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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're gonna have to kill me

You're gonna have to kill me Çeviri İspanyolca

123 parallel translation
You're gonna have to kill me, or I'll kill you.
Tendrás que matarme o te mataré yo.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Va a tener que matarme.
Then you're gonna have to kill me to stop me.
Entonces, tendrás que matarme para detenerme.
You're gonna have to kill me, Ace.
Tendrás que matarme, Ace.
You're just gonna have to kill me.
Tendrá que matarme.
If that's not enough, I guess you're gonna have to kill me.
Si no es suficiente, tendrá que matarme.
You want any of this, you're gonna have to kill me for it.
Quieres algo de esto, Tendrás que matarme si quieres algo.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vas a tener que matarme.
You're gonna have to kill me to keep me away from Lula.
Tendrá que matarme para separarme de Lula.
They won't let go that guy out and you're gonna have to kill me.
No van a soltar a aquel tipo y tú tendrás que matarme.
You're gonna have to kill me!
¡ Tendrás que matarme!
You're gonna have to kill me if you want your stinkin'piece of gold.
Tendrá que matarme si quieres tu maldita pieza de oro.
In that case, I'm afraid that we're just gonna have to kill you.
En ese caso, me temo que tendremos que matarlo.
You're gonna have to kill me, because I'm not dragging those people in that house into this.
Tendrán que matarme porque no meteré a esa gente en esto.
Listen, asshole, from now on, if you're gonna be staying with us, you are gonna have to listen to me'cause if you don't, I will kill you myself and leave you out there with those bugs.
Mira, imbécil, de ahora en adelante te quedarás con nosotros y me harás caso a mí, porque si no lo haces te mataré yo mismo y te dejaré abandonado con los mosquitos.
I ain't goin'back there. You're gonna have to kill me first.
No voy a volver a allá Primero tendrás que matarme.
I guess you're gonna have to try and kill me yourself, huh?
- Creo que tendrás que matarme solo.
Duncan, if you care about me, you're gonna have to kill Barnes now!
¡ Duncan, si te importo, tienes que matar a Barnes ahora!
You're gonna have to kill me!
Tendrás que matarme!
You're gonna have to kill me?
¿ Tendrás que matarme?
I'm not gonna, you're gonna have to kill me.
No voy a hacerlo, tendrás que matarme.
I say... you're gonna have to kill me.
Que... tendrás que... matarme.
- You're gonna have to kill me first.
- tendrian que matarme primero.
She's right. It's the only way. You're gonna have to kill me.
Tiene razón... es de la única forma... van a tener que matarme.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Vais a tener que matarme.
- Well, you're gonna have to kill me.
Vas a tener que matarme.
That means if anything should go wrong with Angelus you're gonna have to kill me.
Eso significa, que si algo sale mal con Angelus, eres el que va a tener que matarme. - OK.
- Because you're gonna have to "Kill Bill" me to get me into that...
- Porque tendrás que hacerme "Kill Bill" para...
You wanna kill me, you're gonna have to do it from inside the building.
Entonces si quieren matarme, tendrán que hacerlo desde el interior.
But you're gonna have to kill me, too.
Nadie lo sabe.
You're gonna have to kill me, Sharp.
Vas a tener que matarme, Sharp.
Then you're gonna have to kill me, Lucas.
Entonces tendrás que matarme a mí, Lucas.
But you want to fight, you're gonna have to kill me.
Pero si quieres pelear, vas a tener que matarme.
You want to take me out of here, you're gonna have to kill me first.
Si quieres sacarme de aquí, tendrás que matarme antes.
- You're just gonna have to kill me.
- Tendrá que matarme.
You're gonna have to kill me, Morgan!
¡ Tendrás que matarme, Morgan!
You're gonna have to fucking kill me, Morgan!
¡ Mierda, tendrás que matarme, Morgan!
You're gonna have to kill me, Morgan!
¡ Vas a tener que matarme, Morgan!
You're gonna have to fucking kill me, Morgan!
¡ Maldito, vas a tener que matarme, Morgan!
- No, no more, you kill her, you're gonna have to kill me.
- No, no si la matas a ella, tendrás que matarme a mí.
If you kill her, you're gonna have to kill me first.
Si la matas, tendrás que matarme a mi primero.
You're just gonna have to kill me first.
Tendrás que matarme primero.
So, I guess you're gonna have to kill me.
Así que, supongo que tendrás que matarme.
You're gonna have to kill me here.
Me tendrás que matar aquí.
You're gonna have to kill me!
¡ Tendrá que matarme!
Well, thank you,'cause they're gonna have to kill me, too.
Pues, gracias, porque van a tener que matarme a mí también.
Well, if she's not leaving, you're gonna have to kill me.
Pues si ella no se va, tendrás que matarme.
You boys want to see that launcher, you're gonna have to follow me out. 'cause I'm gonna kill my little brother.
Si quieren ver ese lanzamisiles van a tener que seguirme, porque voy a matar a mi hermano menor.
So, you're gonna have to kill me.
- Así que tendrás que matarme.
But you're gonna have to kill me to keep olivia and me apart.
Pero vas a tener que matarme si quieres apartarnos a Olivia y a mí.
If you want the core, you're gonna have to kill me.
Si quieres el núcleo tendrás que matarme.

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