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You're going home Çeviri İspanyolca

1,464 parallel translation
Now you're going to help me get home.
Debes ayudarme a regresar a casa.
Jackie, you're not going home.
Jackie, no vayas a casa.
I'm going and Jackie's going, and you're staying home.
Voy y va de Jackie, y usted se queda en casa.
And you're going to make your big debut! Anyway, I should get home.
En 5 minutos subirán el telón y será tu debut.
Lill's out of the game, you're going home with Immunity.
Lill será eliminada del juego, te vas con la inmunidad.
If you're going home tonight, surprised?
Si te vas a casa hoy, ¿ sorprendida?
Savage, you're going to indulge Osten, send him home?
Savage, ¿ vas a satisfacer a Osten, mandándole a casa?
If we lose, you know, one of us, one of the four, are going home, and you're not going anywhere.
Si perdemos, bueno, uno de nosotros, uno de los cuatro se va a casa. Y tú no irás a ninguna parte.
You're only going to fight with Se-jin if you go home now.
Acabarás peleándote con Se-jin si te vas a casa ahora.
Look, I have the most important dinner of my life tonight so wherever we're going, you know we just have to be home by 6.
Mira, hoy tengo la cena más importante de mi vida así que dondequiera que vayamos, tengo que estar en casa a las seis.
You're going to need someone to take you home.
Vas a necesitar que alguien te lleve a tu casa.
Well, my son's not going to be sent away from home. Especially to some fascist institution where they stick a poker up your arse that you're never allowed to remove again.
No voy a enviar a mi hijo lejos de casa... a una institución fascista donde esperan que seas rígido y disciplinado... y no se te permite cambiar el resto de tu vida.
You're going home.
Vas a casa.
You're going to tell Sean to go home.
Le vas a decir a Sean que se vaya a casa.
You're never going back, and it'll take him all day to make his way back home by himself.
No regresarás por él... y le tomará el día entero regresar a casa él solo.
- You're not going to work now, you're going home to rest.
- Todos los días largos yo... No vas a trabajar ahora, te vas a casa a descansar.
You're going home with me.
Vendrás a casa conmigo.
You're going home pretty late.
Vas a casa un poco tarde.
We'll call Grandma and tell her you're going home.
Llamaremos a la abuela y le diremos que te has ido a casa.
You're not going home, are you, Sasha? What about Toronto?
Quiero ayudarte y estamos juntos en esto, ¿ cierto?
You're not going home, Mike.
- No iremos a casa, Mike.
- lf you complete the mission... You're going home on fucking "plane".
- Si completan la misión... irán a casa en un maldito "avión".
Tommy's sister says, see you at home... as if you're going home to become Tommy's brother-in-law
La hermana de Tommy ha dicho que te vería en casa parece que te convertirás en el cuñado de Tommy.
You're best off going home
Mejor que te vayas a casa.
So you're not even going home? No.
¿ No vas a ir a tu casa?
Any beer or Joints, you're going home, and I'll call your parents!
¡ Nada de cerveza ni porros, o volvereís a casa, y llamaré a vuestros padres!
You know, it's funny. You're going and show this to somebody at home and they're going to go, "Boy, Obie, you're... up."
Sabes, es gracioso, le mostrarás esto a alguien en casa y van a decir, "Rayos, Obie, estás de la cabeza".
You're all going home, so get in the car and take off right now.
Todos irán a casa. Toma tu auto y vete ya.
We're going to get you a ride home.
Vamos a llevarte a tu casa.
You're going home.
No, papá. ¿ Por qué?
You're going to be bringing boys home now.
Ahora traerás muchachos aquí.
But what he doesn't know is if he makes it or not, you're never going home.
Pero lo que él no sabe es que aunque lo logre o no, usted nunca regresará a casa.
I'm driving you both home. You're mother's going to love this.
A tu madre le va a encantar, emborrachándote bajo su cuidado.
I'm afraid you're going to have to deal with a very distraught fiancée when you get home.
Me temo que vas a tener que hacerte cargo de una angustiada prometida cuando llegues a casa.
We take it back and we say... ( Fiona ) We're going to take you home, aren't we, Jody?
La regreseramos y diremos... ( Fiona ) Vamos a llevarte a casita, verdad, Jody?
You're going home on Friday.
Regresas a casa el viernes.
So I want you and Lindsay to pack your things. We're all going home. I won't take no -
Así que quiero que tú y Lindsay recojan sus cosas y nos vamos todos a casa y no voy a aceptar un "no" por...
That's why you're here, and I'm going home to Texas.
Por eso tu estás aquí, y yo me vuelvo a Texas.
If we'll be out of here soon, you're going home to a rerun of Letterman.
Si salimos pronto, te irás a casa a ver la reposición de Letterman.
How? You're going to that home, lady!
¡ Irá a ese hogar, señora!
You're going home.
Volverás a casa.
You're going home?
- ¿ Te vas a casa?
"you're going home tonight, but I can't tell you you're not, either."
"que te vamos a expulsar esta noche, pero tampoco puedo decirte que no lo haremos."
You're going home.
Regresarán a casa.
You're going home.
Podrán regresar a su hogares.
Make yourselves at home. I have a feeling you`re going to be here for a while.
Pónganse cómodos, estarán aquí un buen rato.
You can crash at my place tonight, but tomorrow we're going to get you back home.
Está bien, podes dormir en mi casa, pero mañana regresarás a casa.
And you... came home to your family... to test how good you were... because now, maybe, you're going to start one of your own.
Así que... regresas a casa... para comprobar lo bueno que eras... porque ahora, quizás, vas a empezar a ser tú mismo.
Listen, I hate to say this but you always get like this just before you're going home to see your family.
No me gusta decir esto pero siempre te pones así antes de ir a casa a ver a tu familia.
Listen to me- - you're going to go home,
Escuchame me... Ustedes van a ir a casa,
Oh, you're going to miss my home cooking at St. Lucha this summer.
Extrañarás mi comida casera en Santa Lucía.

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