You're my wife Çeviri İspanyolca
1,475 parallel translation
You're saying my wife's spirit is trapped in this house?
¿ Dicen que el espiritu de mi esposa esta atrapado en esta casa?
And do you, my handsome nephew take Natalie to be your lawful wedded wife through the good times and the bad times and the times she won't talk to you for months and even worse, when she will so you pretend you're asleep so she'll leave you alone but you lie there listening to her grind her teeth hour after hour like a fucking hacksaw?
¿ Y tú, mi guapo sobrino tomas a Natalie por tu esposa legal para compartir los tiempos buenos y los malos y las veces en que no te habla durante meses y, lo que es peor, cuando sí te hable y tengas que fingir estar dormido de noche para que te deje en paz pero estés ahí, escuchando cómo rechina los dientes hora tras hora...
I know, you're not supposed to give a toss and all that, but as a rule my wife does all right.
Sé que debería pasar, y mi mujer suele hacerlo bien.
You're trying to steal my promised wife! Let's do it right now!
Arreglemos esto ahora!
You're saying my wife's spirit is trapped in this house?
¿ Dicen que eI espíritu de mi esposa está atrapado en esta casa?
Look, whatever you think, this is my personal business you're prying into - Your wife had affairs with two men.
Mire, sea lo sea que piense, éste es mi asunto personal y usted está husmeando en él.
I can orb you because you're my wife, but I'm not a cosmic taxi for the whole family.
Puedo teletransportarte porque eres mi esposa, pero no soy un taxi cósmico para toda la familia.
You were my first choice for pretend-wife, you're just not blonde enough.
Fuiste mi primer opción como esposa falsa. Pero no eres suficientemente rubia.
My wife says you're trying to get kids to smoke.
Mi esposa dice que quieren que los niños fumen.
One minute you're trying to get under my hood... and the next minute, you don't want to leave your wife.
Un momento intentas seducirme... y al siguiente, no quieres dejar a tu mujer.
Yeah. I miss you too...'cause... you're my wife and all.
Sí, yo también, porque eres mi esposa.
You see, I was pressuring my wife to make love in front of our son, you're gonna laugh when you hear this, when suddenly...
Verá, estaba presionando a mi esposa para hacer el amor delante de nuestro hijo. Se va a reír cuando oiga esto. Cuando de pronto...
That's my wife you're talking about.
Está hablando de mi esposa.
My wife, Denise, says you're gonna send Michael home, is that true?
Mi esposa, Denise, dice que enviará a Michael a casa, ¿ es cierto?
You're talking about the mother of my wife!
- Pensarás en silencio.
But you, my dear. You're the pretty, young, sympathetic little wife.
Pero tú, querida, eres la joven esposa comprensiva.
Since you're both here, now is as good a time as any to tell you that I have received a letter from my wife and she has more or less agreed to give me a divorce.
Ya que los dos están aquí, es el momento perfecto para decirles que recibí una carta de mi esposa en la que prácticamente me está dando el divorcio.
Hey... my wife you're talking about there, putz.
Hey... estás hablando de mi esposa, estúpido.
But you're my brother's wife.
Pero eres la esposa de mi hermano.
I want some goddamn pictures of my wife You're her mother!
Quiero unas malditas fotos de mi esposa ¡ Tu eres su madre!
We're here to find your wife and my ticket. You got that?
Estamos aquí para encontrar a tu mujer y mi billete.
Touch my wife, and you're dead meat!
Si tocas a mi mujer te pulverizo.
When I gave my vows to you in mariage. - You made a good mariage you're Ceasar's wife!
Aceptar tus honores deshonraría mi nombre.
You're my wife.
Eres mi esposa.
You're my wife!
¡ Eres mi esposa!
Yeah, you're like my wife.
Es verdad, pareces mi mujer.
Hey, you're talking about my wife.
Ya vale, que estás hablando de mi mujer.
You're working with my wife against me.
Tú y mi esposa están en mi contra.
You're not my wife any more.
Ya no eres mi esposa.
- You're not my wife anymore.
- Ya no eres mi esposa, Sherry.
Yeah. Cheryl, you're either his sister or my wife.
Cheryl, eres su hermana o mi esposa.
Cheryl, tu eres mi esposa.
Belief against belief that you'll come and save me, that I'm still your wife, and you're still my husband.
La creencia en contra de la creencia que vas a venir y salvarme, que sigo siendo tu esposa, y sigues siendo mi marido.
You're not my wife.
Tú no eres mi esposa.
- Because you're my wife.
- Porque eres mi esposa.
Next you're gonna ask me when I stopped beating my wife.
Luego me preguntarás cuando dejé de golpear a mi esposa.
You're my wife, Tamsin.
Eres mi esposa, Tamsin.
You're Karen, my wife.
Tú eres Karen, mi mujer.
My ex-wife was an orthodox Jew, and now you're a rich girl.
Mi ex esposa era judía ortodoxa y tú eres una niña rica.
You're my wife.
Eres mi mujer.
Oh Lord, I know my new wife is a little more peppermint than you're used to. But I know you'd want me to honor my sacred vows.
Señor, sé que mi nueva esposa es un poco más picante de lo que estás acostumbrado pero sé que querrías que cumpliera con mis votos sagrados.
You're talking about my wife, man.
Hablas de mi mujer, tío.
A roomful of guys making fun of my wife... and you're not gonna let me deal with this?
Un grupo de tipos se burla de mi esposa... ¿ y tú no me dejas tomar venganza?
You're starting to sound like my wife.
Empiezas a parecerte a mi mujer.
That's my wife you're fucking in there!
Es mi esposa la que te coges allí.
You're wrecking my wife's tables.
Estás destrozando las mesas de mi esposa.
You're a despicable man... and you cost me the life of my wife.
Usted es un hombre despreciable... y por su culpa murió mi mujer.
You are my wife ; you're not like her.
Tú eres mi esposa ; no eres como ella.
You're not my girlfriend. You're my wife already
Tu ya no eres mi novia, ya eres mi esposa
You're telling me this guy is dead and the reason we were brought here is he wants to try to get jiggy with my wife?
¿ Dice que está muerto y que estamos aquí para que seduzca a mi esposa?
You're telling me all I have to do is find this key, then I'm gonna walk out of here with my wife and kids?
Si encuentro esta llave, ¿ me puedo ir con mi esposa e hijos?
you're my rock 22
you're my hero 133
you're my best friend 278
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my brother 182
you're my mom 23
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76
you're my family 62
you're my hero 133
you're my best friend 278
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my brother 182
you're my mom 23
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76
you're my family 62