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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're gonna have to leave

You're gonna have to leave Çeviri İspanyolca

213 parallel translation
You're gonna have to leave town.
Tienes que irte.
you're gonna have to be on a leash anytime you leave the yard.
irás con correa cada vez que sales del jardín.
Look, you're just gonna have to leave it with me.
Yo me encargaré.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave for a few days. Mr. Eldridge.
Me temo que van a tener que marcharse unos días, Señor Albridge.
Well, what I mean is that, according to this... you're either gonna have to leave the force or be -
Lo que digo es que, de acuerdo con esto... tendrás que abandonar la fuerza o serás- -
You're gonna have to leave her alone, Vince.
Tendrâs que dejarla en paz, Vince.
If you're not outta there in five minutes, I'm gonna have to leave without ya.
Si no estás fuera en cinco minutos, voy a tener que irme sin ti.
You're gonna have to leave. I'm sorry...
Lo siento, tendrá que irse.
Sorry, you're gonna have to leave, ma'am.
- Lo siento, debe irse. - ¿ Por qué?
You're gonna have to leave here soon before he makes his move on you.
Tendrás que marcharte pronto... antes de que se lance sobre ti.
You're gonna have to leave. I'll call the police.
Ud. debe irse o llamaré a la policía.
But we're gonna have to leave now if you're gonna make your plane.
Pero vamos a tener que salir ahora si vas a hacer que su avión.
Because sooner or later, you're gonna have to leave everybody.
Tarde o temprano, tendrás que dejar a todos.
If you're gonna tell me about your infidelities... I will have to leave you forever.
Si me cuentas tus infidelidades tendré que dejarte para siempre.
And, although it's gonna leave a big void right in the middle of our lives it means that you're going to have a chance to live a life with dignity and purpose.
Es un palo del techo del garaje. El garaje con el que chocaste hace ya casi 4 años. Lee lo que dice.
You're gonna have to leave.
Usted tiene que irse.
John, you're gonna have to leave here.
John, tendrás que salir.
But if the escort babe shows up you're gonna have to leave.
Pero si la acompañante viene te vas a tener que ir.
Well, congratulations... but, at least on a temporary basis... you're gonna have to leave the island.
- Bueno, felicitaciones. Pero, al menos por ahora, tendrán que dejar la isla.
Sir, you're gonna have to leave.
Señor, va a tener que marcharse.
Listen, asshole, from now on, if you're gonna be staying with us, you are gonna have to listen to me'cause if you don't, I will kill you myself and leave you out there with those bugs.
Mira, imbécil, de ahora en adelante te quedarás con nosotros y me harás caso a mí, porque si no lo haces te mataré yo mismo y te dejaré abandonado con los mosquitos.
If you don't all leave right now, we're gonna have to start making arrests!
Si no se marchan todos ahora mismo, ¡ vamos a tener que comenzar a arrestarles!
You're gonna have to ask us to leave, right?
¿ Vino a pedir que nos retiremos, no?
You want us to leave, you're gonna have to shoot me. In fact, I would prefer it.
Si quiere que nos vayamos, tendrá que dispararnos.
Excuse me, hon. You're gonna have to leave.
Oye, bombón, tienes que marcharte.
You're gonna have to leave too.
Tú también te vas.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave, Mr. Kent. Now!
Temo que debe marcharse, señor Kent. ¡ Ahora!
Gabrielle, you're gonna have to leave town.
Gabrielle, vas a tener que abandonar el pueblo.
You're gonna have to leave.
Deben irse de aqui
You're gonna have to leave now.
Lo siento. Deben irse.
Hey, you're gonna have to leave. Now.
Hey, vas a tener que irte ahora, ok?
What about Susanna? You're gonna have to leave her.
Tendrás que dejarla.
But you're gonna have to ride out with them when they leave tomorrow.
Pero tendrás que irte con ellos mañana.
I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to leave. - You're getting my customers nauseous.
- Mis clientes se están poniendo mal.
- You're gonna have to leave, I'm sorry.
- ¿ Y Ud. es...?
Will. excuse me. but you're gonna have to leave. 'cause I'm in the middle of a very lovely dinner party with my friends.
Will, disculpa, pero tendrás que irte porque estoy en medio de una cena encantadora con mis amigos.
I think you're gonna have to leave, Harry.
Creo que tendrás que irte, Harry.
You're gonna have to leave.
Debo pedirle que se vaya.
If you want to leave, we'll fix the car and you're gone. Since all your old friends are gonna be here, I figured you'd be up late. Might be nice to have a comfortable place to crash.
Si quieres irte, arreglaré el auto para que te vayas pero hoy vienen tus amigos y se quedarán hasta tarde quería que tuvieras donde dormir.
The thing is, if you don't leave now... then we're gonna have to end the night together.
Si no te vas ahora vamos a tener que terminar la noche todos juntos.
If we're gonna talk about me you're gonna have to leave.
Si vamos a hablar de mí vas a tener que irte.
You're gonna have to leave'cause I got some things to do.
Tendrás que irte porque tengo cosas que hacer.
- You're gonna have to leave immediately.
- Debe dejar el hotel enseguida.
You're gonna have to leave immediately.
Van a tener que salir inmediatamente. Mexico.
You're gonna have to leave once your tourist visa expires.
Tendrás que irte cuando tu visado de turista expire.
I'm sorry. Hag Number 12, you're gonna have to leave.
Lo siento, entrenador número 12, tiene que salir.
Timmy! But nobody can leave until 7 : 00 a. m. So if you want to have a good time, you're all just gonna have to learn to get along.
Pero nadie puede irse antes de las 7 de la mañana, si quieren pasar un buen rato, tienen que aprender a estar juntos.
You're gonna have to leave her.
Tendrás que dejarla a ella.
You're gonna have to leave, I'm afraid.
Van a tener que salir, me temo.
But I'm warning you, if I call and tell her it's on... and then you change your mind and want to back out... we're gonna have to leave the country and have extensive facial surgery... and sex changes.
Pero te advierto que si la llamo y le digo que sí... y luego tú cambias de idea y no quieres ir... tendremos que abandonar el país, hacernos una cirugía estética mayor... y cambiar de sexo.
- We're gonna have to make you leave.
- David Aceveda. Para la gente común.

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