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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're going with me

You're going with me Çeviri İspanyolca

1,563 parallel translation
- You're going with me.
Sube conmigo.
No one wants to see you with Luke more than me. But what you're going through right now is gnarly.
No hay nadie que quiera verte con Luke más que yo pero ahora mismo estás pasando un momento muy malo
You're here because my mom would rather have me shipped off to a mental institution than have to deal with what's really going on.
Usted está aquí porque mi madre preferiría tenerme ingresada en una institución mental... que tener que tratar con lo que realmente pasa.
Odio que no puedas estar allí conmigo.
I'm not going home until you promise you're coming with me.
No pienso irme a casa hasta que me prometas que vendrás conmigo.
I'm going home with him and you're going home with Key lime custard.
Me voy a ir a casa con él y tú irás con la crema de lima de los Cayos.
Look, you better figure out how much you hate me... and how you're gonna deal with that...'cause I'm not going anywhere.
Será mejor que pienses cuánto me odias y cómo vas a lidiar con eso porque no me iré a ninguna parte.
Maybe it's because somebody's... messing with your car or they called on your mom, and you're going to take it out on me?
Quizás sea porque alguien arruinó tu auto o llamaron por tu mamá, ¿ y vas a desquitarte conmigo?
Sure you're not going to help me with this?
¿ Seguro que no me vas a ayudar con esto?
You're having trouble dealing with the fact that we just got married and now I'm going away for awhile
No puedes afrontar el que estemos recien casados, y yo me vaya.
You wanna come in tomorrow, tell me you're going with 47, I'm with you on it.
Si mañana me dices que irás a la 47, te apoyaré.
"Lill, we're going to take you to the final two with me."
"Lill, vas a ir a la final de 2 conmigo."
She just doesn't feel she can carry on going out with you while you're sleeping with me.
Pero siente que no puede seguir saliendo contigo mientras sigas acostándote conmigo.
You're gonna come with me and tell me what's going on.
Ahora vienes conmigo y me dices qué es lo que pasa.
If I'm going in, you're coming with me.
¿ Qué voy a meterme? Vendrás conmigo.
Ernesto, you're going to help me at the hospital with consultations.
Tú me vas a ayudar en el hospital con las consultas clínicas.
If you're going back to the airport I'll ride with you. By the route 73 cloverleaf, I'll have given myself to you in ways you have only read about in the drugstore.
Y después, si te vas al aeropuerto, iré contigo y en el trébol de la ruta 73 me entregaré a ti en maneras de las que sólo has leído.
Sebastian, you're going to be with me at Clarabelle's.
Sebastian, tu estaras conmigo en lo de Clarabelle.
You're driving me mad with all this coming and going.
Tú me vuelves loca con todo este ir y venir.
- I'm surprised you're going along with this.
Me sorprende que vengas.
I'm going to Paris, and you're not coming With me,
me voy a PARIZ y tu no vienes conmigo.
I change my schedule to meet you. I take four back-to-back flights, fly 27 hours straight literally around the world, and now you tell me you're going to spend July 4th with your wife?
Cambio mi horario para verte, tomo cuatro vuelos seguidos vuelo 27 horas seguidas, dándole la vuelta al mundo.
With everything that's happened This is how you're going to tell me?
¿ Con todo lo que ha pasado... esto es lo que vas a decirme?
You're going home with me.
Vendrás a casa conmigo.
You're not going with me?
¿ No vendrás conmigo?
Because you're going to help me out with this wedding
¿ Por qué? Porque vas a ayudarme con esta boda, por eso.
- oh, and the whole house is really creepy so you're going to stay with me common -
Todo en esa casa es preocupante, asi que, te quedarás conmigo Vamos.
Oh, I'm afraid you're going to be stuck with me for a while.
Me temo que vas a tener que aguantarme bastante.
You're starting to piss me off with your stupid anti-French comments so you're going to stop the car because I'm getting out of it!
¡ Me estás empezando a joder con tus estúpidos comentarios antifranceses así que vas a tener que frenar porque me voy a bajar!
At least I'd like to know what you're going to do with all this money!
¡ Por lo menos me gustaría saber que van a hacer con toda esta plata!
But you're going to come with me!
Pero vas a venir conmigo.
You're going to have to totally hook me up with that recipe.
La mejor postura de la oficina, Allison.
You're going to that party with me.
Vas a ir a esa fiesta conmigo.
You're going to be with me.
Estarás conmigo.
And you're in some room with some fucking stranger going, "I like baseball."
Y estás en un cuarto con otros malditos extraños diciendo : "Me gusta el béisbol."
- You're going with me.
- Tú vienes conmigo.
Listen, if you're fucking with me... we're going to have to snuff you.
Escucha, si me estás jodiendo, te vamos a tener que matar.
- You're going with me.
Tu vienes conmigo.
I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you to believe, but you're going to cooperate with us.
Me imagino lo difícil que te resulta creer esto, pero cooperarás.
- and one fine CD of him singing "Love is in the Air." - Well, I would never, uh... do this while you were still going out, but, uh... if you're done with her, I'd sure like a crack at her.
Yo nunca... lo haría mientras tú salieras, pero... si la dejas, me gustaría hacerle la lucha.
Greg, you're going to be with me, your final proficiency.
Greg, Tú vendrás conmigo, Tu prueba final.
I know you're mad at me. I'm sorry I didn't stop you going out with that guy.
Sé que estás enfadada conmigo y siento no haberte impedido salir con ese hombre.
You're going to leave me with an awful mess to clean up. Doctor.
Va a dejarme con un horrible desorden que limpiar.
I work with some people who are going to be... pretty angry at me for telling you this... but you're going to be an integral part of forming that Federation.
Trabajo con alguna gente que se va a enfadar un poco por decirte esto, pero vas a ser una parte fundamental en la creación de esa Federación.
It's not like I'm going around with Ephram saying we're gonna get married which is exactly what you were doing when you were even younger than me.
El que tu no elijas esto, de todos los momentos que podias elegir para regresar a la infancia. Cómo es infantil el saber que algo es importante para mi?
And I'd like to introduce you to Katie Harper. You're going to be reading with her.
Y me gustaría presentarte a Katie Harper vas a ensayar con ella.
Listen to me. You can do whatever you want with your life, but you're not going to waste it.
Escúchame, puedes hacer lo que quieras con tu vida.
Mate, I know you're pissed off about me going to Aberdeen with Soph and everything, but you need to chill, OK?
Amigo, sé que estás enojado porque iré con Soph a Aberdeen y todo eso pero tienes que calmarte, ¿ está bien?
I'm afraid you're going to have to deal with a very distraught fiancée when you get home.
Me temo que vas a tener que hacerte cargo de una angustiada prometida cuando llegues a casa.
It's La Traviata, and you're going with me.
Es La Traviata y vas a venir conmigo.
Kill me? You never killed anybody, and you're going to start with the big dog?
Nunca has matado a nadie ¿ y vas a empezar con un perrote?

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