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You're finished Çeviri İspanyolca

2,075 parallel translation
And since you're TV career is finished, may I suggest bartending?
Y ya que tu carrera en televisión está acabada. Puedo sugerir ¿ Barman?
You're finished in here.
Terminaste aquí.
I said, you're finished!
¡ Dije que terminaste!
Okay, Sam, you're finished.
Bueno, Sam, lista.
Oh, no, no, I'll wait till you're finished.
Oh, no, no, Esperare a que termines.
We're finished, you and me.
Tú y yo terminamos.
No, no, thank you, thank you, Aaron, I think we're finished.
No, no, gracias
And... when you're all finished... call me in and I'll... I'll clean everything up.
Y cuando termines con todo llámame y yo limpiaré todo.
How do you always manage to skedaddle before you're finished getting dressed?
¿ Cómo logras escaparte antes de terminar de vestirte?
Yes? I set your mother up so she could watch tv until you're finished but if I were you I'd leave her alone for a bit.
Puse a su madre cómoda para que viera televisión hasta que termine... pero si yo fuera usted la dejaría sola por un rato.
Jake, if you're finished, go do your homework.
Jake, si has acabado, haz los deberes.
Contact me at the bau when you're finished.
Llámame a la unidad cuando termines.
Casey, when you're finished perusing, please note... that what our client had on his mind was purely "Q" and "A" for research purposes only.
Cuando termines de leer, recuerda que nuestro cliente sólo hizo preguntas para una investigación.
And when you're finished, start interviewing the guests.
Y cuando acabe, interrogue a los invitados.
When you're finished unpacking, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee?
Cuando termines de desempacar, ¿ por qué no vienes por una taza de café?
Um, I'll look at your notes when you're finished.
Miraré tus notas cuando termines.
Unless you're toting a portable DVD player, you better be finished watching that security footage.
A menos que tenga un DVD portátil será mejor que haya terminado de ver los videos de seguridad.
- or you're finished.
-... o estarás acabado.
If the ANTI club catches you, you're finished.
Si el ANTI club te agarra, estarás acabada.
You're doing a grand job, but I need this finished this afternoon.
Están haciendo un gran trabajo pero necesito esto terminado para la tarde.
Give me a call when you're finished.
- Llámame cuando termines.
I'll be in my office when you're finished.
Estaré en mi oficina cuando hayan terminado.
- Please clean up after you're finished.
¿ Recogeréis la mesa? Sí.
- I'll wait for you till you're finished.
- Venga.
Hamilton... he barely finished high school. He has a lot of displaced anger. You're not writing any of this down.
Hamilton apenas terminó la secundaria.
When we're finished, you just get up and leave.
Cuando terminamos, te levantas y te vas.
Soon as we're finished talking your mom will give you some pie.
Cuando terminemos de hablar, tu mamá te dará pastel.
Jake, if your fingerprints are on that microphone, you're finished.
Jake, si tus huellas están en el micrófono, estás acabado.
The next time I find you in the women's cell, you're finished.
Si te encuentro de nuevo aquí ¡ Se acabó!
Thank God you're not finished yet.
Gracias a Dios que no terminaste todavía.
But if we do, you're not leaving till it's finished.
PERO si lo hacemos, no nos vamos hasta acabarlo
You're almost finished.
Usted está casi terminado.
It's due in ten minutes, you're nowhere near finished.
Hay que entregarlo en 10 minutos y aún te falta muchísimo.
You can sleep when you're finished.
Puedes dormir cuando hayas terminado.
So now she's finished with you, you're in love with her again?
Y ahora que ha roto contigo, la vuelves a amar
How will we know when you're finished?
¿ Cómo sabremos que terminaste?
You're finished?
Ustedes pararon, ¿ no?
We're not finished with you.
No terminamos con Ud.
You'll get your site back when we're finished.
Tendrás tu terreno de vuelta cuando hayamos terminado.
You're finished!
¡ Este lugar esta cerrado!
You're not finished!
¡ No terminaste!
You're not finished working
No has terminado de trabajar.
Dad, you're still not finished?
Papá, ¿ todavía no terminas?
First, you're finished with the gang, and believe me, we will follow up on that.
Primera, se acabo la banda para ti, y créeme que nos aseguraremos de ello.
Uh, no, you're finished.
Uh, no, ud. ha terminado.
I might use that name when you're finished with it.
Puedo usar su nombre cuando termine con esto.
A very good way of telling you how Ridley was in control of the Art Department is that when the first walk-through which we did of the finished set when it happened, Ridley we're trying to look at everything else, said :
La manera de explicar cómo Ridley tenía el control del departamento artístico es que el primer ensayo que hicimos en el decorado terminado Ridley intentábamos tenerlo todo a punto, y él dijo...
Let me know when you're finished, duck.
Avísame cuando hayas terminado, Duck.
So when you're finished, return back out here to me.
Cuando terminen, regresen aquí conmigo.
My dream has changed. You and me, Grim Gruff "'- "We're finished."
- "Tú y yo, Gruff y Grim, terminamos".
Kali, you're finished.
Kali, estás acabada.

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