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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're having a laugh

You're having a laugh Çeviri İspanyolca

67 parallel translation
Talk? You're having a laugh. I know what they need.
¡ Debería hacer otra cosa, no hablar!
You're right. They may be having a good laugh about this right now.
Tienes razón, pueden estar riendo en este momento.
You can have egg or bacon. "He went," You're having a fucking laugh, cunt. "
Puedes tener huevo o tocino. "Eres un maldito hazme reír".
- You're having a laugh, ain't you?
- Te estás riendo.
I couldn't just shoot him first, though, mate. You're having a laugh, isn't you? [Laughs]
Pero no podría humillarlo con sólo un golpe, ¿ sabes?
You're having a laugh, ain't you?
Te estás divirtiendo, ¿ no?
You're having a fucking laugh.
Te estás riendo de mí, mierda.
You're having a laugh.
Me está haciendo reír.
- You're having a laugh, ain't you?
Me estás tomando el pelo ¿ no?
You're having a laugh. No, I'm not.
- Te ríes.
While you're having a good laugh... let me just mention that your little scheme isn't gonna work.
- Sí. Mientras te burlas voy a decir que tu treta no va a funcionar.
You're having a laugh, aren't you, Bunny?
Nos está vacilando, ¿ verdad, Bunny?
- You're having a laugh!
- ¡ Estás bromeando!
You're having a laugh.
Te burlas de mí.
I said, " You're having a laugh!
Yo dije, " ¡ Estás bromeando!
But you're having a laugh, aren't you?
Pero te estás divirtiendo, ¿ no?
One minute we are having a laugh and the next is kind of like you're not even there, you know?
En un momento lo estamos pasamos en grande y el siguiente... es como si estuvieras en otra parte, ¿ sabes?
You're better off just... having a laugh, getting pissed, and forgetting all about it.
Te irá mucho mejor, si lo que haces es reírte un poco, emborracharte y olvidarte de todo.
Laugh it up. But you're not gonna be laughing when I'm gone and you're having this conversation with a ladder.
Pero no te vas a estar riendo cuando ya no este y estés teniendo esta conversación con una escalera.
You're having a laugh!
¡ Me estás tomando el pelo!
You're having a laugh.
Me estás tomando el pelo.
I heard a rumor that you had gone funny in the head, but I didn't know how funny you're having a laugh sunshine he's planted a bomb, innocent people are going to die
He oído el rumor de que se te había ido la cabeza, pero no sabía lo gracioso que podía ser verte con esa cara de idiota. Ha colocado una bomba, va a morir gente inocente.
Okay. You're having a laugh.
Te estás burlando de mí.
You're having a fucking laugh, ain't you?
Estás bromeando, ¿ no?
You're having a laugh? You're having a laugh?
Estás bromeando?
You're having a fucking laugh!
Pero que maldita.
You're having a laugh, ain't you?
Está bromeando, ¿ no?
What the fuck do you think you're doing? I'm having a laugh.
¿ Qué carajo estás haciendo?
You're having a fuckin laugh ain't ya?
No te ves bien, viejo. Muy bien, maldito puto. ¿ 20 libras?
You're having a laugh, aren't you?
¿ Le hace gracia, verdad? Gracias, Spence.
Please tell me you're having a laugh.
Por favor, dígame que está teniendo una risa.
You're having a laugh int'ya?
¿ Estás bromeando?
You're having a laugh, isn't you?
Te estás burlando, ¿ no?
You're having a good laugh.
Parece que se están divirtiendo.
As soon as youee someone go by, you laugh, act like you're having a great time.
Tan pronto como vean a alguien pasando se ríen, actuando como si estuvieran pasándolo genial.
- You're having a laugh, in't ya?
- ¿ Están bromeando? - No.
You're having a laugh.
Me matas de risa.
You know, they're schoolgirls having a laugh, finding a bit of food along the way.
Ya sabes, las chicas se ríen, pastoreo poca comida todo el camino.
You're having a laugh at me.
No respondía bien a la palabra "No"
Is that your version of no more garbage, or you're just having a little laugh at my expense?
¿ Es esa tu versión de no más basura, o es que te echando unas risas a mis expensas?
And you're having a good laugh about this, even if it's only on the inside.
Aunque sea sólo por dentro.
You're having a laugh, aren't you?
Te hace gracia, ¿ verdad?
You're having a fucking laugh.
Te estás burlando de mí.
You're having a laugh!
¡ Te estas riendo!
You're having a laugh?
- ¿ Te estás riendo?
Yes. You're having a laugh, are you?
- Es una broma, ¿ verdad?
I'm going, " You're having a laugh, ain't ya?
No mires Le digo :
Oh, you're having a fucking laugh!
¡ Esto tiene que ser una puta broma!
- You're having a laugh!
- ¡ Me tomas el pelo!
You're having a laugh, aren't ya?
Te estás divirtiendo, ¿ no?
- You're having a laugh. Look at him!
- Se está riendo. ¡ Míralo!

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