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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're going to hell

You're going to hell Çeviri İspanyolca

466 parallel translation
This going to be your last time... because you're going to finish your laugh in hell.
Esta será la última vez... porque terminarás tu risa en el infierno.
You're going to go through hell!
¡ Vais a babear!
If you're so hell-bent to fight, get going!
. Si quieres ir a pelear, ve a hacerlo.
So you're going to join the hell drivers, are you?
Conque has venido a trabajar con nosotros, ¿ eh?
But how in hell do you imagine you're going to have a child by a man who cannot stand you?
¿ Pero cómo demonios crees que puedes tener un niño... con un hombre que no te aguanta?
Immerman, one of these days you're going to talk yourself straight into hell!
lmmerman, algún día de estos vas a ir derecho al infierno.
And where the hell do you think you're going to, Mustapha?
¿ Adónde demonios vas, Mustafá?
You're going to burn in hell, you sinner!
¡ Mentiroso, pecador! ¡ Confiesa!
¡ Al infierno!
¡ Lo colgarán y se irá al infierno!
Somekichi, you're going with me to hell.
¡ Ya estoy en el infierno!
You're going to Hell's Valley, Tsurukichi?
Tsurukichi, ¿ quieres ir al Valle del Infierno?
You're going to Hell, Turner. Find out down there.
¡ Vete al infierno Turner y lo sabrás!
If you're not going to follow my advise, what the hell am I doing here?
Si no va a hacerme caso, ¿ qué porras hago aquí?
Who the hell says you're going to marry her?
¿ Os casaréis?
You're right, and for the right reasons. But if we do it your way, 200 million people are going to start raising hell.
Está usted en lo cierto y lo está por muchas razones, pero si seguimos su consejo, 200 millones de personas van a armar un escándalo.
You're going to hell!
¡ Van a ir al Infierno!
Now you're going to hell, brother, but before you do, you'll roast for a while.
Ahora vas a ir al infierno, hermano, pero antes te vas a asar un rato.
I don't know. You're going to hell.
¡ No lo sé ; pero vosotros iros al infierno!
So when you or Floyd here or General Motors or some Commie-pinko or my hound dog tells us we're not going to get up at 4 : 30, I tell you- - you haven't got a whisper of a bare-ass clue what the hell this family's all about.
Aunque usted, Floyd, el director de la General Motors, o cualquiera que venga a decirnos lo que hay que hacer, cuidado, no sabe lo que esta familia tiene en el vientre y más abajo.
You're going to end up in Japanese hell, a disgrace to your ancestors.
Vas a terminar en el infierno japonés, una desgracia para sus antepasados.
Sure as hell... you're going to be dead.
Porque seguro... que te matarán.
You're going to stew in hell for ever and ever.
Arderás en Ios infiernos por siempre jamás.
No, I don't, and one of these days you're going to be a hell of a reporter.
Un dia de estos serás una buena reportera. - Lo soy...
The day you croak you're going straight to hell.
El día que estires la pata te vas a ir derechito al infierno.
you're going to be terrific. don't let it go to your head. I can handle success a hell of a lot better... than I can handle a root canal.
Puedo manejar el éxito mucho mejor que un empaste.
- I said, you're making waves. - What the hell does going too fast... got to do with being in the Cannonball? - You're bothering the people.
¡ Dije que las olas que levantas molestan a la gente!
- I mean, you know... suppose you're going through some kind of hell in your own life. Well, you would love to know if your friends have experienced similar things.
Cuando pasamos por una tragedia, nos gustaría saber si a nuestros amigos les ha pasado lo mismo.
And you're going to hell.
Y vas a ir al infierno.
What the hell do you care? You're going to tell me everything.
Ahora eres tú quien me lo dirá todo.
and you're going to rot in hell for it!
¡ Y se pudrirá en el infierno por eso!
Oh, you're going to hell for that one. Here's a coincidence :
"Por eso te mereces ir directo al infierno".
- You're going to hell.
Iremos al infierno.
You're going straight to Hell!
never feed a man when you can feed yourself twice, and if you're going to rot on a couch in hell, the least your husband can do is to burn right beside you.
nunca alimentes a un hombre lo menos que tu esposo puede hacer es quemarse a tu lado.
You know, you're going to go to hell for lying like that.
¿ Sabes que vas a ir al infierno por mentir así?
You're going to make a hell of a lawyer, sweetheart.
- ¡ Serás una gran abogada!
Tell you what... sir, you're going to see a hell of a reunion in a few minutes.
En unos minutos verá una reunión emotiva.
And you're going to hell!
Tu irás al infierno
You're going to have to share your hooch with somebody, so I figured, what the hell, why not me?
Te tocaba igualmente compartir la barraca con alguien así que me dije, qué demonios, ¿ por qué no yo?
It's going to take a hell of a lot more than that to prove you're better than me!
¡ Vas a necesitar mucho más que eso para ganarme!
Oh, what the hell - Nah, so we're just going to leave right now, and you guys can get back to whatever it is you were doing, OK?
- Así que nos iremos ahora mismo... y ustedes pueden regresar a lo que estaban haciendo.
You had to come through the window of her mind, but now you're in my dominion. And now... we're going to Hell.
Tuviste que entrar por la ventana de su mente pero ahora estás en mis dominios y ahora...
Johnny, you're already going to Hell for all eternity, so... what do you care?
Ya iras al infierno... - Por qué no?
Till then, you're going to spend the day in hell!
Hasta entonces, pasarás el día en el infierno.
We're gonna catch some terrorists. We're gonna beat the crap out of them. You're going to feel a hell of a lot better.
Atrapamos terroristas, les damos una zurra, te sentirás mucho mejor.
Hell! Jim, you're not going to waste the whole day lying around, are you?
¿ Te vas a pasar el día holgazaneando?
My grandmother said you're going to hell, she says you'll suffer eternal torture of a billion flames, hotter than the center of the Sun.
Mi abuela dice que te iras al infierno. que sufriras tortura eterna de un billon de flamas.... mas calientes que el sol.
You have made your hell... and now you're going to have to live in it.
Has creado tu infierno. Y ahora tendrás que vivir en él.
You're all going to hell.
Irán todos al infierno.
You're going to go to hell!
¡ Tú irás al infierno!

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