozzie, ya que eres un periodista de investigación estupendo, averígualo tú.
- But what? - I'm certain you'll figure it out.
- Estoy seguro de que te das cuenta de thi.
We'll figure it out, and leave you no doubt.
Hallaremos la cura para sus dudas.
As soon as we figure out who is who somebody'll be back to let you out So get close together, stay warm Think it the overtime
bueno en cuanto sepamos quien es quien podrán salir pequense bien para que no sientan frió
Why don't you just give me five minutes, and I'll figure it out?
Deme cinco minutos para averiguarlo.
When you figure it out, you'll understand command.
Cuando sepas por qué, sabrás lo que es el mando.
You'll figure it out.
Lo solucionarás.
It might take a while, but you'll figure yourself out.
podrá llevar un tiempo, pero lo vas a descubrir tu mismo.
You'll have to figure it out, won't you?
Tendras que descifrarlo,? bien?
You'll figure it out.
No se, Ya lo averiguaras.
I'll leave it to you two to figure a way out of this.
Los dejo a ambos para que busquen un modo de salir de esto.
You'll figure it all out when I'm slapping the cuffs you.
Ud. lo pensó todo cuando me vió golpear con los puños.
I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Algo se te ocurrirá.
I'll give you 50 years to figure it out.
Te daré 50 años para averiguarlo.
Figure out how, it'll tell you who.
Averigua cómo, va a decir quién.
As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know.
Lo sabrás tan pronto como lo haya resuelto.
We'll figure it out when you get here.
Lo intentaremos cuando llegues.
You'll figure it out soon enough.
Lo resolverás pronto.
You'll be so surprised when you realise where it came from, if you ever figure it out.
Se sorprenderá cuando descubra de dónde procede, si es que lo adivina.
While you try to figure it out, I'll find the Lethean and stop him before he sabotages more systems.
Mientras tratas de descubrirlo, yo encontraré al leteano y lo detendré antes de que sabotee más sistemas.
You'll figure it out eventually. What?
Acabarás por entenderlo, Quark.
I'll let you know when I figure it out myself.
Se lo diré cuando lo sepa.
- By the time you figure out what it is, we'll be dead.
Cuando lo descubran habremos muerto.
I probably will never be able to figure that situation out. So, you know, whatever I learn here, I'll take into that part of my life and apply it there.
Entonces, cualquier cosa que saque de esto, tendré que ver en que parte de mi vida lo aplico.
You'll figure it out.
Te las arreglarás.
Hell, it'll be years before you figure out what Lester's death really means.
Infierno, pasarán años antes de descubrir lo que la muerte de Lester realmente significa.
- You'll figure it out. - You all right?
- Tú lo descubrirás.
Hmm, well, you'll figure it out.
Hmm, bueno, ya lo averiguaras.
You've only got a few hours to figure it out. Then again, you'll have about 29 years if we miss the slide. Yeah.
Sólo nos quedan unas horas para resolver esto.
We'll figure it out when you get here, okay?
Lo decidiremos cuando estes aqui, ¿ Ok?
Would you know what I mean if I said I don't think I'll ever figure it out?
¿ Me entenderías si te dijera que creo que nunca lo sabré?
Then depending on where you are and how you feel... I won't know that till I get there and I'll figure it out then.
Entonces, dependiendo de tu posición y de cómo te encuentres... Bien, no lo sabré hasta ese momento. Lo calcularé entonces.
you'll figure something out 26
figure it out 234
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll get over it 77
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll regret it 106
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
figure it out 234
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll get over it 77
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll regret it 106
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll get used to it 167
you'll be all right 377
you'll get your money 42
you'll regret this 34
you'll be safe 116
you'll never find it 18
you'll never take me alive 16
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll get used to it 167
you'll be all right 377
you'll get your money 42
you'll regret this 34
you'll be safe 116
you'll never find it 18
you'll never take me alive 16