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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're going to love it

You're going to love it Çeviri İspanyolca

192 parallel translation
You're going to say you love me and mean it.
Tienes que demostrar que me quieres.
You're going to Love it, darling.
Debe ser muy bonito.
I think you're going to love it
Con cuidado, con cuidado no se vaya a romper.
You're going to love it.
Y ahora probaras esto...
If you're going to love, love so it hurts.
Si vas a amar, ama de forma que duela.
Leave me alone, I'm going to... - You're in love with him, confess it!
¡ Estás enamorada, confiésalo!
You're just going to love it here, Kitty.
Te va a encantar esto, Kitty.
You're going to love it.
Le encantará.
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si no hacemos el amor, ¿ por qué tienes que dármelo?
Spock, you're going to love it here.
Spock, esto le va a encantar.
You're going to love it.
Le vas a encantar.
If you're so sure that I've done something that's going to make lovable old Hiedeman suddenly drop dead in a few days, I'm sure the police would love to know about it.
Si está tan segura de que hice algo para que el viejo y querido Hiedeman caiga muerto en pocos días... sé que a la policía le encantará saberlo.
I just know you're going to love it.
Sé que te encantaría.
It's rather funny, you made love to Jeff here..... now you're going to do it with me.
Te divierte. Aquí hacías el amor con Jeff..... ahora lo vas a hacer conmigo.
Other than that, the act is fabulous and I just know you're going to love it.
Aparte de eso, la actuación es fabulosa y sé que le va a encantar.
If you're going to Vegas, I would be up for it because I love that town.
Si vas a Las Vegas, te acompaño, porque me encanta esa ciudad.
You're going to love it.
Te va a gustar.
Well, you're going to learn to love it.
Pues vas a aprender a disfrutarlo.
- You know you're going to love it.
- ¿ Sabes que vas a encantar.
I know the love that you have for this child,... but it will be nothing compared to the love that you're going to have for one made with our own flesh,... of our own blood.
Yo sé el cariño que tú le tienes a este niño, pero no será nada comparado con el amor que le vas a tener a uno hecho con nuestra propia carne, de nuestra propia sangre.
and, you know, speaking of tomorrow- - i love these segues- - we're going to continue that story of the gentleman- - i think it's some little town in virginia- - who has locked himself in a telephone booth
- y, lo sabes, hablando de mañana. - Amo esos... - Vamos a continuar con la historia de un caballero.
You're going to love it.
Te va a encantar.
You're going to love it!
¡ Les encantará! ¿ Qué tal?
- You're going to love it.
- Te va a encantar.
You're going to love it.
Ya veréis, es muy bonito.
You're going to love it.
Cada año tienen un festival griego y la chicas en toga...
You're going to love it, Kelly.
Te va a encantar, Kelly.
You're going to love it.
Eh, ¡ lindo país tienen allá afuera!
You're going to get colder and colder until, at last, you die of it. That's what it's like living with someone who doesn't love you.
Vas a sentir frío y más frío hasta que, al fin, mueres congelada
You're going to love it.
Te va a gustar mucho.
It's better if you're ugly. In any case, You're going to leave me, not love me.
Total, me vas a dejar, no vamos a ser novios.
Nonsense. You're going to love it.
Esas son tonterias... te va a encantar....
You're going to love it, Jack.
Te va a encantar.
You're going to love it.
Usted amará esto.
She's already used to it, and you're going to love it here, aren't you, boo-boo?
Ya está acostumbrada y este lugar te va a encantar, ¿ verdad, bebé?
I fell in love with you without knowing how lonely it would be to live without you after you're gone. Now that I'm going to die first, I don't have to worry about it.
Me enamoré de ti sin saber lo solo que iba a sentirme viviendo sin ti una vez que te fueras, pero, ahora que voy a morir antes, ya no es un problema.
Come on, Walsh, you're going to love it. I'm telling you, you're gonna love it.
Vamos, Walsh, te va a encantar.
believe me, you're going to love it here.
Créeme, te encantará.
Well too bad. You're all going to the planetarium tomorrow and you're all going to love it.
Bueno, mala suerte, todos irán al planetario mañana y a todos les va a gustar.
You're going to love it.
Esto te va a encantar.
"and you're going to love it."
"Y te va a encantar".
Let me have the central page, you're going to love it.
Guardame la p gina del medio, que tengo una noticia bomba, te va a encantar.
Te va a encantar el sitio, tiene un patio, una piscina...
If you're going to love that one person, it has to be a seventeen year-old student?
Y esa única persona a la que amas no será un estudiante de diecisiete años, ¿ no? .
- You love him, and you got scared... and you ran, but you're really going to regret it, and soon.
- Lo quieres y te asustaste... y huíste, pero lo vas a lamentar de veras, y pronto.
Te va a encantar.
At least have a quick look. I'm sure you're both going to love it.
AI menos echa un vistazo, seguro que os encantará.
In you go! You're going to love it.
Entra, seguro que te gustará.
You're just going to love it.
Simplemente vas a amarlo
You're going to love it here, kiddo.
¡ Cómo lo vas a pasar aquí, guapín!
You're going to love it on the farm, son.

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