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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're going to school

You're going to school Çeviri İspanyolca

635 parallel translation
Well, you're going to go to school... and learn something... and grow up to be somebody.
Bueno, irás a la escuela... aprenderás algo... y serás alguien cuando crezcas.
You're not going to school today either?
¿ Tampoco hoy vas a la escuela?
Claro que vas a volver a la escuela.
Oh, claro que vas a volver a la escuela.
And it's still good. What's the use of going to law school if you're gonna throw it over and play cops and robbers.
Porque aún es bueno. ¿ De qué sirve ir a la Facultad de Derecho si lo dejas y te pones a jugar a policías y ladrones?
I wanna know why you're not going back to school.
Quiero saber por qué no vas a regresar a la escuela.
You're not going to school, or anywhere else.
No irás a la escuela ni a ningún otro lugar.
I love you so terribly and I think you love me too, but we're both still going to school and we shouldn't be thinking about such things.
Te quiero mucho y tu a mí también, pero aún estamos estudiando y no podemos plantearnos estas cosas.
- You're not going to the high school?
- ¿ No piensa ir al liceo?
You're going to be late for school if you don't hurry.
Llegarás tarde a la escuela.
Starting tomorrow, you're going to a private school.
Desde mañana tu irás a una escuela privada.
Donna tells me you're going to the business school.
Dice Donna que viene a estudiar.
You're going back to school.
- Sí, el'Carnicero Tímido'. ¿ Va a volver a los estudios?
You're going to the school, right?
Vas a ir al colegio, ¿ verdad?
You're going back to school.
Vas a regresar a la escuela.
You're never going back to that school again.
No vas a volver a ese instituto.
You're going to a school in the country, the best one.
Irás a la escuela en el campo. La mejor.
You're not going back to the Fern School next year. - They don't want you anymore.
No quieren que asistas más a la escuela Fern.
- if you're not going to school any longer.
Quiero saber qué piensas hacer si no irás a la universidad.
Well, look, they're going to have a school, you see.
Oye, vamos a darles una escuela, ¿ comprendes?
You're not going to the club and the boys aren't going to school.
No vas a ir al club y los niños no van a ir al colegio.
Well, you're going away to school.
Por tanto, te voy a enviar a un colegio.
It's 11 : 20, if you're going to the school you'd better dress.
Llámela. Si quiere visitar la escuela, será mejor que se cambie.
You're staying here, but I'm going to gunnery school a thousand miles away.
Se quedarán aquí, y yo iré a la escuela de artillería a miles de kilómetros.
~ You're not going to school?
- ¿ No vas al colegio?
- You're going to school? !
- ¡ ¿ Vas a la escuela?
You forget, Anne, you're not going back to school next term.
Te olvidas, Anne, no volverás a la escuela el próximo curso.
If you're going to keep this up, then quit school!
Si quieres andar pegándote así mejor deja de ir a la escuela.
I'm wondering where you're going to run this little school, my little professor.
Quisiera saber dónde va a montar su escuela el señor profesor.
You're going to school.
Vas a ir a la escuela.
Starting tomorrow, you're going to school.
Desde mañana mismo vas a la escuela.
You're going to go to school.
Usted va a ir a la escuela.
Ivan, you're going to a military school.
Iván, tú irás a la escuela militar Suvorov.
Well, go on, get some breakfast, I'm going to Paris and you're off to school.
Bueno, anda, vamos a desayunar, que yo me voy a París y tú al colegio.
Well, we're... we're going to practice now and... let me tell you something. Trying to keep 27 children quiet in... a school building in the middle of summer the day before the fourth of july, that... that happens to be... well, that happens to be quite a... an accomplishment.
Tratar de mantener quietos a 27 niños en... un salón escolar en medio del verano un día antes del 4 de julio, es... puede ser... bueno, puede ser considerado... todo un logro.
Now you just finish your breakfast, and you'd better start dawdling, or you're going to be on time for school!
Termínate el desayuno... y empieza a demorarte, ¡ o llegarás a tiempo a la escuela!
Hasta que se cercioren de usted estaremos bajo máxima seguridad.
I hear you're going back to school.
Oí que volverás a estudiar.
You're going to art school to study as planned.
Vas a ir a estudiar a la escuela de arte como estaba planeado.
_ You're going back to school.
- Vas a volver a estudiar.
Hubert! You're going to be late for school!
- Hubert, vas a llegar tarde al colegio.
"You're welcome, I'm going to school"
De nada, me voy a clase
You're going to be very good. The name of the school is Reina de Los Angeles.
Se llama Reina de Los Angeles.
Do you really believe we're going to turn this school over to a bunch of kids who pay a few hundred dollars a year nominal tuition and that that qualifies them to run a university that has produced four governors, three senators and a president of the United States?
¿ De verdad crees que esta universidad cambiará por un grupo de chicos que pagan unos pocos cientos de dólares al año de matrícula nominal y que eso los califica para manejar una universidad que ha dado cuatro gobernadores, tres senadores y un presidente de los Estados Unidos?
If you're not going to school any more you have to find a job.
Si no vas a ir al colegio tienes que buscarte un trabajo.
You're not going to school tomorrow, are you?
¿ No irás a clases mañana, cierto?
You're going to Sunday school, aren't you?
Tú vas a catequesis, ¿ no?
"why is it necessary to marry me?" Because you're going to go to school when the feast days come.
Yo me dije : si él vaya por su propia voluntad, ¿ para qué necesito casarme?
If you fail, you're going to summer school.
Pues si has cateado, repites.
When you're at school and you want to quit, people say, "You're going to hate it out in the world."
Cuando estás en la escuela y quieres dejarlo, la gente te dice : "Vas a odiar el mundo real".
You're not going back to school? Is that final?
¿ Es definitivo lo de no volver a la escuela?

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