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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're going to die

You're going to die Çeviri İspanyolca

1,262 parallel translation
I fell in love with you without knowing how lonely it would be to live without you after you're gone. Now that I'm going to die first, I don't have to worry about it.
Me enamoré de ti sin saber lo solo que iba a sentirme viviendo sin ti una vez que te fueras, pero, ahora que voy a morir antes, ya no es un problema.
None of this is real and unless you destroy this ship that you think you're on, you're going to die.
Nada de esto es real. Si no destruye la nave en la que cree estar, morirá.
Second, if you don't do it, you're going to die.
En segundo lugar, si no la destruye, morirá.
Yeah, first your windpipe swells... and just when you think you're going to die of suffocation...
Primero, se le hincha la traquea.
Do you wanna know how you're going to die?
¿ Quiere saber cómo va a morir?
You're not going to die.
No vas a morir.
You're going to die now.
Vas a morir.
They know they're going to die... and that's what you want.
Saben que van a morir... Y eso es lo que tú quieres.
You're going to die screaming.
Vas a morir gritando.
You're not going to die.
No, no te vas a morir.
You're all going to die.
Todos ustedes van a morir.
- Your lives are fragile, and you're all going to die!
¡ sus vidas son frágiles... y todos morirán!
You're not going to die, and that's a good thing. Harry.
Ves no te vas a morir y esto es algo muy bueno
All right, Mommy and Daddy are going to see that you're wearing a Marbury blazer, or die trying.
Bien, mami y papi van a hacer que vistas un blazer de Marbury o morirán en el intento.
You're angry at me because I'm going to die, and I'm going to leave you all alone.
Está enojado conmigo porque voy a morir... y lo voy a dejar solo.
You're going to die!
Vas a morir.
You're going to die!
¡ Vas a morir!
You're going to die for what you did to me.
"¡ Vas a morir por lo que me hiciste!"
You're going off to die?
¿ Quieres partir para morir?
You will understand that even ifyou pretend to be in terrible pain, you're not going to die.
Comprenderás... que por más que te empeñes en fingir... un gran dolor... no estamos para morir.
You're going to die down there.
- Ustedes van a morir aqui abajo.
You're not going to die.
No morirás.
You're going to die anyway, Martin.
Tu vas a morir de todas maneras, Martin.
Don't you know that you're going to die?
Sabes que vas a morir?
Mummy, you're not going to die.
Mami : no vas a morir.
You ´ re sad because I ´ m going to die soon.
Estás triste porque voy a morirme pronto.
You're not going to die now, Mummy.
No vas a morir, mamá.
Dell, I know you're angry, but Heather is going to die.
Dell, sé que estás enfadado, pero Heather se va a morir.
You're going to die, and the only hope you have of surviving this..... is to get out of this pit right now and... My God! Could you have a dorkier outfit?
Van a morir y la única esperanza de sobrevivir es salir de esta fosa ahora mismo y...
You're just going to have to die... to save everybody else.
Tendrá que morir para salvar a todos los demás.
You want me to tell them they're all going to die?
¿ Quiere que les diga a todos que van a morir?
You're on your own, just as I am and you're going to die a horrible death at the hands of the KoIaati unless you bring them three grams of warp plasma.
Estás solo, como yo. Morirás a manos de los kolaati a menos que les lleves tres gramos de plasma.
So you're going to let an innocent man die?
¿ Entonces dejarás que muera un hombre inocente?
You're going to die, Xena.
Vas a morir, Xena.
Well, you're not going to die.
- Bueno, no te vas a morir.
- You're not going to die.
- No te vas a morir, Matf.
Can you imagine what it feels like to be alive for thousands ofyears and realize you're actually going to die because some self-righteous cop decided he was going to save the fucking world?
¿ Se pueden imaginar cómo se siente uno después de vivir miles de años al darse cuenta de que va a morir porque un policía creído decidió que iba a salvar el puto mundo?
- You're not going to die.
- No vas a morir.
We're all going to die down here, you know.
Vamos a morir aquí, lo sabes.
You're not going to die down here.
No vas a morir aquí. ¡ Venga!
And you're not going to die.
Y tú no vas a morir.
I just... I just wonder what it feels like. You know, you think you're going to die.
Me estaba... preguntando qué siente uno... pensando que se va a morir.
Of course you're going to die, idiot.
Claro que vas a morir, mamón.
You're going to die sooner or later
Morirás tarde o temprano.
You can't be sure that you're going to die.
No puedes creer que vas a morir así.
You're going to die.
Vas a morir.
You know, if the girls see us, we're going to die.
Sabes que si las chicas nos ven, nos van a matar.
You're not going to die.
Y no morirás.
You stay here, you're going to die.
Si te quedas, morirás.
We're not going to let you die out here.
No vamos a dejarla morir aquí.
Do you expect me to believe you're going to let her die?
¿ Esperas que crea que vas a dejar que ella muera?

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