You're the king Çeviri İspanyolca
844 parallel translation
Even if you were the king, in my eyes, you're only worth 10 won.
Incluso si fueras Jefe de Estado, es sólo un centavo para mí.
Aye, and you're standing in the first unplundered tomb of a king that died nearly 700 years ago.
Estás en la primera tumba intacta de un rey... que murió hace casi 700 años.
If you're the king of Israel, down from the cross.
Si eres el rey de Israel, desciende de la cruz.
Think you're the king, do you?
¿ Te crees el rey?
Gypo, me boy, you're a king, and the descendant of kings and I'd fight for you and die for you if the time comes.
Gypo, amigo, eres un rey, y descendiente de reyes y yo pelearía y moriría por ti si hiciera falta.
You're in the king's navy.
Están enrolados en la marina real.
The king's ship, you mean, and you're not fit to command it.
El del Rey, y usted no está en condiciones.
You're the king of parasites!
¡ Es usted un parásito!
I wouldn't trust Ruthven's pledge or Morton's but after all, corrupt as you are, you're a Stuart, the son of a king.
No confiaría en la palabra de Rutherford, ni en la de Morton pero, por más corrupto que seáis, sois un Estuardo, hijo de un rey.
You're an old king and you've had all the women you want.
Eres un rey viejo. Ya tuviste todas las mujeres que querías.
You're the King.
Sois el Rey.
If anyone comes to see the king, you're to say that he's asleep.
Si alguien viene a ver al rey, le dice que está durmiendo.
You're bound in honor to play the king's part.
Su honor le obliga a interpretar al rey.
So you're going to marry the King of Persia?
Entonces ¿ te casarás con el rey de Persia?
The sooner you're crowned king...
Cuanto antes seáis coronado...
We're poor outlaws, with nothing to eat but the king's deer while you have property, rents, and silver.
Somos proscritos y sólo tenemos venados para comer mientras que vos poseéis tierras, rentas y plata.
That's the king's property you're talking about.
Está hablando de propiedad del rey.
You're not French, you need no favors from the king of France.
No es francés, no necesita favores del rey de Francia.
You're hiding from the King's justice?
- ¿ Huís de la justicia del Rey?
If the King finds out you're not a lady, you'll be taken by the guards to the Tower of London, Where your head Will be cut off... as a warning to other presumptuous flower girls.
Y si el rey se entera de que no eres una dama,... sus guardias te llevarán a la Torre de Londres,... donde te cortarán la cabeza... y será un escarmiento para las demás floristas.
According to the King's proclamation, you're a criminal.
Según la proclamación del Rey, usted es un criminal.
I do fear you, because you're flattered by the praise of fools until you think you'd make a better king than I a queen.
Te temo, porque te halagan los cumplidos de los tontos. Crees que serías mejor como rey, que yo como reina.
You're just as aware as we are that the French people would like to see their legitimate king return.
Ud. sabe sin duda, igual que nosotros, que el pueblo francés... desea el regreso de su rey legítimo.
You're letting the act down, and that's no good, King.
Dejas caer el acto y eso no es bueno.
Just think of all the lands and the peoples you're going to see, and all at the king's expense.
¡ Tierras, pueblos a descubrir, y todo a expensas del rey! Cualquiera daría su alma por ello.
I sailed the Main with you, Morgan... and if you're crawling under the king's flag... I'll keep sailing it without you!
He navegado contigo, Morgan... pero si te arrastras bajo el rey... navegaré sin ti.
Oh, sure, sure, you're the Prime Minister and I'm King Louis XV.
Sí, claro, eres el Primer Ministro. Y yo soy el rey Louis XV.
how time flies i twice broke the bank playing cards at the palais-royale so you're rich i should have a hundred louis, father, if i'd not spent them i bet you have at versailles, your son was presented to the king and madame pompadour
Cómo pasa el tiempo. Hundí la banca dos veces jugando a las cartas en el Palais-Royale. Entonces eres rico.
Just the king of Siam, you are, if you're saying so.
Aunque podría ser el rey de Siam si Ud. lo dice.
So you're the king.
Por lo tanto, ¿ tú eres el rey?
Joe.. you're a King.. the best.
Joe, eres un Rey, el mejor.
It is written that you must be mine because you're the king of the Casbah and I am your queen.
Está escrito que tienes que ser mío porque ahora eres el rey de la Casbah y yo desde hace tiempo, la reina.
- Yes, but you're the king here.
- Sí, pero vos seguís siendo el rey.
You're now soldiers of the King.
Ustedes, ahora, son soldados del Rey.
If anybody comes to see the king, you're to say he's asleep.
Si alguien viene a ver al rey, dígale que está durmiendo.
You're bound in honor to play the king.
Se ha comprometido por su honor a interpretar al rey.
I know the King banned you from the Court because you're like her.
Sé que el rey os ha expulsado de la corte por vuestro parecido con ella.
If the King could see you like this he'd change his mind. You're so like him.
Si el rey pudiera veros como yo ahora, cambiaría de opinión.
You're Lord Protector against the King's wish.
Eres el Lord Protector en contra de la voluntad del difunto rey.
Sure, but you're the old word-king.
Sí, y estuve bastante nervioso.
But girls, you're not allowed to climb through the King's chamber window!
Pero, niñas, ¡ no pueden subirse a la ventana de la recámara del Rey!
Now you're taken from your farms in Bavaria and Prussia, and I, the King, shall say :
Ahora se los arranca de sus tierras en Baviera y en Prusia y yo, el Rey, he de decirles :
You're delaying King Edward and the Duke of Normandy.
Estás retrasando al Rey Edward y al Duque de Normandia.
They don't know you're the King.
Desconocen que usted es el rey.
You're the king of the ball, Dad.
Eres el que mejor la pasa, papá.
You're the incomparable Giacomo, King of Jesters and Jester to the King.
No eres mas Hubert Hawkins del carnaval, eres el incomparable Giacomo, rey de los bufones y bufon del rey.
OK King, you're the doctor!
Vale, Rey, usted manda.
In your own peculiar way you're still the King.
, Rico, en cualquier parte tú siempre eres el rey.
"Then, even if you're the King, I won't let you in".
"Entonces, aunque seas el Rey, no te dejo entrar".
- You're the king.
- Eres el rey.
That you re no longer the King s Champion.
Porque ya no sois el Campeón del Rey.
you're the best 629
you're the worst 63
you're the boss 305
you're the love of my life 40
you're there 132
you're the devil 36
you're the only one 89
you're the man 199
you're the one 134
you're the father 25
you're the worst 63
you're the boss 305
you're the love of my life 40
you're there 132
you're the devil 36
you're the only one 89
you're the man 199
you're the one 134
you're the father 25